I saw the Banana Splits as a kid. I can’t quite remember where, but it was outside at a county fair or somesuch. I’d never been to the US at the time, so they might have been imposters, or one of those “The original Banana Splits” touring acts where only the drummer was in the original lineup.
I put this on my CD swap CD last year. Sometimes, when I’m bored, I like to think I might I have subconsciously inspired my old CD swap partner, Vulpes Vulpes, towards his current obsession with phallic fruit in song.
The theme of that CD was Desire and the song is about how people go bananas with their desire for one another.
I don’t want to hijack your thread – but with an OP title like that, I can’t resist posting this!!
Remember seeing them do this at the Roundhouse the night they recorded Maximum Darkness. The next night, I saw Zep at Earls Court
(envious emoji)
I saw that tour. Sheffield Uni.
I saw the Banana Splits as a kid. I can’t quite remember where, but it was outside at a county fair or somesuch. I’d never been to the US at the time, so they might have been imposters, or one of those “The original Banana Splits” touring acts where only the drummer was in the original lineup.
Bananas = Raffi and his Bananaphone
Sound the “too obvious” klaxon …
Bloody banana reflux
Don’t forget Rutle Corps
Vieux Diop, Banana.
I put this on my CD swap CD last year. Sometimes, when I’m bored, I like to think I might I have subconsciously inspired my old CD swap partner, Vulpes Vulpes, towards his current obsession with phallic fruit in song.
The theme of that CD was Desire and the song is about how people go bananas with their desire for one another.
I like to eat bananas
‘Cos they got no bones
I like marijuana
‘Cos it gets me stoned.
More banana marijuana rhyming.
Mrs. T, after a few glasses of vino, used to do a very funny and very vulgar joke about eating bananas.