You’ve got to feel sorry for Kanye here. After all, what does Bob Ezrin know about Hip Hop?
Musings on the byways of popular culture
The amount of shit I do not give about Kanye West would fill an aircraft carrier.
That’s wascist man!
I don’t give a similar amount of shit about a bunch of white people too. The only thing Mr West has done that I found at all interesting was hit his head on a road sign.
I’ve never knowingly heard a single “song” (and I use the term advisedly) by this West fellow. Is it all that hippity hoppity stuff?
It’s all very good, I’m reliably informed.
You missed his epoch-defining performance at Glasto? Tigger’s string-back driving gloves spontaneously combusted.
He’s the (self-proclaimed) greatest rock star of all time.
I was impressed by the lighting – fantastic stage design. I watched about a minute of his act before wandering off to the beer tent. I have no stamina when it comes to rant music.
He introduced me to the useful term “dope shit”, which has greatly improved my vocabulary. Ironically, these are two things he is.
Is he also “phat”, and “sick”?