That was certainly not the intent – more based on the fact that Freddie wrote “My Fairy King” and “The Fairy Fellers Master Stroke” on the Queen / Queen II albums respectively.
Everyone was dressed up as a schoolgirl in those days. Well I was anyway. Just a bit of fun wasn’t it. Different times. Better times. When a chap could express himself freely. Let it all hang out.
Paul Simonon is a bit bleedin’ obvious, he really had no competition in The Clash. Rather like saying Bryan was the best looking in Roxy. When your bandmates all look like dissolute trolls, you don’t have to try too hard.
Original Steely Dan lineup, it’s Jim.
Obviously it’s David for yer late ’60s-early ’70s Floyd.
The Stones, Mk.I, Brian. Mk.II, Mick Taylor. Mk.III, Ron at first but probably Jagger now (from a distance).
On this showing of John Coltrane’s classic quartet, it’s McCoy Tyner.
In the very early days of Wham it was Andrew that got all the screams IIRC and George always credited him with building up his confidence enough to perform in front of people.
Unless I’m getting people mixed up I believe that she outed herself as a dominatrix on some celeb reality show. So imagine those “elfin charms” dressed in leather and wielding a whip…
Out for a walk again, so soon? 😉
Not quite, but you have her permission to fantasise.
Well, it all kind of happened around the same time, which is kind of why that story came out. I mean that story was just a joke I was having with my friend Dan Matthews. He writes this comedy column for a gay magazine, and I gave him this funny story about, “Yeah, I just got off my dominatrix gig.” So he prints it, and then, because he’s also the head guy at PETA, he decides to use it for his PETA campaign — “You can be a dominatrix without using leather!” And the whole thing just got absolutely out of hand. But, if people want to believe I’m a dominatrix in my spare time, that’s fine with me — I mean, I’m definitely happy to smack people around if that’s what they really want [laughs].
Hmmm, she certainly played along – I saw her on that reality show sometimes in the 90s I’d guess, and when it was time for her “activity” (they all had to get their fellow celebs to take part in some personal hobby or similar on “their special day”, that sort of thing) she dressed up in a leather corset and talked about being a dominatrix…so it’s a joke she’s been having for a long time then!
A bit odd.
Moon was angelic in his younger days before the debauchery took its toll, while Rog always had that underbite. Pete was whatever the male equivalent of jolie laide is with the piercing blue eyes and aquiline nose. The one thing I thing we can agree on is that it was John.
Of course! Wayne never stood a chance and Andrew just fancied himself too much. Shame he never took off his sunglasses as he had such sweet, trusting eyes.
I’m reading On Two Three Four at the moment and George is mentioned as being the cute one there too, which I have to say was news to me. I had always assumed Paul was thought of as the looker.
Paul in the 70s was the sexiest Beatle that ever there was. On Scottish farms looking happy in knitwear with Linda wrapped round him. Be still my beating heart.
No no no. Paul had that sickly sweet babydoll cuteness, but George was BEAUTIFUL and sexy. I’d take Ringo over Paul by a mile, at least he had that goofy charm about him.
No, you can’t have Roger as the hottest anything, even in a field of one. He looks like a toddler tried to make a cake in the likeness of Richard Gere, and then sat on it.
Dave and Nick are still both more appealing, and that’s while fully accepting that Nick is essentially a Toby jug in a Ferrari.
Dave went through a sad period of passed-over chartered surveyor in the 80s and 90s but I think he looks good now. A pleasing grizzled twinkliness. Rog is a bastard, and a bore, and looks it.
Slade – Jim
Sweet – Brian
T.Rex – guess…
Partridge Family – tie between Keith and Laurie.
ABBA – Agnetha
A-Ha – Morten, the bastard.
Blondie – Clem (KIDDING!)
Yes, Morten Harket is sickeningly good looking and from what I have heard one of the nicest people you can hope to meet. Bastard.
I remember a comment from him in Smash Hits during the time A-ha were a very big deal. He claimed that he lived in a flat in central London and went everywhere without being bothered. He said the trick was simply to avoid eye contact.
