I have quite a few songs that I think would work great in a film and right now, for the first time in ages, I am listening to The Go Betweens. “Streets Of Your Town” is leaping out at me; it’s crying out to be used in an early scene of “burgeoning love” in a superior romantic comedy.
Any other songs that folks play and find themselves imagining a film?
Both Frightened City and The Savage from The Shadows sound like they are just waiting for the right Tarrantino script to be placed as the introduction/theme music and washing over the closing credits
The Frightened City was actually the theme music for a movie called, er, The Frightened City. Starred Herbert Lom and a very young S. Connery.
Well that explains why it sounds like it should be a movie theme then
(note to self: do more research …)
Time Out From The World from Goldfrapp’s Supernature album is the great lost Bond Theme.
There are a couple of tracks on ‘Tales Of Us’ that are very Bond-possible, or Thomas Crown; ‘Stranger’, where the strings come in and her voice soars, and ‘Clay’.
Another one which would have made a good Bond Theme.
None more cinematic:
Perhaps Gerry could perform a new version and get Bob Hoskins to play the sax solo?
Straight To Hell should soundtrack some sort of urban alienation and decay
The title was used for the 1987 Alex Cox film, but the song not on the soundtrack. Shame really – given the cast it would’ve been great to hear a Joe Strummer / Pogues / Elvis Costello version
The soundtrack album to Cox’ s later film Walker was composed by Joe Strummer if that’s any help? It’s pretty good too
‘Straight to Shit, I call it.’ Cast member Kathy Burke’s blunt but fair assessment.
Straight to Hell the film was a quite magnificent disaster. Like a Comic Strip film with better music.
“Let’s give Alex Cox some money to go out into the desert and let him make the movie he’s always wanted to make. Great idea, right? ”
One does wonder if Alex Cox took A Fistful Of Travellers Cheques as his datum point for this movie.
Conceived as a parody of the Spaghetti Westerns – as it was filmed in Spain, dost it follow that it should be called a Paella Western?
“it’s a Euro Rover, old man!”
Yeah!! Everybody loves the Eagles!
Knock knock?
Who’s there?
Paul who?
Paul can you cash a giro or have you got any mandies?
How come there’s no soft toilet paper….
James Bond walks into a goth club …
They aren’t bad, that Depeche Mode. Are they?
They are pretty good, I’d say.
Another potential Bond theme…..
Sidenote: That Go-Betweens vid is among my very favourite videos of all time. Quite a few Sydney landmarks that no longer exist, or are changed beyond recognition. And Forster loitering around George St or Parramatta Road in a cape reading De Sade. Hilarious. That final shot with them walking toward camera and then off is lovely. Pretty sure that coming down from King St and into Macdonaldtown Station.
Something about videos with bands with both men and women in them. Almost as if they are more realised characters; maybe men-only bands are a little more generic in their poses. Feels like there’s more subtext. Some of Fleetwood Mac’s 80s videos share a similar feel. Seeing the band members paired off in different combinations feels more striking somehow. Hard to articulate. Or maybe it’s just that we know the bands contain romantic (or ex) partners.
Anyway, great vid. As per the OP, it’s already its own movie 🙂
I always felt that these were writing music for as yet unfilmed films or is that stating the bleedin’ obvious.
William D Drake. To be played at the close of a revenge movie as the tough-guy protagonist walks slowly away in slow motion while the bad guys’ lair is exploding behind. Im pretty sure thats never been done before
I was just listening to DuCool’s dark jazz favourites, Bohren & Der Club of Gore. Each of their tracks is a soundtrack waiting to be used.
Late-night, angstful, Teutonic, existential, moody …..Wim Wendersy, Fassbinding, Werner Herzogging….. But it would suit any film noir from Helsinki to Hawaii.