Despite its venerable age and a reboot recently that almost everyone hated, last fm is still the only place to join up your itunes, spotify, google play and other online plays (can’t make youtube work, though it says it should) to scrobble your total online music activity. They’ve just told me my 2016 stats, though this is only to 1 Dec strangely:
7731 plays
23 per day
18 days 9 hours listening time
817 different artists and 1186 albums placing me in the 89th percentile – ie in the top 12%
6357 tracks placing me in the 98th percentile – variety is the spice of life then.
Biggest day – 141 tracks
Longest streak – 27 days
Pointless but fascinating…
Share your stats fellow last fm-ers. This of course excludes CD plays in the car, vinyl at home etc –
Leicester Bangs says
I like Last Fm, but the scrobbler occasionally goes haywire and records, like, 800 listens of Love Missile F1-11 by Sigue Sigue Sputnik.
Where did you get your 2016 stats from, MM? I can’t see it. On edit: seen it!
Kid Dynamite says
My stats are a bit distorted by thanks to not scrobbling properly for a number of months, but I am still in the 86th percentile of tracks played. Top track was “Are You Going To Leave Me Now” by Crumbling Ghost, top album was De La Soul, and top artist was The Afghan Whigs.
el hombre malo says
8, 574 plays
25 per day
20 days 20 hours listening time
1, 633 Artists
5, 898 tracks
Biggest Day – 188 tracks (which looks like a bit of a jumble with several repeats that I don’t think happened)
(I had forgotten lastfm was still going!!)
moseleymoles says
@el-hombre-malo your percentile for artists must be pretty near the top worldwide as I’m in the 89th on half your total.
DogFacedBoy says
I always check my stats before saying hello to my MySpace followers and tracking down old pals on Friends Reunited
JQW says
Is Last.FM still going? I stopped using it when it couldn’t differentiate between acts with the same name, causing no end of fun.
Leicester Bangs says
After its terrible redesign I thought, ‘Never mind, I’ll just transfer to another, similar site that creates personalised analytics based on what I’ve been listening to.’
Blow me down if there isn’t one!
moseleymoles says
@leicester-bangs we would all leave if we could…surely there’s a business idea here that the Afterword hive mind could work on and the Admins could work up in their lunch break.
Leicester Bangs says
It couldn’t be worse, could it? I used to have an ‘artist cloud’ and another fancy graphic — both of which went missing after the purge.
ChrisRand says
17066 plays
50 per day
41 days 12 hours listening time.
2617 different artists and 4240 albums placing me in the 99th percentile.
7762 tracks placing me in the 98th percentile too.
Biggest day – 211 tracks.
Longest streak – 26 days.
*But what does it all mean?*