Let there be great rejoicing in the land! Michael Marra’s back catalogue, much of it long out of print and available only for silly prices, has been given a digital re-release. Even better, two new album’s worth of material – Dubiety, a rarities compilation and High Sobriety, a live album of his marvellous solo act.
Newcomers could do worse than start with High Sobriety or his album with Mr McFall’s Chamber.
But if you get him, you’ll want to get it all.
And there’s more! It’s available on itunes and that – but it’s also just dropped on emusic.com! Just used my monthly downloads to fill the gaps in my collection. What’s not to like?
And here’s a taster – his sublime version of Green Grow the Rashes:
Sublime performance by the Bard of Dundee. Thanks for posting Lando!
I only have one album by Michael Marra; now I can put that right.
He had passed under my radar until I saw him duet with Patti Smith on a Scottish TV broadcast. What a talented man he was.
Here’s the song that was my introduction to him.
Could be our theme song.
(Beefhearts and Bones)
I remember hearing a radio interview with Robert Plant where he said he always made sure his records were in the boot of his car before he told a woman he was splitting up with her.
Klaxon Klaxon Klaxon!
Might y’all refrain from saying “Klaxon”? It makes you look like an arselicking wanker who has just discovered a word that someone on the word magazine has said and if you say it too you’ll be on equal footing with the musical literati.
You’re fooling no one!😂😂😂
When I used it a couple of days ago I was alerting people to a new album and tour by an artist I like.
I think Lando is likely doing the same.
Your ruminations are way off beam. Way, way off.
Klaxon away Lando!
Here’s that Patti and Michael clip that was mentioned. Magic.
By the way, there are 8 Marra albums on Spotify. I don’t really know his work, so I intend to put that right.
Here is some more Burns. Gorgeous.
It’s just a figure of speech, Bri. As is “put a sock in it”. 😂😂😂
Do you know, I was curious enough to do a search for ‘klaxon’ on the Afterword site. It gets a steady usage and generally things that are quite interesting. It would therefore be a shame to miss one. Bri, have you considered a klaxon klaxon?
I know I know. I don’t like the term “The Massive” either,or when someone says “Discuss”. I hate that one the most. Thankfully no-one on here seems to use that.
Bottoms up!
I like these coincidences!
Just yesterday, I was looking for info on ‘The Guernsey Kitchen Porter’ as I am planning to add it to my ‘repertoire’ of Marra songs. I already do ‘Hermless’ and ‘If These Shoes Were New’. I was saddened to find that there was almost nothing in the downloads section and wondered where all his music went. To be honest, the old site was a pain to get stuff from so I’m glad it’s now available on the major sites.
I already have most of his stuff but I got High Sobriety this morning and there are 3 more that I’ll get later.
Thanks for the heads up!
I am minded of the delight I had, when travelling thru’ the East Neuk o’ Fife to Dundee, about 5 years back, in my brother’s camper van, discovering he had some Marra CDs in the glovebox. That and my Jackie Levens felt somehow so right.
Yup, good to see his stuff back out there (on the Spotify too). It’s way too good to be forgotten. There was also lots of unreleased stuff on his own homepage but I see that’s been taken down. Swings and roundabouts (chain them up).
“The Tom Waits of Scotland”.
What an interesting chap!
His son and daughter are in a band, the Hazey Janes. Here he is playing with them.
There is lots of great stuff on YT. Here is a documentary about him.
More Marrabilia.
MM and the Hazey Janes recorded an ep together: Houseroom. I stumbkled across it on Spotify.
It includes a tribute to Gil Heron, Scotland’s first black professional footballer,who was the father of Gil Scott Heron.
Here they are live together. In Dundee of course.
No Marra thread can be complete without his tribute to Frida Kahlo. This was actually recorded in my local pub – pretty sure I was there!
I am deeply in awe of you now, Lando.
That is such a brilliant song title too.
Really glad you’re enjoying Mr Marra!
What a wonderfully expressive, lived-in voice! He could read the Dundee telephone directory and I would be content. Easy to imagine what a delight a whole concert would be.
The problem with his lyrics is that you’ve no idea what he’s talking about. I’ve loved his stuff for years and wondered what he’s been on about. Pious Porteous, Reynard In Paradise, If Dundee Was In Africa etc etc. The live albums, with McFalls Chambers and High Sobriety give intros to each song which of course makes the songs even better and you then realise what an imaginative genius he was.