I had always felt rather a dirty old man for lusting after Konnie Huq, but was secretly quite relieved to discover recently that she is in fact old enough to be my youngest sister, rather than old enough to be my grand daughter as I had always feared. I am only a few years older than Charlie Brooker, and much funnier, and more ruggedly handsome, so maybe in another world, who knows? I might have had a chance. And If I wasn’t already married. Sigh.
Anyway, the correct answer here is Susan Stranks from Magpie. A crush when I was twelve, and now old enough to be a favourite auntie.
Good God @slug you’re right. I always assumed she was much younger. I had the opposite phenomenon with Debbie Harry and Olivia Newton-John when I was 12ish. Someone in their early 30s seemed ancient.
Jenny was always obviously pretty. Susan had that librarian “Why, Miss Stranks.. you’re beautiful” quality. I would liken it to the Susie Dent / Rachel Riley dichotomy on Countdown.
I’ll never forget the “and it should look like this” moment in the origami spot where Susan’s tee shirt would reveal that it was a bit nippy in the studio.
To close the circle of life, I recall Mick flirting with a giggling Lene Lovich after she performed Lucky Number on Magpie.
They were definitely doing it.
From my recollection, she finishes the song and he comes on clapping and saying what great song that was and refers to some “rather lovely” high pitched vocals. When he says that she goes giggle giggle tee hee. No smoke without fire.
No, no, no. Prog is the equivalent of underpants worn for six straight weeks without changing. Association with prog renders a musician physically repugnant to all but his (it’s always a bloke) own mother. Them’s the rules.
Scooby Doo: Daphne was the obvious choice when I was younger, but I bet Velma would be more into craft ale and Velvet Underground b-sides. She’d also own an acoustic guitar and talk dirty in bed. Maybe I need to lie down…
He’s not a piece of meat, you know! Poor Gary should be celebrated for his many adequate contributions here, not singled out for his lack of chiz-led good looks!
Can you imagine how demeaning it feels to be objectified, appraised, ranked, and dismissed like this? Let’s all just agree I’m hotter than Gary and leave it at that
I do think of myself as a piece of meat though. A wagyu tenderloin to your Wendy’s bacon butty. I think most people I know would describe me as succulent.
There’s a fascinating Jay Leno’s Garage on the Corvair, and how it was a radical and beautiful design destroyed by misguided consumer diva Ralph Nader. Like you should care.
Have you seen Steven Severin’s cheekbones? Still fabulous today. Lost some hair at the front and foolishly grows it long at the back, though. Siouxsie relied a lot on makeup and I was touching distance on one occasion in 1978. I knew Budgie from The Ship Inn in St. Helens. Not my cup of tea but the ladies loved him.
The Four Tops – Obie
The Temptations – difficult to choose between the two Williams’s – I’m plumping for Otis
The Miracles – Marv Tarplin
The Vandellas – Annette
The Shangri-Las – Betty
The Chiffons – Sylvia
The Ronettes – Estelle and Nedra score draw
The Shirelles – Shirley
Estelle and Nedra were possibly the two most jaw-droppingly sexy women in one group, like, ever. And they knew it.
Further proof, as if it was needed, that Phil Spector was as mad as a box of frogs – he latched his lustful intentions on to poor Veronica, who whilst perfectly pleasing on the eye, still couldn’t hold a candle to her two bombshell friends. So maybe they had a lucky escape after all.
Jenny Hanley, what’s not to like?
Not much, unless you’ve known Susan Stranks, which decrees that all bets are off.
In fairness, though, both Golden Agers.
Years ago I wrote a song about a “bog-hopping bogbrush”, with a mind of its own. In order for me to take back control of said brush, I offered it the reward of a “mystic morning wee-wee”.
Now I’ve heard, there was a secret turd
that David layed and it pleased the Lord
But you don’t really care for toilets, do you?
