Off to West Runton again for the weekend. While I walked through Sheringham forest to give my stepdad’s memorial bench a scrub and a fresh coat of teak oil, Mrs F meandered into Cromer. Then my phone started to buzz.
“There’s a new record shop in Cromer. I’ve been in for a chat and told them you’ll be in later. You’re going to love it.”
She was right. Another Planet is a pop-up shop in a side street, run by Racheal, who would fit right in on here.
Six crates of bargains (LPs 2 quid, 12″ singles a quid), 6 crates of sensibly-priced S/H LPs (most £4 or £5, not much over a tenner), a couple of crates of new vinyl at £20+, some CDs & DVDs, badges, etc.
I spent an hour there and blew 40 quid in a blink. I could have easily made it a ton if Mrs H hadn’t been watching over me (“but you’ve already got that”, etc).
Whilst nothing like the range of the Holt Vinyl Vault, prices are to tempt you. That Headboys LP I paid a tenner for in HVV last summer? That’s be two quid, please.
And @Freddy-Steady I’ve got a copy of Brilliant’s ‘Kiss The Lips Of Life’. Probably not yours, but it’s mine now. PM me for ‘help’.
“I could have easily made it a ton if Mrs H hadn’t been watching over me (“but you’ve already got that”, etc).”
If Mrs F was reminding you of what you already own, then I would suggest that she was performing a valuable service. Many’s the time I’ve spent money on CDs when I already own the vinyl and vice versa – money that I could have diverted toward whisky…or another Telecaster…
“That’s in the two quid bargain bin, I could flog that on Discogs for at least a tenner.” “But you’re already too busy to do all the other things you want to do, without adding selling records to the list.” “Yes, love, you have a point”.
P.S. Men in your late 50s. If you’re in a little record shop with a friendly face behind the counter, and a youthful-looking 50-something Ginger bloke with an armful of vinyl, there’s really no need to pull out your phone and ask Siri “which Kate Bush album is Running Up That Hill on?”
Racheal and I both answered in stereo, while Siri was still consulting a database in California.
Makes me wonder whether you told him Hounds of Love or The Whole Story?
I assume Hounds of Love, which i think is the right answer. Although the compilation is excellent and has some of her finest songs – you get the full KB experience on HOL where she’s got a concept going on and it’s her creativity going gangbusters at a single point in time.
HOL. There was a copy of TWS in the racks, but he didn’t want it.
Mr Fentonsteve sir, you are a star. Message sent. Nice part of the world, Sheringham Forest. There’s even hills nearby. If you listen very carefully at the pub in West Runton that used to be you know what, I swear you can hear the 16 year old me screaming for “Soldier of the Line “ by Magnum.
We lost my my stepdad 15 years ago, according to the brass plate on his bench, which I gave a particularly vigorous polish* this year. His oak bench is in the trees, overlooking Beeston bump.
(*) If that doesn’t bring Moosey back, nothing will.
Funnily enough I found a new to me record store this weekend. Backbeat music, books and gifts in Perth, Ontario (about 50 miles West of Ottawa). I have driven through Perth many times en route to Toronto, but never took the time to check out the lovely downtown area which is just the sort of North American town that I love. Nice architecture, beautiful park, nice stores and restaurants and all within easy walking distance. I picked up a couple of Macca 12 inchers and a 60s Bowie compilation, my daughter got a few books, postcards and stickers. I also could have spent more than the total $60 (35 quid) that it came to. Think I may move there!
Is Rachael on her own behind the counter or is there another girl at Another Planet?
she’s the only one
Chapeau squared!
Well done everyone!
It’s always good to hear of another record store opening. Good luck to them and I hope they stay open long after September.
Shame you missed Folk on the Pier. Lots to love in that line up.
For dull reasons, we couldn’t go earlier in May. There was a Morris troupe on the prom by the pier on Saturday. It was rather breezy, and their handkerchiefs were near-horizontal.