Apparently Sky are playing the film on repeat all day long. What movie or TV or music or other experience would you enjoy on repeat for a whole day?
Musings on the byways of popular culture
Apparently Sky are playing the film on repeat all day long. What movie or TV or music or other experience would you enjoy on repeat for a whole day?
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“Other experience”?
Thank you, Moose. I knew i could count on you.
I also admire your stamina.
Oop! Sorry, me bathrobe’s come undone.
6 more weeks of winter apparently …
Given you can download the entire movie for nought from archive dot org and watch it whenever you want to, folks can avoid enriching the Devils Digger and still see the movie. Result.
My 35th birthday.
Is your answer the same as mine….?
Hur hur hur, I doubt it so yes.
Apart from kids movies, think the film I have seen the most times is probably This is Spinal Tap – but no more than 6 times, I would say, in 30-odd years.
Any film, repeated for a whole day, would probably put me off it for life.
My crowd watched Tap more or less every week after the pub on Saturday nights through my uni days. Sometimes twice, so I’d be surprised if there weren’t months when I saw it more than 6 times. But then we were quite heavily medicated at the time.
I once watched the whole of Peter Brooks’ Mahabarat on a decidedly yellow tv screen one Sunday – that lasted about 6 hours. Though it seemed much longer because we were still stoned from the night before.
Not sure I could manage every day, but Quadrophenia was probably a once a month during my teenage years.
See also Spinal Tap and The Blues Brothers.
And I can still watch all three now and enjoy them as much as the first time
True Lies once a month I could endure.
Some scenes possibly nightly.
Groundhog Day may well be my favourite ever film. When flu swept through our chateau at Christmas we spent two weeks marooned on the sofa watching Buy A House Abroad, Buy Something For A Tenner Sell It For A Fiver, I Shot My Neighbour’s Cat etc etc.
One day we discovered that on Channel 347 Groundhog was on rotation. We watched and dozed and watched and dozed through at least 3 viewings (it may well have been more, it all got a bit hazy) – our very own Groundhog Day, perfect!
I Shot My Neighbour’s Cat really jumped the shark when they ran out of cats and ended up throwing dried peas at a box of Frosties. Pathetic.
My Neighbour’s Cat Shat on My Cot is looking intriguing so far.
Not half as intriguing as 1000 Ways To Use A Dead Cat – episode 31 ( Dead Cat Soup – Who Knew?) was a belter
The first one was just bouncing it. Very short episode.
IF you want to disappear into the wall of mirrors that is Groundhog Day, there’s a guy who watched the film every day for a year and blogged about it –
Some of the minutiae that is revealed to him after watching it so often is fascinating.
Also, there are many theories about its meaning.
Apparently Phil Connors spent anything from 10 to 33 years reliving February 2.
I’ll report back in about 33 years time….
This might seem like I’m trying to make some tortuous pun, but I’m not, I’m genuine.
I love the movie In The Loop and I could watch it (and have done) endlessly on repeat. I don’t know what it is about it, it’s not even my favourite film or anything, just something about the tightness of the script and the sharp dialogue just invites repetition.
Just sowing a little seed of confusion in the ‘Recently Updated’ threads section.
Well played to @black-celebration for his wit. I’ll just have to steel myself for when his thread overtakes mine and leaves it in the dust.
Maybe I should start another one tomorrow?
Like you have any choice!
Well, if it’s the choice between spending the rest of my life in an infinite series of opportunities to become fluent in every language, read every book, and become proficient at every musical instrument, artistic form, dance step,
or get stuck with the prissy Southern drip that is Andi MacDowell,
– it’s ‘l Got You Babe’ on repeat for me.
Is she dripping? I hadn’t noticed….
Well it’s better than goose fat, just less fashionable. (AWTS)
For me it’s a toss up between The Italian Job or Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I’ve seen both of them dozens of times.
Well, those three should make for an entertaining evening.
I don’t think I’d like to watch it on repeat all day, but the film I’ve seen the most (100+ times) is The Rocky Horror Picture Show. I could probably listen to the soundtrack all day without it driving me potty though – what tunes!
The only film I’ve watched more than a hundred times involves a woman having some sort of a problem with her pyjamas. Indeed, by the end of the film she is so angry that she has breathing difficulties and is actually shaking with rage. It only lasts about three minutes and the camerawork is somewhat unimaginative, but it’s a hell of a performance.
I remember that French New Wave gem.
Godard I suspect.
It’s more recent than that… in fact you can see the timecode in the corner of the screen. Very much in the verite tradition though.
Got very hard, I imagine.
Any good songs, though?
Well, she seems to be trying to do a cover of “Heavy Breathing (Female)” from the BBC Horror Sound Effects album. Her timing’s a bit of a mess but it’s a decent effort.