Meanwhile, Sun Ra Arkestra Leader Marshall Allen is currently still going strong (still blowing his alto sax) at 99 years of age. And still a smoker.
Bit of a Red Letter Day.
Doesn’t this mark the first of the British Invasion group members to enter a tenth decade?
Chuck Berry, Ike Turner, Fats Domino etc. were all born around the mid-1920s-early 1930s, but of all the Brit guys of the early-mid 1960s, Mayall surely has to be the oldest.
He does look alarmingly like someone’s gran. Are they all his own teeth?
Nice of her to make John a cake.
We’re not used to him smiling. Maybe after all dese years he finally done lost da BLOOOOZE
The Beano Bluesbreakers might be the last major 60s band still above ground.
OMG it makes me feel like one of the last major 60s fans still above ground.
I think Manfred Mann are all still alive. We did a thread on this a while back but I should imagine it’s sadly dated…
A few may have carked it during your sabbatical Moose.
What are you saying like?
*Phones solicitor*
No you are correct đź‘Ť
Blues From Laurel Canyon is still a great album.
Time for me to post my usual correction:
Manfred Mann original 5 members are still with us.
Good to see he shows no lasting ill-effects
following the immolation of his vast porno
collection a few years back
Blues men have form: BBKing was still on the road in his 90s. All to do with waking up each morning.
…and fetching down their walking boots.
Big legged women obviously don’t do any harm either.
Meanwhile, Sun Ra Arkestra Leader Marshall Allen is currently still going strong (still blowing his alto sax) at 99 years of age. And still a smoker.
He is a good musician, songwriter and band leader as well as having a few good side men.
and the original Macc lad, to boot.
Yes, went to school with my mate’s dad (Kings School, where I went too).
as, indeed … as you know. Did you know they’re building houses on the old site?
It was always threatened. Can’t say I have much affection for the old place though.
A great anecdote
Bit of a Red Letter Day.
Doesn’t this mark the first of the British Invasion group members to enter a tenth decade?
Chuck Berry, Ike Turner, Fats Domino etc. were all born around the mid-1920s-early 1930s, but of all the Brit guys of the early-mid 1960s, Mayall surely has to be the oldest.