The industry people I know think this will be the biggest album of the last twenty years. I haven’t seen this level of expectation since Be Here Now. It’s going to be enormous.
Adele has a somewhat broader and deeper fanbase ( at home and abroad) than Oasis, so they might be right, even if the album turns out to be as ‘disappointing’ as Be Here Now.
On first listen, I’m really disappointed. Heard the teaser clip a couple of times on TV, and having never really been convinced by Adele, felt that this smouldering, understated opening might actually be something very special. The verses are indeed very nice – subtle, atmospheric – but then, rather inevitably the chorus is just over-emoted power-balladry, with the oh-so-predictable epic drums towards the end. And the irritating, mumbly spoken bits in the video don’t help at all.
Having just given it a listen for the first time, I agree with you Poppy. She doesn’t over-sing it at all. Her style is syllabic. There are none of the histrionics of lesser singers.
Not my thing by any stretch, but a step up, in my opinion.
She seems to have those weird pronunciation glitches that put me off under control and I’ve always known she had a potentially great voice, some shrewdness and a definite talent.
She seems to be in it for the long haul and could be doing very well indeed for as long as she chooses to.
colrow26 says
…so disappointed to find its not a cover of the Todd Rundgren “classic” from 1973…….:(
minibreakfast says
At least it’s not the Lionel Richtea song.
Jorrox says
I wanted it to be these guys.
minibreakfast says
She’s not my cup of tea, but having heard it just the once the chorus is already stuck in my head, so it will no doubt be massive.
Poppy Succeeds says
Wow, that pushes all my buttons.
minibreakfast says
The good buttons or the bad ones?
Poppy Succeeds says
Oh, the goods ones. I’m a sucker for this kind of stuff.
Kid Dynamite says
The industry people I know think this will be the biggest album of the last twenty years. I haven’t seen this level of expectation since Be Here Now. It’s going to be enormous.
ernietothecentreoftheearth says
Adele has a somewhat broader and deeper fanbase ( at home and abroad) than Oasis, so they might be right, even if the album turns out to be as ‘disappointing’ as Be Here Now.
Black Type says
On first listen, I’m really disappointed. Heard the teaser clip a couple of times on TV, and having never really been convinced by Adele, felt that this smouldering, understated opening might actually be something very special. The verses are indeed very nice – subtle, atmospheric – but then, rather inevitably the chorus is just over-emoted power-balladry, with the oh-so-predictable epic drums towards the end. And the irritating, mumbly spoken bits in the video don’t help at all.
It’s a ‘no’ from me.
Beezer says
I’ve been hearing precisely this thing playing in branches of Gap et al for the past five years or so.
How is it different or better than any other?
What am I not getting?
Poppy Succeeds says
Well, er, I don’t really know about any others so maybe I’m the wrong person to say, but what struck me was the clarity of it, the universality.
Beezer says
Fair do’s.
In truth, these big melancholy ballads don’t ever seem to light my candle.
They just get on my wick. Wick! Boom Boom!
*books himself a summer season supporting Stan Boardman*
Tiggerlion says
Having just given it a listen for the first time, I agree with you Poppy. She doesn’t over-sing it at all. Her style is syllabic. There are none of the histrionics of lesser singers.
fentonsteve says
“The most anticipated album of 2015” according to HMV.
Not in my house, it isn’t.
aging hippy says
I was in HMV in Oxford St earlier and detected absolutely no sense of anticipation whatsoever. I can’t believe they’d lie to us like that.
nigelthebald says
Hello, Mini!
(Todd by the Isleys.)
newpathstohelicolin says
Be Here Now is Oasis’s best album by a long way!
newpathstohelicolin says
minibreakfast says
Clive says
Does this progression mean we will be spared another album for another 8 years?
andielou says
Pleasingly pretentious video & a definite Adele belter. She’s got a great face.
count jim moriarty says
Horrible. Doubtless it will be covered on X Factor next week. (Not that I’ll be watching to check…)
Argot says
Why it’s any different or any better than others of its ilk is lost on me too.
DougieJ says
It’s not really my thing but I can just tell that Adele is the real deal somehow compared to the eXecrable-Factor.
Uncle Wheaty says
Great voice but a very average tune.
X Factor fodder of the worst degree.
She needs a good blues/rock band behind her with a writing partner who can write some good rock tunes.
That would probably not sell though…!
minibreakfast says
Here’s one of the many reaction videos that have appeared on youtube over the last few days:
minibreakfast says
minibreakfast says
Wow, these guys talk REALLY fast, and are super excited!
minibreakfast says
Mike_H says
Not my thing by any stretch, but a step up, in my opinion.
She seems to have those weird pronunciation glitches that put me off under control and I’ve always known she had a potentially great voice, some shrewdness and a definite talent.
She seems to be in it for the long haul and could be doing very well indeed for as long as she chooses to.