But if they had been sent down the Trem boys might have learned from the experience and when interviewed mid-jail sentence could have claimed “Even The Bad Times Are Good”
Well all I can say is I was 12 years old in 1968 and living in Chester, yet somehow the presence of the Trems in our mock-Tudor city did not register with me.
O me misererum as our Roman founders would have said.
They also produced this:
Thank goodness it didn’t get to court. Imagine the judges fury if his flunkey had put Chip in the dock and asked, ‘Name?’
‘Call Me Number One..’
But if they had been sent down the Trem boys might have learned from the experience and when interviewed mid-jail sentence could have claimed “Even The Bad Times Are Good”
Well all I can say is I was 12 years old in 1968 and living in Chester, yet somehow the presence of the Trems in our mock-Tudor city did not register with me.
O me misererum as our Roman founders would have said.