Well it seems the rumours are true. Just “dropped” by Kanye on Tidal is ” Boo!ska” a 10 minute track recorded by him and the blessed Kate. It’s widely known that he’s been a fan since childhood. This has been painstakingly worked on since the two finally met after one of her Before the Dawn shows.
What does sound it like? It’s really hard to describe. It starts as a deceptively simple ska number (Kate singing in Jamaican patois? Oh yes) but there’s a simmering backdrop of industrial noise with Kanye growling and snuffling (Hounds of Love reference?) that builds into an angry and noisy crescendo.
Kanye howls Boo! and Kate sings “Babooshka!” in a call-and-response way. They get worked up to a point where you really feel like you shouldn’t be listening to it, it sounds so emotional and intense. There’s a sequence near the end lasting over a minute where they are both screaming at the top of their voices. If you thought Yoko was a hard listen, wait til you hear this. But it somehow works
I listened to it with disbelief to begin with but on about listen 10 I am convinced that there is genius at work here. Really. It’s that good.
I would post it here but I am scared of the copyright issues so I will leave you to google it. You’ll hear it everywhere soon enough. Official release I think is tomorrow morning.
Is it tomorrow where you are?
Not sure how relevant that is – but yes, it’s just before midday, Saturday, over here.
Wife Kim said:
“Bush? Ewwww! Isn’t that, like, illegal now?”
Nice try, BC. Nice try.
I don’t understand some of these comments. I will see if I can find a link.
I thought there was another black American dude musician that pre-dated him in the Kate Bush love department?
True. Barry White was quite smitten.
A monster track!
Ms Bush singing in Jamaican patois is not as unlikely as it seems when one remembers that she did a slightly cover version of Althea and Donna.
See me on me heath and ting
Dem check sey me wuthering
Heathcliff like mi’alter back
Sey it gi’ him heart attack
Gimme likkle bass, make me wine up me waist
Upmoors Top Ranking
Yeah nice try kaisfatdad – I wasn’t born yesterday y’know.
Reminds me a little bit of Dire Straits’ Romeo and Juliet.
In other news, Meatloaf to reform.
Wouldn’t that defy the laws of chemistry?
That Barry White clip is wonderful. Very un PC but hilarious anyway.
Kanye as a Kate fan is not so far-fetched.
Here is Wuthering……
In Icelandic
Ukulele style
And given a charming retro jazz reboot by the lovely Puppini Sisters
I found some of those on this compendium of WH covers.
I saw my Dad today, who informed me in all sincerity that according to his paper Megan and Prince Harry had secretly got married in Las Vegas. I was somewhat incredulous but he said it was a 2 page spread special report with photos. Then I thought about it some more and told him what date it was.
Some of these are rather witty. It isn’t just about fooling people.
I derived great pleasure from telling my son that he had to go into school for extra weekend lessons as he hadn’t been working hard enough in class. (the last bit is fairly true!). He bought it hook line and sinker and was very pissed off. And even more pissed off when he realised I’d fooled him.