Kaisfatdad commented on the post, The Joy of X, XXL and XXXL. The Big Band is Back! 11 months ago
Wonderful choice @geoffbs7! Can you imagine how chuffed Conan was to have that extraordinary combo on his show. Grapefruit Moon; The Songs of Tom Waits. One to look out for!
Kaisfatdad commented on the post, The Joy of X, XXL and XXXL. The Big Band is Back! 11 months ago
Wonderful choice @geoffbs7! Can you imagine how chuffed Conan was to have that extraordinary combo on his show. Grapefruit Moon; The Songs of Tom Waits. One to look out for!
Vulpes Vulpes commented on the post, ATM: Which USB keyboard should I buy to start learning how to play the pianer? 4 years, 7 months ago
Decisions, decisions.
@Geoffbs7 gives sound advice (ha and indeed, ha) and I’m veering towards getting a controller keyboard. Apart from anything else it will mean I can make the thing sound like a stonking […]
fentonsteve commented on the post, Can anyone help? 4 years, 7 months ago
@Geoffbs7 – this just in from my mole in SOS:
Tell him to contact Sound Technology, they’re the UK distributors and will know what to do.
Baron Harkonnen commented on the post, Boris Johnson in Intensive Care 4 years, 8 months ago
I totally agree with @Geoffbs7‘s post.
I’d also like to add that someone said Mr. Johnson was a family man! What a load of bollocks. Maybe his ex-wife and children have a view on that. Someone who is very close […]
retropath2 commented on the post, Geraint Watkins and band 5 years ago
Who is his band, these days, @geoffbs7 ? He is a fella I have always liked to see crop up in the credits of an album, whether Van or, preferably, Balham Alligators. I always saw him as part of the Rockfield […]
Sewer Robot commented on the post, Best New-To-You Albums 2015 8 years, 11 months ago
Holy crap!!! This collection (231 songs) cost me €8.99 on Google Play. Other vendors do exist, U.K. Price unknown, I know many here spit on MP3 – but that’s a helluva deal. Cheers @geoffbs7!!
mikethep commented on the post, New to me: Lucius 9 years, 2 months ago
Nice…second great discovery of the morning, and it’s only 8:50 (see @geoffbs7‘s post about Jon Cleary).