This may be of interest to those of a folky bent. The excellent Folk on Foot podcast is streaming a virtual festival on Easter Monday with artist like Bella Hardy, Julie Fowlis, Jon Boden, Martin Simpson and Karine Polwart all performing thirty minute sets form their front rooms. It’s a great line up. They are fundraising as well, and splitting the proceeds equally between the artists and the charity Help Musicians UK.
These performers have all been on the podcast and have been uniformly excellent, so it should be a good one
I thought I put the link in the original post – here it is
I’m up for that. It’s a great podcast.
Similar but less folky was BBC Radio 2’s ‘A Long Walk with Janice Long’ from a couple of years ago, not available as a podcast but available if you know someone who get_iPlayer’ed them at the time of broadcast. Ahem.
And Ramblings on BBC R4. Feargal Sharkey was on recently.
Sorry to hijack this thread but you may also be interested in this too
Billy Bragg, Phil Odgers, Paul Simmonds and Naomi Bedford, Sid Griffin and many others less well known.
Kirsty McGee’s worth catching.
Boo Hewerdine played the last one. He’s quite good.
Oh this looks good. Thanks for the tip.
I only dabble in folk/trad music occasionally, but it seems to be in a healthy state in the UK and especially Scotland right now. I think musicians’ overall level of playing skill seems to be better than ever before – anyone agree??? Some of the playing talent is astonishing.
I don’t dabble. I dive deep. Yes, quality is high. Even at local session level, you notice that people put the effort in and respect their audience.
The Eliza Carthy Folk On Foot is quite lovely….it prompted me and the missus to visit and stay over a couple of days at Robin Hood’s Bay on a trip home from Canada in 2018. Brilliant place.
Taking it as understood that Louis Armstrong’s statement “All music is folk music” here’s a Lockdown Spotify playlist from Jazz education organisation Tomorrow’s Warriors, featuring past alumni and present members. Enjoy or ignore it as you see fit.
Thanks @Mike_H. That looks excellent,
And thanks @Bue Boy for Julie ond Karine. Both great favourites of mine.
Folk on Foot had a second at home festival recently. And here it is.
I haven’t had time to listen yet butI am sure there is some fine music to enjoy.