Mike_H commented on the post, Nick Lowe and Los Straightjackets 8 hours, 49 minutes ago
The cunning thing, from a business POV, about having a masked band is that substitutes can be fielded without the audience being any the wiser.
Mike_H commented on the post, Snap Poll 17 hours, 41 minutes ago
Was binge-listening Lou Donaldson ’60s albums a month or so back. Wonderful stuff.
Mike_H commented on the post, Snap Poll 1 day, 19 hours ago
This. Terry Pollard “Blue Room” from the album “A Detroit Jazz Legend”
Mike_H commented on the post, Afterworders' periodical reading history 2 days, 7 hours ago
I resmble neither of those. Looks like a disgruntled farmer and an insolvent commodities trader.
Mike_H commented on the post, Great pauses in pop songs 2 days, 10 hours ago
Brooce: Showmanship 10/10 Lyrics 8.5/10 Music 6/10
Mike_H commented on the post, What are your cultural blackspot? And why? 2 days, 10 hours ago
Coffee culture is a strange phenomenon. Just a way of making you feel good about paying through the nose for it, isn’t it?
Mike_H commented on the post, What are your cultural blackspot? And why? 2 days, 10 hours ago
50p shop?
Mike_H commented on the post, Which is Better? 2 days, 10 hours ago
Lindsay Cooper. R.I.P.
Mike_H commented on the post, Great pauses in pop songs 2 days, 16 hours ago
..or the radio station’s automatic dead-air-detector was triggered and “We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please stay tuned” was announced, followed by some pre-recorded light music.
Mike_H commented on the post, What are your cultural blackspot? And why? 2 days, 16 hours ago
My drinking at gigs policy: Beer only. No other alcohol. If the bar is in the same room as the performance I’ll have a maximum of 2 pints (no more because I’m usually driving). If the bar is in another room I’ll […]
Mike_H commented on the post, What are your cultural blackspot? And why? 2 days, 19 hours ago
With you on getting drunk. Mild fuzziness is as far as I want to go on alcohol these days. I’ve never really been a pub person. Biographical trivia on musical artists doesn’t interest me. Beatles trivia […]
Mike_H commented on the post, Simon Spillett Quartet – new album and live in London 23 February 3 days, 7 hours ago
Seen/heard Mr Spillett a few times in different band combinations. Last time was in October at the B3 Lounge. He’s always well worth catching. A very high-energy player who can cool it down beautifully for […]
Mike_H commented on the post, Your gateway (musical) drug that started your music obsessive journey 3 days, 12 hours ago
From indiscriminate consumption of pop to Motown (The Four Tops Greatest Hits was the first LP I bought with my own money, IIRC). Then to Stax and Atlantic soul, John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers and a sideways leap […]
Mike_H commented on the post, Afterworders' periodical reading history 3 days, 12 hours ago
My gateway drug to Melody Maker and then NME was the music itself. In those far-off pre-internet days, if you wanted to know who was gigging where in your locality, you bought one or other of the inkies and […]
Mike_H commented on the post, Afterworders' periodical reading history 3 days, 12 hours ago
Yes. I’m a subscriber and intend to remain one, but I need to take a break from reading The Eye now and then, in order to keep my even temper and sunny disposition.
Mike_H commented on the post, Missing a vital ingredient 4 days, 1 hour ago
Can also depend on how successful the resulting track is and how lawyered-up (i.e. rich) either party is.
Mike_H commented on the post, Why do you like the music you like? 4 days, 11 hours ago
It was that NME “we know what’s worthy and what isn’t” attitude that eventually stopped me from buying the mag.
Mike_H commented on the post, Podcasts … what’s hot at the mo? 4 days, 11 hours ago
I use MediaMonkey on Windows 11 for my podcast subscriptions without any problems. Maybe try un-subscribing and then re-subscribing to your chosen podcasts in MM? Or download and reinstall MM over itself.
Mike_H commented on the post, Afterworders' periodical reading history 4 days, 12 hours ago
Forgot that I read some books on photography and film processing/darkroom practice in my 50s.
Mike_H commented on the post, Missing a vital ingredient 4 days, 12 hours ago
If you use a sample from someone else’s recording, you’re liable for both writer’s and performer’s royalties. If you “borrow” the tune and/or words but play/sing it yourself, you’re only liable for the writer’s royalty.
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