On the old Afterword, one of the first posts I made was to ask where you all are, geographically.
Well now I have found that we could do this cartographically – by putting little flags on a map.
Afterworders across the world
Follow the link and add your flag if you want, together with your username.
There is also a separate layer for culturally-significant locations
Other layers could be added as requested.
The map is fairly open to editing – I think only the layers have to be added by myself – the flags and labelling can be edited by anyone (so watch out you don’t move other people about).
You also have to be logged into Google to do this, so – if you want a flag, but don’t want to sign up – let me know and I can add you.
Let me know what you think – it might all drop like a lead zeppelin, of course…
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I’m on there now, if anyone is passing by drop in and I’ll make you a cuppa!
Hee-hee, who added Gerry Rafferty?
And you can add other dead famous rock stars or any other items of geographically-specific cultural ephemera under the ‘significant cultural locations’ heading
You don’t have to add your name, mini – but if you don’t, there is no way of telling who you are -(Point 6 or Point 7 being the anonymous ones, so far).
I’m Point 13 but I can’t figure out how to add my name.
To edit and add your name, click on the flag. When a box pops up, squeeze on the pencil in the bottom right corner. Then rename the title (Point xxx) with your chosen moniker.
@james-blast – I did this for you, and added a special image, which I hope you will like.
Think I did it right…
Absolutely, @biggles – assuming you wanted to be in the Channel Islands.
Thank you – though please note I’m in Guernsey; I wouldn’t want to be mistaken for one of those other lot…
Looking forward to the moment one of us discovers that niscum is in our loft space.
“It’s coming from inside the house – get out! Get out!”
I’m on there. Second star to the right and straight on til morning….
Great idea! I fear Sweden will be rather short of stars. But we do have the Northern Lights.
Not working for me…can you please add me to Houston, TX, US of A
Done – and given you a Danger Mouse, as well!
This looks fun, but I’m technically inept so, if you have a moment, could you pin me to Cardiff? Thanks.
I’ve actually managed to put my star on our street!
This was a wonderful idea Sal. Hope lots of people add their location.
Gary, I presume that you are the artist formerly known as …..
I am indeed the ‘artiste’ (if you don’t mind) formerly known as Sting Ono. I decided to come out after we all got chummy with the facebook experience. But now I’ve noticed there’s another Gary (T). No offence, Gary T, but I feel somewhat disgruntled now.
It was your enthusiasm for the Floyd that made me suspect.
You are the second renamed blogger I’ve managed to identify. Quite reassuring that one recognizes people regardless of their handle. A lot of interesting, distinctive personalities here.
Moose could change his name to Giraffe and within five minutes we’d have rumbled him
Sal, one fun idea would be to one of these maps and we could add our favourite live music venues. Invaluable for anyone visiting our neck of the woods.
Live music venues layer added – just make sure you untick the other layers before flaggin up the Stockholm finger in the ear folk club, etc..
I’m in (and giving you more of an international flavour!)
You are in a very exclusive part of Delhi! – 25 years ago I stayed with staff of the British Embassy in Delhi – scenic, landscaped area
Glad you like it, @kaisfatdad – I can add a separate layer for music venues.
Blimey, no wonder there’s never an east midlands mingle…
Hello davidg from just down the road!
How do you get the star symbol to display on the cultural significance layer?
Hover your mouse over the name in the column on the left of the screen. A diamond will appear to the right (as if by magic). Click on that and you should see the options to change colours and shapes. Did you add Joe and Jarvis, @mikethep? I can change them to blue stars, if you like.
Kudos to whoever added the Bizkit.
Thought you’d like that – has Jim Cain shown his face yet?
Horror story for Glass~gow, so many epic live venues have come and gone.
For me The Apollo thru Nightmoves ending in Splash 1. I still don’t rate the Barrowlands, and that’s after a steamy Anthrax concert in 1989.
I can`t seem to figure it out. Can someone add me to Szekesfehervar, it`s Hungary`s ninth largest city ( don`t you know )
Done, @colm-g-shannon!
Guess what?
I think I knackered it – well, knackered my entry anyway.
Technological luddite that I am, I managed to add myself in 32 locations.
Proper entry is in Reading – f**k knows where the other 31 are?
No – you didn’t knacker it – it’s just that if the view is set to “Style by name column”, only 20 flags are visible and the rest hide underneath one – in this case, rigid digit.
And there was me thinking I’d broken the new toy by being a ham-fisted dullard (not for the first time).
Good job there are more techy-minded people about than this monkey (who hasn’t yet gone to heaven)
Why be in heaven when you could be walking down the Shinfield Road into town?
Added Black Lace (cultural icons) point 53. Hope I’ve done it correctly.
Nice touch, @hubert-rawlinson – I hope you don’t mind, but I moved them into the cultural significance layer.
Move much appreciated, wasn’t sure how to do it.
What you do is – untick the other layers first, then locate your, um, location and then add it. By default it loads into the remaining layer ‘open’
Can’t do it!!
Can some kind soul please add me to Great Sankey
Ta in advance
Done – with your bird’n all.
Hi Sal, I have tried & failed…..could you please add me at Douglas, Isle of Man? Many thanks….
