The existence of the recordings took on mythical status when roadie Johnny Green wrote in his memoirs about how he had lost them. He had been asked to deliver a tape of the band’s new songs to prospective producer Guy Stevens, to see if he was interested in working on the material, but lost it en route. “I was told to deliver it to Guy but I went down the pub and had a few, well, quite a few,” he said. “I fell asleep on the Tube and when I woke up I realised I was at Warren Street where I had to change, so I rushed off, but left it on the Tube. One of the band had marked the tape ‘Val Doonican’ so I have this vision of someone finding the tape player and being really excited, then finding the tape and thinking ‘what’s this?’ and throwing it in the bin.”
Not topical, and no, a normal release. Just something entirely unexpected for a car boot, on a blanket amongst the usual tat-fest of old clothes and broken toys.
OK so no clues, but you have gotta tell us if we are getting warmer/colder.
Given your previous it’s not soul, pop, or cheesy listening. Imma guess at a compilation – “Grime Time,” the rather good compo of UK grime from about 4 years ago.
First it was guess the picture I’m looking at in a magazine you can’t see and now it’s guess the album I bought in a car boot where every record known to man goes to die.
I’m going to start my own thread called “Guess The Name Of My Neighbours’ Granddaughter’s New Boyfriend Who Lives In Marseilles And Is Called Yannick….”
By the way Mini bought “The Monkees Sing The Beach Boys Doing A Karaoke of Joan Baez”.
Bloody hell – you win! One of HP’s hampers is one the way.
I now realise my first guess at Mini’s poser was silly. I now know the answer is Kendrick Lamar (possibly)
Closer, but I don’t know how refreshing it is yet, since I’m waiting for a new stylus to arrive. Mine got broken on Saturday during a particularly excitable musical session.
I know one song from it, and like it very much. My guess is that The Afterword will not.
A James Last career spanning box set.
Two quid for 100 LPs, including the 1978 live album recorded at Letherhead Working Mans Club when he was a surprise guest of Sham 69.
(He later joined the band on stage for a rendition of Hurry Up Harry)
I saw Lester Piggott on the telly last week, who always makes me think of that song. He now looks like Gollum after he’s been sharing a flat with Pete Doherty.
There can indeed be no true beauty without decay.
Please feel free to insert your own guessing game once the jig is up.
I’ll insert, you jig up.
Is it Justin Beiber?
It wasn’t the 35th anniversary 45 rpm half-speed master Gold deluxe edition of “No Parlez”, was it?
Cor, I wish!
Justin Beiber?
The Wit and Wisdom of Ronald Reagan?
You’re in the right ballpark.
(You’re not.)
I still think it’s Justin Beiber.
Was it William Shatner’s The Transformed Man?
Now that WOULD be something.
Plenty of bassoons there
It was something to do with brass?
Brass or bras?
Where there’s brass there’s muck.
In that case, mini, is it Madonna?
It’s JUSTIN BEIBER fercrissakes!
Val Doonican Sings The Sex Pistols
*checks Discogs*
It’s not that far off the truth……
The existence of the recordings took on mythical status when roadie Johnny Green wrote in his memoirs about how he had lost them. He had been asked to deliver a tape of the band’s new songs to prospective producer Guy Stevens, to see if he was interested in working on the material, but lost it en route. “I was told to deliver it to Guy but I went down the pub and had a few, well, quite a few,” he said. “I fell asleep on the Tube and when I woke up I realised I was at Warren Street where I had to change, so I rushed off, but left it on the Tube. One of the band had marked the tape ‘Val Doonican’ so I have this vision of someone finding the tape player and being really excited, then finding the tape and thinking ‘what’s this?’ and throwing it in the bin.”
Val Doonican Pogos But Gently?
Sheesh. Where to start?? What kind of a quiz is this?
I’m guessing it’s something topical, so is it a recently dead celebrity? Did the Chuckle Brothers do a swing album or something?
Not topical, and no, a normal release. Just something entirely unexpected for a car boot, on a blanket amongst the usual tat-fest of old clothes and broken toys.
And something I never thought I would buy.
“Make America Great Again” by Donald Trump ?
Make Trumps Great Again?
My trumps are already pretty darn great.
Pworr! She’s not POTUS, she’s POOTUS!
You’re parping right she is!
Pat Boone’s heavy metal album?
Oh no, those are everywhere.