It goes like this, the poo, the piss
Armitage Shanks, the loo seat lifts
The cubicle king composting
The paper was strong but you needed smoother
Yoe saw her bathing with a loofah
“Give me that and I’ll wash your frizzled blonde do”
You applied the Timotei, mild and fair
She scrubbed your throne as you washed her hair
with your fingertips, then she flushed the Izal Bronco
Brian Robertson probably held the dubious title of best looking member of Motorhead having moved on from Thin Lizzy where he was up against Scott “Timotei” Gorham.
Ian Mac or Pete De Freitas? It’s the disappointing reality of ageing versus dying young, forever immaculate. I used to know Pete’s sisters a little bit. They were lovely, which makes me inclined toward doomrd drummer Pete.
TMT – Ian, I guess, especially in codpiece/tights pomp, but Jeffrey HH in the striped suit, matching bass and House of Stuart whiskers was pretty cool.
The Feat – struggling… probably Bill, circa first album.
The Bangles – all of em
Susanna, without a doubt
If we are going down this road, then:
The Supremes: Mary
TLC: Lisa
The Runaways: Jackie
Spice Girls: Scary
Destiny’s Child: Kelly
All Saints: Melanie
Pussy Riot: Maria
The Nolans: Coleen
The Go-Gos – Jane Wiedlin
Oh yes
Spice Girls. Sporty or Baby surely. I’ll let them wrestle it out
Westle it out ! In mud ?
Hmm …
Queen: Freddie – oh, you said fairest, not fairyest…….
It’s Roger, isn’t it? This follows my theory that it generally isn’t the lead singer.
Okay, I should have typed……
Fairest : Roger
Fairyest: Freddie
That’s a weak joke using a pejorative term used against gay men.
That was certainly not the intent – more based on the fact that Freddie wrote “My Fairy King” and “The Fairy Fellers Master Stroke” on the Queen / Queen II albums respectively.
But I do agree it was a weak joke.
Roger was pretty. He really looked almost cute in drag in the I Want To Break Free video. Most convincing. I would….n’t.
Mmm, methinks you didn’t think that through. He was playing a schoolgirl!
Everyone was dressed up as a schoolgirl in those days. Well I was anyway. Just a bit of fun wasn’t it. Different times. Better times. When a chap could express himself freely. Let it all hang out.
It’s always the drummer.
Except for Derek Longmuir out of the Bay City Rollers.
Both Jed and Ward. Calling @gary for a ruling.
I think we can all agree that Jedward’s beauty is, like their talent, “indivisable”. Like a prime number. Or soup.
Paul Simonon is a bit bleedin’ obvious, he really had no competition in The Clash. Rather like saying Bryan was the best looking in Roxy. When your bandmates all look like dissolute trolls, you don’t have to try too hard.
Harsh, but fair.
That made me laugh out loud – thanks!
Joe was a looker I might say
His dentist certainly liked him.
Re: “When your bandmates all look like dissolute trolls,”
Yeah – Bob Weir was the best-looking guy in the Grateful Dead.
But then … he didn’t have much competition…
Freddie. Them Dreamers were right ugly bastards.
Jim was quite the looker in The Corrs, if memory serves.
Talking Heads: Tina (have you seen Jerry these days?)
Steely Dan: Donald
The Jam: Bruce
Public Enemy: Flavor
The Wailers: Bunny
Original Steely Dan lineup, it’s Jim.
Obviously it’s David for yer late ’60s-early ’70s Floyd.
The Stones, Mk.I, Brian. Mk.II, Mick Taylor. Mk.III, Ron at first but probably Jagger now (from a distance).
On this showing of John Coltrane’s classic quartet, it’s McCoy Tyner.
To be fair, Bruce Foxton is up against the weasel-faced Weller, and Buckler the fat kid from school.
Ed in Radiohead.
While Ed is a decent looking lad, his competition isn’t stiff. Uncle Fester, two fish and Edd The Duck.
True that!
Reading this reply almost made me choke on my sandwich (but definitely worth it!)