Done – with your HATN shirt.
Great job – thanks, Sal. Now to have a search through the map & see where everybody bides….
I’m on!
Sorting issues
Who added the Aspidistra and Hatstand? (Come on, own up!) I wondered if that should be in the cultural significance layer (I really have to watch my anal tendencies here)
I like Moby Dick and Rasputin – very witty!
I’m tempted to go for fixed icons for the cultural and live venue layers, but think free expression is good for Afterworders, although like to see names, rather than ‘Point xxx’ – any thoughts as users?
Me, Sir. I thought it ought to go somewhere like Soho Square . I couldn’t figure out ho to move categories though, so thank you.
I added Jarvis and Joe!
and the other fine examples of Sheffield culture, @mike-hull?
Oops. My name is entered as Great Sankey instead of Larry Bee.
That’s my location.
Apologies for my ball achery
My bad.
No worries, @larry-bee – I’m often all about ball achery, myself
As the observant will remember, I love a good map, me. Feeling a bit lonely up in the northwest at the moment. I know there’s more of you about.
Hi Sal, please add me on Wuppertal, Germany.
Ist getan, Declan.
My apologies to sitheref! Although we are some 400 miles apart, my name showed up right on top of his!
Mea culpa to The Lover of the Russian Queen and Moby Dick and ahem a few others…
Very nice, @pencilsqueezer – shall I leave them where they are, or put them in the culture section?
Wherever you think is best Sal. *wink*
I’m on , (zooming in will explain my username – not very exciting, you would have to be at a very loose end)
Done and dusted.
Done, although where I’ll be living next week as opposed to now.
OK Point 10, you can come out now!
Great idea! I am assuming unanimous approval here, but I thought it important to note the location of where Um Bongo HQ is rumoured to be. The symbol should be a culturally-important star but I couldn’t make out how to change the symbol…
I’ve landed, thanks – no other bugger close
I’ve put mine on, vaguely near where I am. I’m not keen on revealing exactly where I live on a publicly accessible map.
Sounds senslble, @baldyslaphead – often it’s easiest just to type in the town where you live – that way, there won’t be any stray Afterworders ambling up after a cup of sugar and a docking station for their iPod.
Precisely. I’d need at least an hours notice to hide all the hair metal LPs and replace ’em with Afterword friendly albums.
“A docking station for their ipod” – an Afterworder’s seduction technique. See also, “Would you care for a tootle on my shawm?”
I promise I won’t come round without an invite.
Hello salwarpe!
I don’t seem to be able to do this.
So can you pin me somewhere near Spånga in the western suburbs of Stockholm, please?
done, @duco01 – with a nice big elephant shrew to go with it.
Thanks, sal.
The shrew does indeed look tremendous.
Deviant808, i pass through your manor daily on the way to work. Should we shake dewlaps and suspiciously sniff hind-quarters over a pint of medicine?
Bit sparse in the NG postcode; only @bobness, @baldyslaphead, @policybloke, @davidg and myself. Would only require a shed for a mingle.
I seem to be furthest north so far, which gives me some kind of deluded and unwarranted sense of superiority.
Absolutely, @allium-sativum (Sven?) – unless you count Moby Dick and Santa Claus – which I think @pencilsqueezer does!
‘Tis I
Pedant alert: Macca has been tagged as being on the Mull Of Kintyre which is not quite true. High Park
Farm is some 15 mile North of his tag. So there!
Moved him, @geacher
– also put ‘Macca’ into a renamed layer ‘cultural institutions’ – a kind of grab bag for anything or one not an Afterworder – if enough are added, I can separate them out by categories, even down unto musical genre.
No I don’t believe in Santa but Moby Dick…
Spot on Sal!
I’m on, and safely on land too, which is more than can be said for Middlerabbit.
Maybe he’s a leftover pirate DJ forced to wander the seas not unlike Der fliegende Holländer
Possibly, or maybe he (or she) really is a rabbit who happens to be adrift in the middle of the North Sea.
like this, I hope
first attempt at a picture. This may not work
It almost worked, and yes, that looks like Middlerabbit to me.
Here you go (I think)
I will add this to his flag.
Middlerabbit is still active (on Guardian threads) as you can find if you Google him (?) or click on the link I put in his flag.
Deserted in favour of CiF??? Are we that bad?
I wasn’t around for the Middlerabbit debacle, but from battle reports it sounds like he would be more comfortable in the combative threshing floors below the comment line of Guardian articles.
I’m in..but it’s a bit lonely up here on the North East coast.
Not for nothing was it known as the debatable lands.
The main debate being…. why doesn’t anyone have a coat?
Actually, I can talk, it’s quite amazing that in a country as small as England there seems to be a 40-50 mile exclusion zone around me.
Bloody courts.
Not for nothing was it known as the debatable lands.
I’m in…. joining Hawkfall in Singapore
Yay! We now have the Straits Massive! I’ve no idea whereabouts in Singapore my pin is, I didn’t zoom in that much when adding it. I could be in the middle of Mcritchie Reservoir for all I know.
