There was a story in the news a couple of days ago about an injured bushwalker rescued in Tasmania after transmitting her coordinates using What3words. It’s a clever site that has assigned a three word code to every 3m square on the planet, and whether by design or default the codes often have a graceful, Haiku-ish quality to them.
My bed, where I lie typing this, is leveraged.raindrop.collapsing, who I’m pretty sure I saw in the chillwave tent at Livid in the early 90s.The centre of my property is augmented.elves.maxims, which is rather apt for our forested abode and would have made a great name for an Elephant Six band in the 90s. My parents’ place is, which should be an energy drink or a car colour.
Rather disappointingly, neither Neutral Milk Hotel nor Olivia Tremor Control yield a result
What have you guys got?
Vibes Trickles Goals. I used to have that album I think
Actually that’s not true. By putting vibe as plural rather than singular my rescue party has gone out of their way by 337Km. Could have been worse, Vibes Trickle Goals is 9463Km from my house
Goggles loaning appeal, which I rather like. I may stand forlornly outside the local lido and see how I do.
Is this an elaborate scam to get us to reveal our home addresses?? 🙂
Never mind. mine is Rocky Skinny Codes.
Good point, although when I did this a few months ago it came up with something completely different!
That featured on a QI prog a while ago.
Strikes me it also functions really well as a ‘Three More From Them Later’ band-name generator.
combos.tonal.fear is the centre of the nearest village to me, and also the name of The Fall’s 37th album.
Mine is the evocative afternoon.vocally.decent which I’d like to think is what the neighbours say about me warbling along to whatever. Nearby is then.custodian.bulky which sounds like a description of “big-boned” ex-Sheffield United goalkeeper Paddy Kenny. Thanks Poidicle, this is going to make lockdown simply fly by!
“Snake saves jukebox”. Title of my difficult sophomore album.
How very AW.
Surely a Nick Cave side project?
Gained Suffer Treat (in my kitchen)
Nearly Natively Congratulations (in my office/computer room/man cave)
Reconnect. Doing. Observe.
Government slogan generator.
Oz address is
Stiff. Hardly. Vision.
My house is “maroon being prattle.”
Quite apt.
loose.noon.cover My album inspired by Joni, CSN&Y and friends in the valley….
adverb.toothpick.waters. That long-lost obscure Fall B-side.
Rich. Uncle. Skeleton
A character in the little seen DMAX re-make of The Munsters
Sitting in the lounge, directly under our bedroom where the wardrobes are. Chuffed to find we are hangs.coats.lots.
Currently sunning myself on a bench at Reporters. Elect. Crazy.
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