The Dead – Bob
The Allman Bros – Greg
The Kinks – pass
Wham – wotsisname who didn’t do anything
Wait. You’re saying Andrew Ridgeley was prettier than George “I am absurdly pretty” Michael?
Right answer on the Kinks, though. Jesus, the ugly tree had its work cut out in the 40s.
Wasn’t Dave seen as the main trendsetter and general ‘catch’ back in the day?
I’d hate to see what got thrown back.
Are you ok?
I have a friend who was very happy when she ‘met’ Dave.
Yes Dave attracted male and female alike.
George always saw Andrew as the attractive and confident one…go figure.
In the very early days of Wham it was Andrew that got all the screams IIRC and George always credited him with building up his confidence enough to perform in front of people.
Lieutenant Pigeon – Hilda Woodward
The Bangles: Hoffs, obviously.
The Go-Go’s: Jane Wiedlin. Oh the elfin charms of Jane Wiedlin, if you eclipse Belinda Carlisle, you’re doing ok.
Oh my goodness, yes to Jane Wiedlin. Game over. Think I might need to go for a brisk walk now…
Unless I’m getting people mixed up I believe that she outed herself as a dominatrix on some celeb reality show. So imagine those “elfin charms” dressed in leather and wielding a whip…
Out for a walk again, so soon? 😉
Not quite, but you have her permission to fantasise.
Hmmm, she certainly played along – I saw her on that reality show sometimes in the 90s I’d guess, and when it was time for her “activity” (they all had to get their fellow celebs to take part in some personal hobby or similar on “their special day”, that sort of thing) she dressed up in a leather corset and talked about being a dominatrix…so it’s a joke she’s been having for a long time then!
A bit odd.
You may or may not want to see this, @Gatz. Slightly NSFW, at the end.
And Clare Balding on the right…who knew? 😉
I’d only just got back from that walk as well…
Howard Jones: Jed
Nik Kershaw: The Snood
The Banana Splits: Drooper
Absolutely not. Everyone knows Snorky was the cute Banana Split.
Melody the drummer from Josie and the Pussycats.
Josie ( Rachael Leigh Cook) Definitely
But where do you stand on the Archies?
Veronica, deffo!
They’re cute, but they’re no Betty Rubble.
How soon they forget Judy Jetson.
Miles Davis. Whichever band he was in.
Hmm… Bill Evans’s smart ‘librarian’ look probably wowed quite a few of the ladies, too…
The ‘orrible Oo: Keith.
After 1978, it was probably Rog
(it was unlikely to be Pete with that hooter)
Keith? He had a face like a bag of smashed dicks. Only out-uglied by Pete. It’s obviously Rog.
Moon was angelic in his younger days before the debauchery took its toll, while Rog always had that underbite. Pete was whatever the male equivalent of jolie laide is with the piercing blue eyes and aquiline nose. The one thing I thing we can agree on is that it was John.
Someone somewhere once said “Townshend looks like we all look when we see our face in the back of a spoon”.
Jolie laide? Reluctantlie laide, more like.
The Hollies – Tony Hicks
Graham Nash
Nick Garvey of The Motors.
Dr Feelgood – no score draw
We can all agree that Wilko loses that particular draw.
Kansas – Steve Walsh
Manic Street Preachers – Nicky Wire
The Pogues – ABS
(anyone but Shane)
I dunno. JDB might be somewhat gravy-blossomed these days but he was pretty as hell in the early days. And Richey was much prettier than Nicky.
Sean, bless him, always tried for Che Guevara but ended up Pillsbury.
Porridge – Godber
New Order. It was Barney, until Hooky left, who passed the ugly card to him and made the new bass player, Tom, the cute one.
The Sisters of Mercy: Gary, then Ben, then Craig, then Patricia, then Andreas, then Adam, then second Ben.
So I presume Wayne, Andrew and the Doktor are occupying the relegation positions?
Of course! Wayne never stood a chance and Andrew just fancied himself too much. Shame he never took off his sunglasses as he had such sweet, trusting eyes.
Wayne would do well in a Denis Nordern lookalikeee competition.