Until yesterday, I had never heard The Midas Touch. I’m quite glad of that actually. That was his first album from 1980, and I am so glad he never made it as a pop artist. I’ll never listen to it again, apart from the wonderful ‘When These Shoes Were New’ which I’ve been singing for years and didn’t know where it came from.
‘Shoes’ is the high spot for sure. Any chance you could post the chords, please? I love that song and it might be enough to prompt me to pick up the guitar again…
Astonishingly. one of his songs was covered by Leo Sayer. Even more astonishingly, it was the none-more-Marra Hamish the Goalie AKA Grace Kelly’s Visit to Tannadice
I will post the chords later. I play it in D so the chords in the verse are D,G, Em and A. The chorus is Bm, F#m, G then Bm, F#m, Em, A. I will have a listen to the song and post the chords in the proper key. As I said before, I can’t remember how I came across this song. I knew it was him but I’d never heard him doing it.I had heard it in folk clubs, and I think someone gave me a tape with Barbara Dickson’s manager singing it.
The Leo Sayer cover is interesting. Where can that be found?
I never did get to see him. I got tickets for Falkirk once but couldn’t go, and I did go to see him at Stirling, but he was ill then and he cancelled.
For KFD….since you’ve been researching the YouTube clips, did you notice that his electric piano sits on an ironing board?
Better late than never: that Leo Sayer cover is here:
Yes, I found it earlier.
Have you got the book? I have it, but the Loudon Wainwright III autobiography arrived first, and I haven’t finished it yet, but as soon as I’m done, Marra is next.
Yes – was at a reading by James Robertson a couple of weeks ago. Haven’t started it yet (ploughing my way through Caro’s biography of Lyndon Johnston, which is brilliant but lengthy) but can hardly wait.
Hadn’t heard about the LW III autobiography – any good?
@Lando Cakes
Lando, have you seen the film All The Way with Bryan Cranston as LBJ? I know very little about the man*. (Certain AWers have asked me to insert “a gag” here about my having at least learnt how to spell his surname correctly, but I’m so above that.) I loved All The Way and I’d be interested to know how it compares to the real thing.
*ie. I’ve seen All The Way with Bryan Cranston as LBJ.
I haven’t but will see if it’s on Netflix etc.
I think any fan of LWIII almost knows his life story via his song lyrics.
I’m enjoying the book; quite a few funny anecdotes with other singer-songwriters, (I didn’t want to write rock stars there) and an insight into his actual life.
I’m not too sure about all the song lyrics printed in each chapter, but they’re probably very helpful to readers who don’t know the lyrics so much.
Just like in his live shows these days, there are excerpts from Life magazine, written by his dad, mostly in the 60s and 70s. Interesting enough, but I could have done without them.
All in all; funny, rude, sometimes a bit too close to the bone and bonkers. Just like his songs really.
And I cannot let a Marra thread pass without mention of one of my favourite albums The Word on the Pavey by Saint Andrew. This has Marra’s fingerprints all over it as co-writer and player (as Lochee Luchiano). It comes complete with a Dundictionary, which helps to decipher the lyrics, a Zappa cover version (Wullie Thon Mink), and a whole host of gems. Including This world is Phuhl O’ a Number O’ Things – complete with video by Mr Marra:
That Saint Andrew clip was wackily wonderful.
And no, @bigstevie! I hadn’t noticed the ironing board.
It’s only taken me 9 months to answer your question!! Scando efficiency for you!
When these shoes were new is in e on the record. Put a capo on the second fret and play it in D. I just did that for simplicity. If you want it in E or any other key, let me know and I’ll work it out.
When these shoes were new , it was how do you do
D Em A
It was whisky and the telling of tales
And when my shirt was clean ,I was there to be seen
D Em A
I had clear eyes and my smile never failed
Bm F#m G D
And all of my brothers that I met on the way
Bm F#m Em A
They were drinking by night, they were drinking by day
Oh restore to my eyes that was clear and was bright
Honey take me out drinking tonight
Take me out drinking tonight
When I typed this out, the chords were directly above the word when it changed chord. When I hit POST the chords all went to the beginning of each line. I am sure you’ll be able to work it out. If not, I will email it to you.
Much appreciated! Thank you.