Have we got any posters here who live in Iowa? Do they stick to bottled mineral water? If not, surely they must be negotiating a bulk-buy option from their local mart by now, as their fellow Iowans seem to have lost their marbles entirely.
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It’s Iowa Republicans, remember. Other Iowans are no doubt available. At least until they get shot.
Doesn’t really mean anything, he was always a shoe-in to win there
And there’s no drinking water at the moment, everything is frozen.
Which just proves the libtards wrong about global warming.
They interviewed a couple of Iowans this morning on Radio 4.
“God sent Trump to be our President and Make America Great Again”. No arguing with that …
Nothing about Trump and the maelstroms around him surprise me anymore.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he won the general election. I wouldn’t be surprised if Biden sent him packing. I wouldn’t be surprised if he fomented a civil war if that was the case. I wouldn’t be surprised if he slunk away snivelling and mewling to be forgotten and for the US to begin a return to normality.
No scenario involving him would surprise me in any way. He is exhausting. Imagine what is to be him? Continually aggrieved and raging. He must be on some iron clad blood pressure meds.
Actually, I would be surprised if he was served any accountability for his federal crimes. I don’t think he’ll see a prison cell before he either carks it or is allowed to pardon himself. The wheels of justice grind too slowly in their convolutions.
Continually aggrieved and raging. He must be on some iron clad blood pressure meds.
Gotta hand it to him, though, if I had his money I’d just sit around on the beach smoking spliff all day.
Don’t you do that anyway?
Of course not and how dare you. Not in the winter, anyway. In the winter I have little choice but to frequent an indoor swimming pool, where smoking anything is, I believe, strictly against the rules.
also no running, no bombing or heavy petting
You forgot the biggest no-no of them all
What, getting into a public pool wearing a shit-filled nappy?
That’s actually number two on the list
Must these killjoys ruin ALL our fun?
I’ve only once been to an indoor pool in the UK since I took up swimming. That was in Leyton, God knows how many years ago. It was pretty grotty. Half of it peopled by kids playing and only three lanes dedicated to proper swimmers (like moi). I remember there was a band-aid floating in the pool.
Italians are a bit hygiene obsessed. (I just had to look up the spelling of hygiene. Not as straightforward as I’d thought.) At the public pool I go to you have to wear shoe covers to go into the changing rooms, shower before entering the pool, wear a cap in the water. It’s ultra clean. I always get a lane to myself.
I’ve enjoyed telling you this. It has been an interesting diversion for me on an otherwise rather drab morning.
Indoor swimming pools in the UK are composed of 90% child’s piss. Presuming Ed would have a field day.
The other 10% is Agent Orange, bought in bulk from US Army Surplus.
Living proof that only the good die young.
Iowa is reputedly full of white, Christian evangelist republican voters. What do these people in particular see in the appalling, “grab ’em by the pussy” Trump who, by any measure, seems a moral vacuum?
Christians are different in the US
The IQ-reduction comes from how weirdly un-christian their Christian worship has become.
The more he breaks the law, the more he endangers US democracy, the more the voters like him.
To me, as a European it is all very frightening. For the many Americans who have not succumbed to the Cult of Trump, it must be terrifying.
This planet is teetering on the edge, if that bastard is president again we truly are doomed.
Why, with all those guns around, doesn’t somebody blow the fecker’s head off?
Because all the nutters with guns vote Republican.
And if the nutters are united they will never be divided…
….sorry wrong thread
Sadly a big percentage of the US population outside of the major cities are Christian evangelist republican voters and they love him.
The USA is a long way from normality and moving further away it seems.
I am really concerned where the World is headed. Biden needs to pressure Israel into halting its ethnic cleansing before Trump gets anywhere near the White House.
Maybe we should all be cheering for him. After all, if a right-wing, so-called Christian, nutters movement can swing it all the way to the White House, maybe they’ll be minded to rid the world of all those right-wing, so-called muslim, militant Islamist nutters, and the rest of us can just get on with living on a poisoned planet in peace and harmony.
What Biden needs to do is stand down and make way for someone capable of first uniting and then leading the country. And when he does so, he should take the useless Kamala Harris
with him
What Biden needs to do is stand down and make way for someone capable of first uniting and then leading the country. And when he does so, he should take the useless Kamala Harris with him
We know he’s old and forgetful but do you have to tell him twice?
The second one was for Kamala
Have you looked at the US Democratic Party lately?
They don’t have anyone capable of uniting and then leading the country. The entire political system over there is fucked.
Get ready for American Civil War II. Coming soon.
The straw most people seem to be clutching is the unproven Michelle Obama.
Given the US’s love of a political dynasty (the Kennedys, the Bushes, the Clintons), there’s no saying she wouldn’t give Trump a good run at the polls
Haven’t heard that one.
I always assumed that Biden would be happy to standby if there was an obviously better candidate, but there isn’t.
Trump’s incredibly personal hatred of Biden was the main reason Joe got the nomination – the calculation was that it would just make DT explode.
