Having recently read & commented on the “Is the afterword a busted flush?” thread, I thought I would post about loving the music but hating the artist.
A quick word of explanation. I firmly believe that it is the music of your teenage years that stays with us throughout our life (Lives?). I am 59, & my teenage years were basically full of glam rock, & I make no apologies for loving it then, & loving it now.
However, this gave the world the Vile person known as Gary Glitter. I honestly cannot think of a finer example of loving the music but hating the artist.
Lay,jennelmen, I give you – THE LEADER…
I think Brandon Flowers is a scientifically verifiable cockwomble who sings out of tune half the time and sang the line “are we human or are we dancer?” with an apparently straight face. I’d shoot him out of a cannon without a second thought.
This is a frickin’ TUNE, though.
Wittily pointing out the remarkable similarity to Jonathon Rhys Meyers
Although my contrary nature prevented me liking this when it came out (everyone else did, so I decided it was sh*t, and stuck to it). OK, that makes me a bit of a knob – but not as much as Axl Rose (surely?)
They also had a song with a healthy dollop of humour, but the bloke is still a knob
Top band and top tune.
I saw them live at Wembley in 1991 and 1992 – two of the best gigs I have been to.
I was at the August 31st gig in 1991 (the Saturday). They came on about 2 hrs late IIRC, but yes, one of best ever!
Same date for me – agree it was a stonking show.
Enjoyed Nine Inch Nails set (although, not many around me seemed to), and Skid Row* were massively under-whelming
(* I was rather hoping this was going to be the reformed Gary Moore band – sadly not it was the American Hair-Metallists)
a band that looked better than they sounded with a singist who can’t sing, why did we need them when we had Aerosmith?
Ginger Baker is an odious specimen and of course Clapton is a racist MF but…….
If Clapton is a racist MF, presumably Elvis Costello is too?
The man may not have the been the best example of humanity. But oh! The music
I bought a CD this weekend, the booklet providing a useful potted history of what band members have been doing since. One of them, it proudly announced, has been part of Gary Glitter’s band for some years . CD was released mid 90s – I wonder if the Glitter connection would be deleted in a re-release?
Probably Johnny Marr. The Smiths are one of my favourite bands, and I’ve enjoyed his work with Billy Bragg, Kirsty MacColl, The Cribs, Modest Mouse, Electronic…too many to mention really. He’s truly a master guitarist and composer.
But….he’s always seemed a bit of a cocky manc twat to me, and he talks about guitars a lot, which is boring, and calls people ‘cat’, like a junior Keef Richards.
Erm, just to be clear, is the OP saying he actually loves gary glitter’s music?
Now that IS controversial.
Mick Hucknall. Totally annoying git IMHO, OOAA but a sublime singer
Yes niscum, I do love GG’s music (Well, a lot of it). As I said, it was a huge part of my teens I make no apologies.
I must say though, that my absolute favourite act from the Glam rock era were the mighty Slade, & I reckon this is just about the best song they ever did.
From the film Slade in Flame – How does it feel?
so we’ll ignore the lame Big Country tripe Runaway?
Jim Lea and Noddy Holder were tremendous songwriters and that is a cracking song. And NH also seems to be a thoroughly nice fellow. Good on him.
Chooooooon. Of the highest order.
Whatever a complete berk Kanye West was or has become can’t alter the fact that College Dropout, Late Registration and Graduation are a solid gold trilogy of records.
Ok responding on a few fronts here.
My first ever album was Remember me This Way, still love some of his music, and still play rock and roll Christmas as its one of my seasonal favourites (at Christmas just in case any pedants are watching) but yes what an odious inividual. Hard to reconcile sometimes.
“Cockwomble” is the best insult known to man
I know Noddy is only on here to display Jacks love of Glam, and like him, think Slade am bostin, but can we have a full disclaimer that one of the nicest men in music doesn’t deserve his face on an “Hate the Artist” thread?
Oops, sorry JT, fair comment.
JB – Completely agree, runaway was not Slade’s finest moment…
I don’t actually LOVE the music of Happy Mondays – they released some reasonably catchy singles and Shaun Ryder used to live with someone who worked for me at G-MEX. The reason I UTTERLY HATE them is down to the fact that a family of drug dealers moved next door to where I was living in Bolton and they used to constantly play their songs day and flipping night. I had young children at the time and it was a frightening time to be around such people. Within a month of deciding to move we ended up in the house I still live in 25 years later and it was the best decision we ever made. I still cringe if I see Shaun and his dancing wally on TV.