A late 90s EDM record that just goes “WWUBBB….WWUBBB….WWUBBB” a lot?
Now you’re just being silly.
This vehicle is reversing…
No clues.
Gotta pop out for a bit, back later.
Can mini pull off 12 Angry Men in under three minutes?
Una Stubbs, But Gently.
I’ll give you a clue, Gary – JUSTIN BEIBER.
OK so no clues, but you have gotta tell us if we are getting warmer/colder.
Given your previous it’s not soul, pop, or cheesy listening. Imma guess at a compilation – “Grime Time,” the rather good compo of UK grime from about 4 years ago.
It’s not, but you’re getting warmer.
Is there a clue in ‘jig’?
If so is it East of Eden with jig a jig?
I don’t know what any of that means.
My life has not been in vain.
First it was guess the picture I’m looking at in a magazine you can’t see and now it’s guess the album I bought in a car boot where every record known to man goes to die.
I’m going to start my own thread called “Guess The Name Of My Neighbours’ Granddaughter’s New Boyfriend Who Lives In Marseilles And Is Called Yannick….”
By the way Mini bought “The Monkees Sing The Beach Boys Doing A Karaoke of Joan Baez”.
Is it Yannick?
Bloody hell – you win! One of HP’s hampers is one the way.
I now realise my first guess at Mini’s poser was silly. I now know the answer is Kendrick Lamar (possibly)
Correct side of the Atlantic. Getting closer!
Troutmask Replica
Never heard of them.
Bluejeans and moonbeams
I had to look that one up. V, v cold.
While we wait for the correct answer, let’s watch this new clip from Lenny Henry, which is surprisingly good. And he’s kinda hot in it too!
That’s ace!
He is in good nick, innee? Must be all the Shakespeare.
Is it “Tijuana Easter” by The Torero Band?
No. I already have their Hymns Tijuana Style LP, which includes this. Wait for the drop.
I’m guessing Lemonade. Or something equally refreshing.
Closer, but I don’t know how refreshing it is yet, since I’m waiting for a new stylus to arrive. Mine got broken on Saturday during a particularly excitable musical session.
I know one song from it, and like it very much. My guess is that The Afterword will not.
Closer isn’t particularly refreshing. Although more so than Unknown Pleasures, I would argue.
Try Justin Beiber, Gary. Mrs B isn’t listening to me.
She’s probably confused by your alternative spelling of Bieber.
I’m proud of only a very few things in my life. Never having heard a Justin Beiber song is one of them. Not knowing how to spell his name is another.
Does a ‘musical session’ involve removing tights and replacing them with stockings?
*backs away slowly*
Was it Cilla Sings Songs of The Clash?
Lorra lorra Guns of Brixton, Step Inside and Rock the Casbah….
Anyone who had a stengun in Knightsbridge would know that I love you
Elaine Paige sings Queen? If so, you could have had my copy.
Er, no you’re alright ta.
Is it The Clash sings Cilla?
I know! It’s Lulu Does Motorhead, isn’t it?
It’s definitely R&B or hiphop or something inbetween.
Getting warm…
It’s a female singer
No, but it is a singer.
So if it’s not a woman, but it is a singer, it must be….. a man. Have I won?
Who’s a good boy den?
*pats Bunglie’s furry head*
Knowing the answer, I would dispute that
It’s Justin Beiber.
He’s a man is he? Someone should tell him!
It’s Justin Bieber. BIEBER. B-I-E-B-E-R.
[We do not encourage this sort of nitpicking of other people’s posts – Afterword rule no. 653 – Mod Team].
Yebbut it says GUESSING GAME not SPELLING TEST. Cuh.
A James Last career spanning box set.
Two quid for 100 LPs, including the 1978 live album recorded at Letherhead Working Mans Club when he was a surprise guest of Sham 69.
(He later joined the band on stage for a rendition of Hurry Up Harry)
Only one hundred? That barely covers 1970-75 J-La.
Frank Ocean
Way less cool than that.
Billy Ocean.
So it’s a male, American singer. Hip hop… ish?
C’mon! Gissus a clue!
I never said American.
So is this singer is a Canadian male?
Is it Stompin’ Tom Connors’ Greatest Hits?
And no.
Is it Robbie Robertston’s first solo album? The one with ‘Somewhere Down the Crazy River’ on it?
Shut up and acknowledge my victory.
