Inexplicably, with no fanfare at all, E4 started Series 3 of Nashville this week. We only found out, after the broadcast, when my wife spotted at snippet of information in the London Evening Standard.
It’s available for catch up on All 4 and I’m sure if you scour the TV listings you can also find a repeat showing before Episode 2 goes out next Wednesday.
However this lack of dedication to a previously popular show is something I’ve observed before on Channel 4 (and its offshoots). They don’t give it publicity, move the time slot around, say audiences are too low and drop the programme from the schedules (cf Homicide:Life On The Street and Tour De France coverage).
Meanwhile enjoy my favourite song from S2, Black Roses performed by Scarlett (Clare Bowen)
Twang says
Carl says
You forewarned us, but there is no start date given, which is why I thought it worth mentioning.
minibreakfast says
They’ve been teasing us and trailing it for weeks on E4. It used to be on More4 , didn’t it?
Twang says
Yes fair cop. First ep brilliant too.
James Blast says
You have a DM from me Brer.