I’m going to make these posts briefer for a couple of reasons: the world is opening up, at least for the moment, so reading perhaps is falling back into a more natural place, and there is a lot of repetition in the offers. So more emphasis on new offers, just listings for the offers on repeat.
A Dance to the Music of Time vol 1 – the first three volumes of Antony Powell’s 12-volume masterpiece. Vol 1 (school) and 2 are atypical, but by 3 Powell has hit his stride.
Skagboys – Irvine Welsh. Not a massive Welsh fan, but sure there are many on here.
Talented Mr Ripley – Patricia Highsmith. First of the Ripley cycle, and so influential on the ‘charming psychopath’ gentre.
Cryptonomicon – Neal Stephenson. I remember this as epic but worth it, the first of his many doorstep novels.
And In The End….by Ken McNab The end of the Beatles. An extra 30p.
Back on at 99p
London a countercultural history by Barry Miles
Empire Falls by Richard Russo
Franchise affair by Josephine Tey
A Dark Adapted Eye by Barbera Vine
Leviathan Wakes by James SA Corey
moseleymoles says
Another ten days should be enough to grab what you want.
Black Type says
Ooh, I’ve been looking at that Fabs book for a while.
Black Type says
In other news, the paperback edition of Stephen Morris’s first volume of the Joy Division/New Order saga, Record Play Pause, is a rocket-launching £1.50 at the mo.
Junglejim says
Thanks as ever Moles, I was just on the verge of scooping up ‘Cryptonomicon’ when my device informed me I bought it in 2012 ( at considerably more than the mega bargain of 99p!).
I just splurged £1.29 on a non fiction book called ‘Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism and how to think smarter about people who think differently’ by Steve Silberman. This was based on hearing an interview with the author on a very old podcast -it’s a fascinating tale of ham radio, Nazis, cover ups, Science Fiction & all sorts. Still not sure if Asperger himself is/ was a hero or villain, but hoping to find out.