Following on from ChrisF’s post at new year regarding the RT acoustic sessions ( there’s a small selection of RT acoustic tracks available on Noisetrade for a free taster.
– I want to see the bright lights tonight
– 1952 Vincent Black Lightning
– I misunderstood
– Beeswing
Do I detect the faint whiff of ennui around these parts? RT used to be catnip for the massive, now casually ignored whilst Bri gets responded to. Or is this not news as a) they have all the tracks already, or b) have pledged anyway for vol.2?
“Catnip for the Massive!” A wonderful turn of phrase. Now there’s a T shirt just waiitng to be printed or band who did one rare Peel session.
Maybe the cool cats around here are just looking for a new thrill? Unpredictable moggies!
Googled. I’ve just learnt that the collective noun for felines is a a clowder of cats or a pounce of cats. I’ll control myself and not post a clowder of cuddly kittens.
I think no one replied because a) they want new RT not ‘re hashed RT and b) Acoustic Classics 1 was crap.
Don’t agree it was crap but I agree his new stuff maintains a really high standard and that’s what interests me.
Volume 1, which I would imagine people have already bought.
Personally I no longer need yet another version of Vincent, ennui has set in.
And there’s also the fear that by downloading something from Thompo there’ll be small print that commits you to pay him $40,000 (as per his Pledge lets-be-a-millionaire campaign).
I have a -load- of acoustic RT boots already, thank you. I don’t doubt it’ll be well played and sung throughout, but it’s not what I require.
Give us a completely new batch of material please, Mr T.
Thats what I want too Mike.And with a band not solo acoustic.
Well… I downloaded it. It’s really rather good.
I’m a casual RT fan. I only have You? Me Us? which I got because I loved the song “ghost of you walks”
Sure they’re splendid versions.
Ditto for me, a casual fan and I only have Rumour and Sigh. That means I already have 52 Vincent… and I Misunderstood, but these freebies were very good, to the point I might even get the album in due course.
Haven’t noticed any mortgage-busting charges on Paypal as yet, but if he turns up at our house I’ll definitely let you know.