Emboldened by my Sam Fender post, I’m going to stick my head above the AW Muso parapet and post about my love of Lewis Capadi.
A Scottish Ed Sheeran I hear some of you say? Yes – but also no. He can knock out a tune in the same manner. And, similarly, he can hit the bullseye on emotional, acoustic pop music. But he is also, I think, a lyricist capable of work beyond his years. He is also the least likely pop star possibly ever. Genuinely so.
The song that got me is Before You Go. A simple love song at first glance but, actually, a song written about his aunts suicide. It’s a moving song and a great performance.
His recent documentary is also well worth a watch. It shows a down to earth lad dealing with enourmous amounts of fame and work struggling to deal with the pressure. He then discovers he suffers from Tourettes. It’s not your standard pop star stuff – and all the better for that. He seems to me to be something of a throwback to where pop stars were famous becasue the songs were good.
Video in the comments.
I’ve got a soft spot for Mr Capaldi too. His musics not quite my cup of tea but there’s no denying he’s got a great set of pipes and a knack for a tune.
The way he’s dealt with his Tourette’s head on and not tried to hide it away is quite inspiring (bits of that Netflix documentary are not an easy watch).
He’s also fecking hilarious in his interviews.
Good for you @Leedsboy! I’m very interested to read about your enthusiasm about artists who are not the obvious AW choices.
Lewis is a talented chap with a lovely sense of humour.