I’ve no great desire to open a Google account, but if @salwarpe or anyone else would like to plant a flag for me, then Burrow Mump, next to the village of Burrowbridge in Somerset would be good. Chateau Grey is not far from the Mump, but I’d rather not put my precise location on the map.
Think of Burrow Mump as Glastonbury Tor’s less showy cousin . . .
You are on, @gcu-grey-area. I transferred your white horse sprite, – sorry it is so small.
Cheers, Sal.
Point 100! Woot!
I spin dodgy 80’s & 90’s alternative at the Royal Oak most Saturdays. Pop-in & I’ll let you buy me a pint!
Ooh I’ve just been a bit naughty!
I love all the cultural reference points being added – keep ’em coming! Anybody else notice that @burt-kocain is marked now?
I’m on, adding to the North West contingent and because I’m a rebel I’ve put mine in green.
But, oh Wirralian and therefore fellow Cestrian, how did you change the colour? I’ve not yet sussed how to choose a different marker pin for cultural reference points etc.
Hello to @thecheshirecat and here’s how you change your flag:
1. Go to the column on the left of the screen with all the names listed (if you are on a tablet, the way to access that is by touching the 3 parallel lines in the top left of the screen – then the column appears).
2. Hover with your mouse over your name, or touch your name (if on a tablet). A diamond appears on the right, as if by magic.
3. Click/touch the diamond.
4. Options appear to change the color and shape of your flag.
5. Er.
6. That’s it, really.
Cooo. Brilliant. Now, where’s that Half Map Half Biscuit website?
@salwarpe – I’ve got a couple of ‘cultural’ items. Could you add them?
First is the Uffington White Horse, the image from XTC’s ‘English Settlement’.
And the second is the Black Horse Inn, Clapton in Gordano, near that Bristol. @minibreakfast will like this, as it is the pub on The Wurzels seminal ‘Don’t Tell I, Tell ‘ee’ album.
Done and done, @gcu-grey-area
Thanks, Sal.
Could someone add me? Wellingborough, near the station. cheers.
Added, with your monkey.
Still no one else in the Sheffield area on the map. Was it something I said?
This is shaping up very nicely.
There’s an impressive geographic range. It does somehow make quite a difference knowing where people are located.
Nice work Sal!
Has anybody moved since 2015?
Me! But only about a mile.
I just realised I’m not on it. But not able to add a new point for some reason. Its a bit clunky on this phone. Never mind. I live on the dark side of the moon if you need to know.
Still in the same place.
Boringly consistent, that’s me.
I’m consistently boring, myself.
I`m on it now, my nearest neighbours are Ainsley and Pencilsqueezer, which is nice. Next time i`m over the water i`ll pop in for a cuppa
And, of course, thecheshirecat, sorry cat
My first post in the new world – I’m flagged.
Hi bobness. I thought you were down the road and I was up the road!
I think by now we’re all down the road.
I’m in Dubai but don’t have a clue how to add me?
Well, somebody has added you, @james-taylor – even if it wasn’t you. Good to have a Middle East correspondent.
Thanks, I worked it our after I had posted this. Good to be back
I’m on the Map although the Bristol/WoE is looking a bit sparse.
@salwarpe How do I change from where I was to where I am?
Diet and exercise.
@mikethep – Ah, ah, taking me back, taking me back, taking me back, taking me back
Taking me back, taking me back, taking me back, taking me back
Taking me back (woah) to when the world made more sense
Let me look into this.
I have looked and I can edit the map (and all the markers on it!), even if you cannot – maybe you need a Gmail account? Let me know where you would like to be, and I can move you.
@salwarpe I’m signed into Google, but the only editable thing I can discover is my name.
Maybe the answer is to delete and start again? Failing that, I’m in Murwillumbah, northern NSW, inland between Coolangatta and Byron Bay.
@salwarpe I’ve just dragged myself from Brisbane to Murwillumbah.
Not sure if Saucepot will survive any more hilarity, but beg to report that in the local native language Murwillumbah means ‘place of many possums’.
Mike’s view recently.
Glad you found out how to make the virtual trip, @mikethep. You seem to have ended up in a field between a river and a sewage plant – maybe the site has been redeveloped since the map was created.
Yessss! I’m the second most southerly AfterWorder in the UK. The estate agent was right.
(leans out the window and waves cheerily to Davebigpicture)
“Waves vaguely in the direction of Shoreham”
Is this the thread where GCUgreyarea says that Crimso time signatures are like the sizes on an imperial socket set? That was – and is – the single greatest thing on the internet.
Gosh.*goes a bit red, stares at the ground*. I am chuffed.
It might have been on a thread about ‘Top Trumps’ cards…
Ah – I thought I’d seen it somewhere!
The thread surfaced recently – but it’s sunk back into the murky depths again…
Yes, I saw it some time over the weekend, I think. I still have the ‘Top Trump’ card I did, whose link went down when Photobucket started charging.
Just noticed James Blast upthread.
I looked at that card only yesterday.
It’s still viewable as Moosey said.
So it is. I thought all those image links were borked when Photobucket stopped allowing images on their site to be shared from their free accounts.
I added myself on and find I’m the westeringest in Europe, or at least until someone from Dingle or Estoril gets pegged.