Hi all,
I have two tickets for Nick Cave & Warren Ellis at the Royal Albert Hall on Wednesday the 6th of October. Does anyone either want to swap for tickets on Thursday the 7th, or buy then off me?
Thanks, Chris
Musings on the byways of popular culture
by murkey 8 Comments
Hi all,
I have two tickets for Nick Cave & Warren Ellis at the Royal Albert Hall on Wednesday the 6th of October. Does anyone either want to swap for tickets on Thursday the 7th, or buy then off me?
Thanks, Chris
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He was jolly good in Bradford on Wednesday.
And finished with Into My Arms, which was worth the price of admission alone.
Apparently everything else (apart from a cover of TRex’s Cosmic Dancer) was from the last 2 albums (which I don’t own) Ghosteen and Carnage.
I was at Bradford too. Fantastic gig. There was a few old Bad seeds tunes like Henry Lee and God is in the house.
Forgot Henry Lee.
I was surprised to see that tickets are still available for this. The last time I remember Nick Cave playing the Sage, tickets went almost instantly, whereas this you can pretty much walk up on the night. Is this a covid thing, or is his appeal a little more selective these days? Or is ninety quid just too much to ask for a seat right at the back of the stalls?
I have to say, I was planning on skipping this tour, but I’m *really* being drawn to catching him down the road at the Stockton Globe, which sounds fabulous – a new reopened art deco theatre. It’s a bit of a drive but it looks a lot more appealing. And tickets are a lot cheaper too.
I think it’s a Covid thing. Mrs F is hesitant about going to see the magnificient Bjorn Again play a local small venue. Given the spread of covid since the schools went back, I think she has a point. I’m doubtful about the gig I’m supposed to be mixing next month – I might just supply the gear and let someone else do the sound while the audience are in.
I also have a problem with spending more than about 25 quid on a ticket for anything. Ill health meant I didn’t go out much for most of the noughties, and prices have overtaken my expectations.
I think it’s a combination of Covid, ticket price and the dates were only announced a few weeks ago.
I’d have blinked at £90. You can literally get a whole weekend festival ticket for £95, so it does seem a bit steep for one act with no support.
We got the £36 restricted view first dress circle tickets. The “restriction” turned out to be the metal bars that stop you falling down the stairs into the stalls. Which we avoided by leaning forward a little bit.
Our seats looked more comfortable than the stalls too.
The economics seem pretty good I’d have thought. 1500seats at say average of £60 is about £100k/night. 20 or so nights, so t/o of about £2m?
I wasnt quite sure why they needed 2 full size vans and one full size tour bus for 3 musicians, 3 backing singers and the crew. But I imagine they should make a few quid after accounting for the costs.
Hi Chris
I have two tickets for the Thursday that I’d like to swap for the Wednesday.
They are in the Choir area, and were £39 each – would you be interested in doing a swap?