George is usually picked out but there’s a limited window for him. Paul 68-70 with a beard has a lot going for him.
I’m reading On Two Three Four at the moment and George is mentioned as being the cute one there too, which I have to say was news to me. I had always assumed Paul was thought of as the looker.
Paul in the 70s was the sexiest Beatle that ever there was. On Scottish farms looking happy in knitwear with Linda wrapped round him. Be still my beating heart.
No no no. Paul had that sickly sweet babydoll cuteness, but George was BEAUTIFUL and sexy. I’d take Ringo over Paul by a mile, at least he had that goofy charm about him.
I would say Paul, but actually 3 of them were pretty good looking.
Early Floyd: Syd
Post-Syd Floyd: David
Post-Floyd Floyd: Roger
No, you can’t have Roger as the hottest anything, even in a field of one. He looks like a toddler tried to make a cake in the likeness of Richard Gere, and then sat on it.
But being neither fat nor bald nor dead endows him with a certain appeal, which enormous dark sunglasses enhance.
Dave and Nick are still both more appealing, and that’s while fully accepting that Nick is essentially a Toby jug in a Ferrari.
Dave went through a sad period of passed-over chartered surveyor in the 80s and 90s but I think he looks good now. A pleasing grizzled twinkliness. Rog is a bastard, and a bore, and looks it.
The Smiths: a boy called Johnny
Slade – Jim
Sweet – Brian
T.Rex – guess…
Partridge Family – tie between Keith and Laurie.
ABBA – Agnetha
A-Ha – Morten, the bastard.
Blondie – Clem (KIDDING!)
For some of us, Mags was always the looker in A-Ha. Also, Mickey Finn for T.Rex.
I thought he meant Mickey.
For Slade, it must’ve been Dave (just to give hope to awkward looking blokes like me. Dave Hill is an aspiration)
Kipper tie?
Jimmy Destri was as pretty as Debbie Harry, but you’d have to look past her to find out, so no one ever noticed.
Fortunately this cloak of invisibility also prevented anyone every noticing the ‘differently attractive’ guitar players, Frank’n’ Stein
I’m Team Frida
Yes, Morten Harket is sickeningly good looking and from what I have heard one of the nicest people you can hope to meet. Bastard.
I remember a comment from him in Smash Hits during the time A-ha were a very big deal. He claimed that he lived in a flat in central London and went everywhere without being bothered. He said the trick was simply to avoid eye contact.
I’m waiting to hear which is the looker in Depeche Mode – it’s Fletch, isn’t it?
Alan Wilder, surely
Blue Peter – my heart says Sarah Greene but I’ll acknowledge the eye-soothing qualities of Konnie Huq.
Other parts of my body insisted on Janet Ellis.
Lesley Judd – but I was only 7
I had always felt rather a dirty old man for lusting after Konnie Huq, but was secretly quite relieved to discover recently that she is in fact old enough to be my youngest sister, rather than old enough to be my grand daughter as I had always feared. I am only a few years older than Charlie Brooker, and much funnier, and more ruggedly handsome, so maybe in another world, who knows? I might have had a chance. And If I wasn’t already married. Sigh.
Anyway, the correct answer here is Susan Stranks from Magpie. A crush when I was twelve, and now old enough to be a favourite auntie.
Good God @slug you’re right. I always assumed she was much younger. I had the opposite phenomenon with Debbie Harry and Olivia Newton-John when I was 12ish. Someone in their early 30s seemed ancient.
This is a crowded field, Judd, Huq or Ellis. Hard one.
Valerie Singleton would have made a great dominatrix.
“Get down, Noakes!”
Stranks is a good call, but alswo under great consideration must be Jenny Hanley!
And to be fair, Mick Robertson was gorge too.
Jenny was always obviously pretty. Susan had that librarian “Why, Miss Stranks.. you’re beautiful” quality. I would liken it to the Susie Dent / Rachel Riley dichotomy on Countdown.