What?! You’ve already won? Dammit! Foiled again.
Is it the Lighthouse Family?
You. OUT.
Milli Vanilli?
Even Milli Vanilli weren’t Milli Vanilli.
Jay-Z sings Perry Como.
Or is it that notorious bootleg of Mel Tormé jamming with the Grateful Dead?
Alright, alright folks – it’s not anybody singing (or doing, or playing) someone else.
The (believed lost) Wartime Concert Party recording of Max Bygraves, Max Wall and Benito Mussolini doingMarx Brothers routines
Man. Wrong side of the pond. Not american.
Trans by Neil Young?
Nah, this album actually charted.
Is it wrong side of the pond? I was going to suggest Ukrainian rap legends Green Jolly but maybe I’ll have to think again….
Retro has the correct nationality.
Finally! Yeah it’s this:
This is the only song I know, and like. Ignore the silly dancing:
This has been my favourite game ever.
Well, duh.
Yebbut Gary only “wins” because he spelled it right.
“You gotta hear Blue Note to dig Def Jam” no longer applies.
Craig David?
Craig David is from Southampton.
Oh, come on. The clues are all there.
Dolly Parton? Frank Sinatra? Showaddy Waddy? Cat Stevens? Shaking Stevens? Stevie Wonder? Eighth Wonder? Isaac Hayes? Joan Crawford? Doris Day? Aretha Franklin? Benjamin Franklin? Hendrix? Glitter? Bowie? Sly Stone? MC Hammer? KRS 1?
Hello, hello, hello, hello-o-o…
We didn’t start the fire…..
Hum the first few bars ..
Hm-hmm-hmmm-hm-hmm, pom pom pom pom, der-der der-dee-dur dur bum buuuuuum.
Ooh! Ooh! I know this! It’s the Theme From The Addams Family!
Right, you. Bend over.
Don’t do it HP!
Too late …
Is it Nazi Punks F*** Off! by The Dead Kennedys?
Mega Armageddon Death by the Electro Hippies, then?
Mind you, I could have sworn that was by Extreme Noise Terror.
Ooh, just noticed the comment count! When does my hamper arrive? Can I ask the mods to not use Yodel please; I don’t like my quails eggs scrambled.
117 comments and only one of them giving the correct answer to the OP question.
I think I’ll leave it at that.
*high five*
Now Gary has completed his victory lap, and my hamper has been secured, does someone else have something we can try to guess?
Yes – what have I got in my hand?
Is it a pineapple?
No, nor is it ground coffee.
Is it your little ukelele?
No, nor is it me little piece of Blackpool rock.
Is it your grandad’s flannelette nightshirt?
No, but I can tell you that it’s turned out nice again.
It’s not Justin Bieber, is it?
Am I getting warm?
Or is it just hot in here?
Yes. And yes.
Is it Nazi Punks F*** Off! by The Dead Kennedys?
This theme could run and run.
A 3 litre bottle of Frosty Jacks? (£3.69 in England, £11.25 in Scotland)
That’s a lot of money for breakfast cereal, and why is it in a bottle?
Hamper number two here I come!
I think I’m entitled to the crackers this time.
Is it that bird that’s worth two in the bush?
Dude, I’m pube-positive!
I know this, Moose has in his hand a copy of Mojo with a picture of Justin Beezer. Or else it’s a rather wrinkled sausage…
The Numskulls were just in the Beezer.
Isn’t there another pop singer who calls himself Justin Tumberlake? Haven’t heard him, either.
Hey, you should do your Justin Thyme joke.
This just in…
Justin, gentler than a man, the big flop-haired girl.
I am down on my knees
At the wireless knobs
I am down on my knees
At those wireless knobs
Telefunken, Telefunken
I saw Lester Piggott on the telly last week, who always makes me think of that song. He now looks like Gollum after he’s been sharing a flat with Pete Doherty.
There can indeed be no true beauty without decay.
Where did the goldfish go?
Probably yet another ingredient in a Traditional English Breakfast©
Got home to a new stylus. IT’S BIEBER TIME!
That turntable was a set for Thunderbirds Are Go, wasn’t it?
Funnily enough I was playing this on it recently:
Really, mini? How about that?
(filler comment to boost thread ranking)
Thank you for your support, old-timer!
Don’t touch his support without your Marigolds.
Eight copies of Paul Young’s No Parlez LP.
Oh. Game over.