It’s been a long time folks – what’ve you been listening to, reading, watching since we last met .
Bargepole keenly awaits King Crimson dates later this year, and more rereleases from the likes of Tull, Yes etc.
Just a pity the farewell Dead shows are (unsurprisingly) all in the Chicago.
Remind me Bargy, did Bargepole ever write a review of the magnificent “Warchild” box set? I would rather appreciate a repost of Bargepole’s APP review too. ..
I must say, I’m looking forward to the May release of the expanded Steven Wilson-ized ‘Minstrel In The Gallery’…
Got my ticket for the Crimson gig in Edinboro, cannae wait!
Warchild review will be here in the next few days – Bargepole has a few reviews to put up accumulated over the last three months. A Passion Play review – didn’t keep a copy unfortunately but suffice to say it is excellent in every way – and watch this space for Minstrel !