I’ll never forget the “and it should look like this” moment in the origami spot where Susan’s tee shirt would reveal that it was a bit nippy in the studio.
To close the circle of life, I recall Mick flirting with a giggling Lene Lovich after she performed Lucky Number on Magpie.
They were definitely doing it.
The lucky number in question was 7 “for a secret never to be told”…
@black-celebration nooo! Not my Lene!
From my recollection, she finishes the song and he comes on clapping and saying what great song that was and refers to some “rather lovely” high pitched vocals. When he says that she goes giggle giggle tee hee. No smoke without fire.
Tiswas – young Lenny was a looker and the blond feller wasn’t so bad either but I’m saying Sally.
Just found out today that she was in the Railway Children.
Best looking Beatle – Pete Best (no pun intended).
The Cure – Simon Gallup.
Stu Sutcliffe!
Sports Team – homely blerks and cute lady drummer
The Regrettes – yes, nice girls but super cute boy drummer..
The Church – Marty, but only just. Kilbey’s cheekbones – *swoon*.
Yebbut Marty is rocking the great unwashed bearded hobo look these days.
Have Bananarama gone off the boil then?
gotta be Keren
Andrew Ridgeley thought so
Duran Duran, Roger Taylor. Moody and smouldering. John Taylor is too lanky and Nick Rhodes too fey!
On reflection, you may be right. Though he didn’t seem to ‘put out’ as much as the others.
ELP – Greg
Genesis – Steve, once the undergrowth was removed
Yes – Chris
King Crimson – er, Greg
No, no, no. Prog is the equivalent of underpants worn for six straight weeks without changing. Association with prog renders a musician physically repugnant to all but his (it’s always a bloke) own mother. Them’s the rules.
Curved Air – Sonja Kristina
*tears rules up and stomps off in a huff*
Rules? Now he tells us.
Scooby Doo: Daphne was the obvious choice when I was younger, but I bet Velma would be more into craft ale and Velvet Underground b-sides. She’d also own an acoustic guitar and talk dirty in bed. Maybe I need to lie down…
When i was old enough to consider it I always assumed that Velma liked girls. Of course sexuality is a spectrum, as I’m sure I heard Shaggy observe.
I suspect there is a lot of Scooby Doo fan fiction and spoofs.
Sarah Michelle Geller as Daphne in the movies was ingenious casting.
Loving your work.
Craft ale and Velvet Underground b-sides indeed.
There are animations on certain specialist websites. Allegedly.
There’s at least one live action tribute.
Please tell me it doesn’t involve a Great Dane
Do you mean @Hamlet?
Peter Schmeichel, surely?
The Afterword – Chiz
I thought it was Gary..
Gary’s pretty dreamy, too. In a hoodie and shades and virus mask in an unlit telephone booth at the far end of the street on a foggy night.
He’s not a piece of meat, you know! Poor Gary should be celebrated for his many adequate contributions here, not singled out for his lack of chiz-led good looks!
Can you imagine how demeaning it feels to be objectified, appraised, ranked, and dismissed like this? Let’s all just agree I’m hotter than Gary and leave it at that
I was describing the conditions under which I enjoy “assignations” with him.
I do think of myself as a piece of meat though. A wagyu tenderloin to your Wendy’s bacon butty. I think most people I know would describe me as succulent.
I think of myself as a piece of meat, too – Corvair Tinned Chicken
Unsafe At Any Speed. . .
Did I mean Corsair?
Yeah. Or Plymouth Bacarruda.
Coarse air is what you get after a can Corsair tinned chicken.
There’s a fascinating Jay Leno’s Garage on the Corvair, and how it was a radical and beautiful design destroyed by misguided consumer diva Ralph Nader. Like you should care.
Not sure what Nader would have made of the Triumph GT6, whose swing-arm rear suspension made it such a feature of the nation’s hedgerows in the 1960s.
In your dreams, Saucepot
Get over yourself. You’ll never be a dreamboat of Bingo Little standards.
