Mrs W played this to me at seven o’clock this morning – through bleary eyes I said “nice”. Mrs W loves it as I suspect will the Great British Public. I also suspect some on here will disagree with Mrs W (never a wise thing to do)
I have just watched it. It’s fine, but nothing will ever be better than the 2011 version featuring Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want. The only advert that has made me cry tears of joy.
Blimey! Christmas and Elbow in one package? What sort of merry hell is that? Fortunately I’ll probably be able to avoid the ad by skipping through the breaks. Now I just need a way of skipping the rest of Christmas!
Guy can sing the heck out of pretty much anything, for my money, plus it’s a sweet little film, and John Lewis are amongst the best retailers out there. Don’t see any point in finding fault in this at all.
Though I was quite amused by a postscript on the BBC page. Apparently the M+S features Paddington and some viewers were convinced that he was the subject of some un-festive swearing.
He is in fact saying “thank you little bear”, a spokesperson assured.
Spot on. I’m also struggling to think of anything less appealing than a TV Advert soundtracked by fucking Elbow for gods sake. Life is precious and I refuse to spend what’s left of mine watching adverts or listening to anything by fucking Elbow.
On your recommendation, I went to You Tube to view the comments. Very disappointing. I was expecting something entertaining. As dull as the ad is probably. I don’t watch adverts.
Oh, and it cost 7 million pounds to make.
Guy Garvey’s rider now costs £6.9 million? Wow.
If he can pull Rachel Stirling, he can probably do anything.
Pulling Rachel Stirling wouldn’t be half as much fun as being pu*COMMENT REDACTED*
Mrs W played this to me at seven o’clock this morning – through bleary eyes I said “nice”. Mrs W loves it as I suspect will the Great British Public. I also suspect some on here will disagree with Mrs W (never a wise thing to do)
I wonder if they did Carry That Weight too? Always feels anticlimactic to hear one without the other.
You clearly wouldn’t wanna be Thomas Dekker. ( But then who would – poor sod’s been dead for 400 years)
I immediately started singing that as the song progressed,
Seems wrong on its own.
It’s the law (apparently)
One must follow the other, and then there is a drum solo for afters
I have just watched it. It’s fine, but nothing will ever be better than the 2011 version featuring Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want. The only advert that has made me cry tears of joy.
Charlie Brooker speculated that it was the family dog’s head in the box, a suggestion which improved my enjoyment of the ad enormously..
Yup, I think i’m in agreement with you on that.
As ever, Newsthump hits the nail on the head:
Oh…and Elbow have a Best of coming out coincidently. Can’t blame ’em I guess, but for me would be a pretty short album.
Blimey! Christmas and Elbow in one package? What sort of merry hell is that? Fortunately I’ll probably be able to avoid the ad by skipping through the breaks. Now I just need a way of skipping the rest of Christmas!
Bah, ‘umbug!
Guy can sing the heck out of pretty much anything, for my money, plus it’s a sweet little film, and John Lewis are amongst the best retailers out there. Don’t see any point in finding fault in this at all.
Agreed Foxy
Christmas advert? Nov 10th? What fresh hell is this?
The sort of hell where an advert makes the front page of every major news website.
Though I was quite amused by a postscript on the BBC page. Apparently the M+S features Paddington and some viewers were convinced that he was the subject of some un-festive swearing.
That Peruvian marmelade must be strong stuff.
Paddington getting into bad language and S & M? What is the world coming to?
A big hairy monster hiding under a small child’s bed. Call the police!
Take a fab song and made it worser. Elbow give it the kiss of dull.
Elbow are the epitome of dull. They ought to be good and I try to like their earnest enthusiasm but I just lose interest.
Is this the first advert ever to feature a fart?
John Lewis – pushing that cultural envelope.
Oh dear. I think you’re thinking of John Holmes.
Also this:
Spot on. I’m also struggling to think of anything less appealing than a TV Advert soundtracked by fucking Elbow for gods sake. Life is precious and I refuse to spend what’s left of mine watching adverts or listening to anything by fucking Elbow.
Well, I rather liked it and it did make a little wistful near the end. Not a huge Elbow fan, but I like the version of Golden Slumbers.
Some of the comments below it on YouTube are a disgrace though.
On your recommendation, I went to You Tube to view the comments. Very disappointing. I was expecting something entertaining. As dull as the ad is probably. I don’t watch adverts.
“I don’t watch adverts” – AWT
Another Elbow Christmas advert could be one of those perfume ads featuring sleepy, emaciated models… soundtracked by Powder Blue.
I’ve just realised nobody has yet made the “is it Elbow? I thought it was Arse” joke