Anybody else watching the Christie’s Auction of David Gilmour’s guitars? The Les Paul Gold Top used on the solo for “Another Brick in the wall” has just gone for $360,000. His Martin D35 made $900,000 – surely a record for an acoustic, and the Serial 0001 Strat went for $1.5m.
Black strat will go highest, I’m sure, so I think the record $2m for Jimi’s strat will be broken. Maybe even the heavily signed charity strat that went for $2.7m….
Needless to say, it looks like my chances of getting “a cheap one” are greatly diminishing.
The Wish You Were Here 12 string went for $430k.
Any word on where they’ve gone?
Not that I know of as yet. I’m sure some lawyers will have a new wall hanger in the days to come. I’m hoping someone does “a Hammett” and picks up one to play regularly – Kirk Hammett of Metallica picked up Peter Green (then Gary Moore’s) “Greenie” Les Paul for an alledged $2m a couple of years ago, and makes sure it gets an airing in public from time to time.
Dirk Ziff (heir to Ziff Davis money) allegedly has most of the ’58 & ’59 Les Paul’s so perhaps he grabbed Gilmour’s ’55 gold top. There’s also a Sports Team owner in the States who’s name escapes me who likes instruments with a celebrity pedigree.
A couple of Fender amps just went for $62,000. This whole thing is nuts. But for a good cause.
That’s what I’m hoping. It would be nice if they were to go to a working musician, but I guess Gilmour is one of the only working musicians who could afford them! Most things of any value these days seems to be heading to Russia or China. Are Floyd big in those parts?
Neil Young owns a Martin D28 acoustic that belonged to Hank Williams. He plays it regularly.
Crazy prices
Black Strat has just closed at $3.3m dollars. If you couldn’t stretch to that, you could have grabbed the flight case for it at a mere $140,000
Buyer’s premium on that one guitar? $675,000.
Total raised from 130 odd lots, $21,490,750
I watched the promo video: he seems like a thoroughly good egg and we need as many as we can get of those these days. Well done sir.
I was just listening in the car to the album he did with The Orb, ‘Metallic Spheres’. A really good little album, seemingly largely ignored and forgotten. Great for driving to.
@Twang et al. This may be of interest.
I don’t think I understood a word of that!
I got fixing worn frets, using oil and graphite to reduce friction and the bone dust and super glue concoction to fix problems with bone nuts. However, I don’t know what a bone nut is, though I’m sure Moose will be along shortly to make an inappropriate suggestion.
Nut made of bone. They’re usually plastic or various clever materials like corian.
Ok I will ask. Why not a steel nut ?
You can make it out of anything really. The important thing is the strong goes over it at the right angle and softer materials are easier to work with to modify, adjust etc e.g. if you want to put different strings on. Brass was popular in the 80s. There’s a lot of bollocks talked about whether the material it’s made of affects the tone, but in truth it makes little difference.
This is the guy that bought the Black Strat. Seems like a good person, actually plays guitar, lends his collection etc