All about Eve – Julianne, though Tim a close second
Siouxie and the Banshees – Siouxie
Sade – Sade
Lone Justice – Maria
Have you seen Steven Severin’s cheekbones? Still fabulous today. Lost some hair at the front and foolishly grows it long at the back, though. Siouxsie relied a lot on makeup and I was touching distance on one occasion in 1978. I knew Budgie from The Ship Inn in St. Helens. Not my cup of tea but the ladies loved him.
John McKay, original guitarist, gave them all some competition. Ridiculously handsome.
Cliff Richard And His Shadows: Jet Harris
The Four Tops – Obie
The Temptations – difficult to choose between the two Williams’s – I’m plumping for Otis
The Miracles – Marv Tarplin
The Vandellas – Annette
The Shangri-Las – Betty
The Chiffons – Sylvia
The Ronettes – Estelle and Nedra score draw
The Shirelles – Shirley
Estelle and Nedra were possibly the two most jaw-droppingly sexy women in one group, like, ever. And they knew it.
Further proof, as if it was needed, that Phil Spector was as mad as a box of frogs – he latched his lustful intentions on to poor Veronica, who whilst perfectly pleasing on the eye, still couldn’t hold a candle to her two bombshell friends. So maybe they had a lucky escape after all.
They were more than friends? Estelle was her sister and Nedra her cousin. But, I agree, proof positive Phil has always been mad.
Bo Diddley – Lady Bo
Manfred Mann – Paul Jones
The Police – Stewart Copeland
Are you out of your mind?! The Police with STING?? That The Police?
Andy Summers.
Stewart has definitely aged better than Mr Sting.
Jenny Hanley, what’s not to like?
Not much, unless you’ve known Susan Stranks, which decrees that all bets are off.
In fairness, though, both Golden Agers.
Both were mentioned up there. And Magpie was essentially a 70s show, so that’s buggered your stiflingly narrow parameters.
“That’s buggered your stiflingly narrow parameters.” – Afterword t-shirt.
Motörhead – “Fast” Eddie. No – wait – not even. *shudder*
Definitely Phil “Philthy Animal” Taylor.
Are we choosing a partner or a human bogbrush?
Judging by your nomenclature, the latter, I guess.
Years ago I wrote a song about a “bog-hopping bogbrush”, with a mind of its own. In order for me to take back control of said brush, I offered it the reward of a “mystic morning wee-wee”.
As you were.
You are the Leonard Cohen of The Afterword.
I’m Your Pan.
You can substitute ‘Izal-Bronco’ for ‘Hallelujah’ in Cohen’s song.
Now I’ve heard, there was a secret turd
that David layed and it pleased the Lord
But you don’t really care for toilets, do you?
It goes like this, the poo, the piss
Armitage Shanks, the loo seat lifts
The cubicle king composting
I stand on the shoulders of giants.
(That way I can see into the next cubicle)
The paper was strong but you needed smoother
Yoe saw her bathing with a loofah
“Give me that and I’ll wash your frizzled blonde do”
You applied the Timotei, mild and fair
She scrubbed your throne as you washed her hair
with your fingertips, then she flushed the Izal Bronco
Leonard’s legacy is duly assured.
Are we human or are we bogbrush?
Brian Robertson probably held the dubious title of best looking member of Motorhead having moved on from Thin Lizzy where he was up against Scott “Timotei” Gorham.
then – Kim
now – Joey
Or have their choices told us what we already guess?
(Let’s not forget when Kiss took of their paint……)
Ultravox Mk 1 John Foxx
Ultravox Mk 2 Chris Cross
Ian Mac or Pete De Freitas? It’s the disappointing reality of ageing versus dying young, forever immaculate. I used to know Pete’s sisters a little bit. They were lovely, which makes me inclined toward doomrd drummer Pete.
TMT – Ian, I guess, especially in codpiece/tights pomp, but Jeffrey HH in the striped suit, matching bass and House of Stuart whiskers was pretty cool.
The Feat – struggling… probably Bill, circa first album.
T. Rex – contravertially – Micky!
…..shovel chestnuts in my path.