If you appreciate a good insert as much as I do, you’ll achieve deep satisfaction from stroking through this blog. Inserts of every variety! THRILL to the rare Bob Dylan portrait! TUMESCE to the Safe As Milk bumpersticker! VOYAGE to Donovan’s Isle! COVET the Simons & Garfunkels poster! WONDER what the fuck you’re doing!
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For a briefly transcendent moment of glory at the top o’ the blog >>>>>>>>
My copy of Safe As Milk never had the insert and it was a US import too.
Tell me about it. Only copy I ever saw was clutched in Pete Frame’s nerveless fingers.
The first time I ever saw the Safe As Milk sticker was in this 1967 photo of John Lennon relaxing at his Weybridge mansion. Look at the cupboard behind John and there are TWO of the Beefheart stickers on the doors.
My faves
– the postcards in Exile
– the book for Stop Making Sense for early purchasers in America anyway (happened to be Johnny On The Spot)
– the photos of the HJHM in the White Album
Oh, that reminds me. The HR Giger poster that came with Frankenchrist by the Dead Kennedys.
I thought it looked cool and put it up on my wall, but it wasn’t until years later that I realised what it was actually depicting! (I’ll let you Google it if you haven’t seen it.)
I’ve often wondered if my parents knew but didn’t say, or if they were similarly naive.
Hmm. “Naive” and “Poppy Succeeds”. Not often seen in the same sentence.
I Googled. That poster got Jello Biafra into rather hot water. There was an obscenity trial.
I did too.
So Ms Succeeds , do you still stick to your story that you did not know what this poster, apparently known as “penis landscape”, was depicting?
Weird, looking back. I know that it was the subject of an obscenity trial and I knew the title of it, but in my (yes, HP) naive mind, I saw something visceral but nevertheless abstract. I didn’t realise that it was in fact a faithful depiction of, you know, what it is.
And when I did, it was like looking at one of those magic pictures and suddenly getting it.
suddenly getting it….cue Moose
My kettle, Arthur.
” They’re boiling me up today, they’re boiling me up, yippee !
When I’m boiled up, what’s that in your cup,
Coffee or Tea ? ”
Oh go on then….
Another peep through the yurt flap into Rob World, you lucky things you….
My Green Man Mug ( pestle and mortar in background). Both very important for invocations, metaphysical endeavours etc as well as refreshment.
I’m getting a mystical sensation of déja vu … it’s like I’ve seen these … before .. in a previous life …?
Don’t you take that attitude with me, Quentin Stroppydrawers. I am merely extending the privilege to those less fortunate than you, whilst out of the kindness of my heart chakra attemtping to keep your, how shall we say… less than successful thread alive by tending to it, nay, resuscitating it, because that’s the kind of selfless loving cat that I am.
You’re a nutter, you are!
To get us back to inserts….I bought second-hand a copy of Live at Leeds that contained the following according to Discogs (and matching my memory of it):
[1] Band Photo from the My Generation photo shoot
[2] Jennings Musical Industries court document
[3] Receipt for a smoke bomb purchase from Brock’s . . .
[4] “My Generation” lyric sheet with hand written notes
[5] Rejection letter from E.M.I. Records in regards to The High Numbers.
[6] Lacarno Ballromm gig cancellation letter,
[7] Large black “Maximum R&B” poster showing Pete Townshend windmilling his Rickenbacker.
[8] Contract used to book The Who at Woodstock.
[9] Live photo of Pete Townshend + Guitar from behind with huge crowd.
[10] Tour Itinerary of the High Numbers (yellow)
[11] New Action Ltd. / Malcolm Rose list of shows and $ guarantees.
[12] Marquee Club show box office receipts.
Any advance on 12?
That was a stonking great package!
Not ‘rare’ so unlikely to feature on the blog in your OP. Discogs also tells us that a copy with all 12 can be had for five dollars despite its fabulousness. On reflection the ‘large black Maximum R and B poster’ is missing.
I got that one too , including Marquee poster , perhaps the best ever bedroom wall poster.
That’s an interesting question of its own, Junior. As for best ever bedroom wall poster, my choice would undoubtedly be this:
Doesn’t do a lot for me Rob. No band no politics not even a hot chick for a teenage boys bedroom wall. But back to ver Leeds.perhaps @Johnny- Concheroo can advise. My copy bought by my Dad as a present when I was v sick bought it in some high st record shop yet it contained the full pack of inserts. Given they couldn’t be bothered with gatefold a often, this seems a lot of effort.
Did a lot for me I can tell you. That, and Toni Arthur.
Nothing a woman likes to see more on a man’s bedroom wall than a Lord Of The Rings poster.
Isn’t that the original promo poster for Nightflight to Venus?
Speaking of the mighty M (I may have posted this before), here’s the insert poster from Oceans Of Fantasy.
Not very Topographic is it ? More B & Q mix-it-yourself.
The M spared no expense on their sleeves.
I bought one of their LPs for DuCool a few years back. I’m sure it converted him to their unique sound.
Looks like OJ Simpson with piles surrounded by sciatica ravaged mermaids at a paintballing convention.
Quality mini. I assume you’ve not had the chance to get it framed yet? The M had form for saucy covers. I still get my copy of Love for Sale out once in a while.
I’m assuming you don’t have the rather tame US version then.
No, I didn’t know about that. Love for Sale was one of the first LPs I ever bought. Money had been carefully saved and I’d gone into a shop in Stockport somewhere thinking I’d get ELO’s A New World Record, or something by 10cc. But I got distracted in the racks and came away with something else entirely.
The 13th insert with Live At Leeds was the tissue paper envelope which contained the other 12 inserts.
‘Inserts’ ? I thought the gist was to insert eg post anything you like on the thread. Another feckin’ list thread, this time about bits of cardboard ?
I was just about to show to show you all my new beads, but not now, no.
Early pressings of Manfred Mann’s 1974 LP The Good Earth had a coupon inserted that gave applicants the rights to 1 square foot of earth at Llanerch yrfa in the Brecon Beacons.
Must get the eyes syringed as I’d read this as Insect fans! At last.
Well, at least you didn’t think it was appealing to Incest Fans.
It wasn’t so much ahead of its time as of its time, but the insert artwork (and sleeve artwork) for The Kinks’ “Arthur” always struck me as more modern than what was then going around elsewhere.
The poster from Donovan’s Cosmic Wheels album is often missing
I can see why. Wahey!
Down girl!
You failed to mention that he of course invented the naked insert.
Sorry, I thought that was a given.
No poster in the Aussie version- just for a fucking change
My mate had an early Faces album which had a poster with many wonderful Polaroid photos of young damsels. Made me want to learn to play guitar.
That was A Nod’s As Good As A Wink and the poster is now harder to find than the LP. It was huge and virtually doubled the weight of the album, making it hard to ship I guess.
As Ian says, it features 100s of Polaroids pictures of life on the road with the Faces, including many snaps of groupies
Here it is with the LP at the bottom to give an idea of scale.
3 Alveston Place, Leamington Spa, CV32 4SL