So far the only thing exploding is the Red Sea.
To paraphrase Billy Connolly – in a country of that size, don’t you find that to be absolutely extraordinaraay? Even in my small circle, in a small city in a small country – I know lots of really clever and decent people.
Similarly, the Conservative Party in the UK.
Keep them well-fed, reasonably well-off and something decent on the telly and everything is fine (well, almost fine).
Close down pits and steel works, stick people on no-guaranteed-hours contracts, tell them it’s all the fault of them liberals, them Europeans, them immigrants and then watch Trump, Boris et al take over. I try not to think about it too much, I find Wordle helps.
People in England and the US look pretty bloody well-fed to me.
If you’ll excuse me, I have to go and put another hole in my belt…
Trump’s hatred of the Obamas is greater than his hatred of Biden. Michelle Obama would be a prime candidate for assassination, if chosen to run against Trump. Something she has probably been advised of.
One thing that probably would turn the US electorate against Trump would be if his opponent was assassinated or wounded in an assassination attempt.
I’m going to point out one thing. The weather was awful so turnout was terrible. Only something in the region of 56,000 voted, less than in 2016. So these really were the dedicated Trump nutters.
I don’t confidently predict that he will be beaten in November, but I do think a heck of a lot of people will be galvanised into voting “against” him, in the way they they just weren’t in voting “for” him here.
Watching Newsnight last night and witnessing an odious little man representing Trump patronise and belittle Victoria Derbyshire while spewing platitudes on the wonder of the orange ogre was a nauseating reminder of 2016 -2020 and grim portent of things to come.
Given the way he turns out for every court appearance – even the ones where he isn’t required to do so – the decision to prosecute him has backfired spectacularly
Court appearances are his new campaign rallies! That’s what his base loves – their man in court, bravely facing off the conspiracists, commies, libtards and woke elite attorneys with their fancy book learning etc etc
Indeed. 56000 is a fraction of those that could have voted. Only 50% of them voted for the monster.
He won this caucus. He’s going to be the Republican nominee, this is clear. However that result wasn’t as ringingly positive as he wanted.
As someone said up the page, the weather was awful and this is how Trump will spin it
It’s a nightmare isn’t it. Surely there must be two better candidates in a country that size?
Unfortunately the only way to do it is to have a considerable amount of money behind.
Cometh the hour, cometh the man
Amazed they’ve not done a Criterion edition. It’s long overdue
Hey Bob!
He’s busy doing his Bob thing in the swimming pool
As if the situation wasn’t depressing enough…
The writer of that piece lost any credibility when they claimed that “Trump is Cool”. @mikethep. He is many things but cool is not one of them.
But if young Americans really do see this ill-mannered, uncouth, self-centered, vulgar billionaire as cool then things really are in a bad way.
A lot of his supporters think he is ridiculous but they like his “pro American” policies and think Biden is useless
So they’re likely to vote for the policies, not the personality? Interesting approach – to make a choice based on what a politicians do, rather than on what they say. Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do? Might it not be better to assess and critique him on those grounds, rather than what he’s like as a person?
He’s a young Republican who runs a think tank that focuses on Gen Z and works for his parents’ company. He is hardly what you could call a neutral observer.
No, but the Economist was saying the same thing.
“No Republican candidate for president has won most voters under the age of 30 since 1988. But a poll by the New York Times and Siena College published on December 19th found Donald Trump leading Mr Biden by 49% to 43% among voters aged 18 to 29. That is a swing in this poll to Mr Trump of ten points since July. According to the Pew Research Centre, in 2020 Mr Biden won that age group by 24 points, 59% to 35%.”
That is a more cautious reading of the polls than the author of the column you linked to:
“As President Joe Biden continues to see a steep decline in support among young people, Trump is seeing a large increase among 18- to 29-year-olds”.
14% change is significant, but is it steep/large? Arguable, I guess. Biden doesn’t inspire anyone, as far as I can tell, so it’s almost as much of a Hobson’s Choice as Johnson vs Corbyn. Polling now vs actual voting is also possibly a factor.
Young people probably like Trump’s support for the sex industry, which is the only work they can get.
I look forward to the day wen he is really cool, and pushing up he daisies.
Like Rupert, he will probably outlive us all. Bring in a pact with Satan does wonders.
Meanwhile, here in the developed world, The Kids are Alt Right?
Where’s Jimmy Pursey when we need him!
We’ll, he was particularly good at bringing young right-wing people together.
Sadly his attempt to welcome non-Brit youngsters into the broad church that was Sham failed to gain traction when “Hurry Up, Hari” stalled at No 19 in the UK chart
Weeeeeeee’re going dahn the mosque
It seems he won by a margin of 2,222 votes.
That’s fuck all. Yep, it was a historically freezing day and a win is a win and he’ll be the nominee. It’s not in doubt.
But that was fuck all.
Anyway, since when does he accept the result of elections?
Ah yes, his views on elections. They’re a mystery wrapped in a conundrum swathed in enigma.
Only when he wins one.