Four viewing rooms filled with his guitars and amps. All hanging free and within reach but obviously you must toucheth not.
Not that it would make any noticeable difference if you did. The majority are absolutely filthy. Covered in dust and grime I would assume from their use over the decades and where/how he chose to store them.
I thought it a little odd how filthy some guitars looked in the pictures that I saw from the auction preview.
ISTR a rant from Jeff in an interview some years ago, about how guitarists who don’t look after their instruments can’t be regarded as serious players, because a good craftsman looks after his tools. Or words to that effect.
My impression from the photos was that these were guitars he hadn’t been playing for a good while. Perhaps ones he’d lost interest in.
Add a suitable first name and that could be a band, eg:
Jimi Twang and the Gear Buffs
I’m going on the 19th, with a bit of luck
Interestingly and oddly I was at the same place this time last year to view Knopfler’s charity auction of some 80 or so of his.
Oh excellent. I looked at this but thought it was in LA. I’m deffo in. I went to the Clapton, Gilmour, Knopfler and Rory so this is a cert.
I knew it… 😀
Diary constraints mean it’ll be Friday morning or not at all. Let’s hope the trains feel like running.
I went yesterday.
Four viewing rooms filled with his guitars and amps. All hanging free and within reach but obviously you must toucheth not.
Not that it would make any noticeable difference if you did. The majority are absolutely filthy. Covered in dust and grime I would assume from their use over the decades and where/how he chose to store them.
I thought it a little odd how filthy some guitars looked in the pictures that I saw from the auction preview.
ISTR a rant from Jeff in an interview some years ago, about how guitarists who don’t look after their instruments can’t be regarded as serious players, because a good craftsman looks after his tools. Or words to that effect.
My impression from the photos was that these were guitars he hadn’t been playing for a good while. Perhaps ones he’d lost interest in.