My whole family went to “Help” at the cinema in Wellington New Zealand in 1965.
11 year old me, sitting there next to my Dad, and here’s Macca pretending to play guitar but it’s actually a girl in a white bikini.
Oh dear. SOOO embarrassed. So aroused. “Lucky Paul McCartney” I can remember thinking.
There were other moments of course, mainly in James Bond films, but this was the first.
Of course I can’t link to the actual clip from the film but this link (with no audio) has a few glimpses.
A Carry On film for me. Watching at home on a Wed evening or something. Wasn’t quite aware what was going on
Oooooh, Matron…
It’s got to be “Pan’s People”, and not knowing why. No recollection of the song.
Not quite the same thing but …
Afternoon screening in Norwich’s Cinéma City of Betty Blue. About ten of us including a bloke with a long grey coat. The film opens with a long erotic scene. It became clear Mr Overcoat was pleasuring himself. The scene finished as did Mr Overcoat and off he went. I suppose the internet has made such experiences rare.
The opening credits of Barbarella starring Jane Fonda. Great theme song too.
At High School movies in the hall would sometimes be played. Arabesque starring Gregory Peck from memory and etched in my memory the voluptuous Sophia Loren. An all boys High School, the hall fell silent as all the blood from the rest of their bodies was pumped to the nether regions.
Dad taking me and my brother to see Watership Down in Paignton on holiday when I was 7 and he was 5. The two of us came out shaking
You were clearly advanced for your age!
Did you ever have a pet rabbit?
It was a U certificate film. A cartoon about rabbits, I’m sure that’s what my dad thought: he always had big insomnia problems so any excuse to take us to the cinema meant he could catch up on some kip. And no we never had pets of any kind
I just realised that I’ve totally misunderstood this thread and thought it was just about early memories of going to the pictures!
It’s been a very long day…
When I said we were shaking I meant absolutely terrified of what we’d seen.
That provided me with a hearty LOL so thanks for that.
Sounds like a hare-raising experience
Expresso Bongo. Went for Cliff Richard, stayed for Sylvia Syms. I was smitten and watched the whole film round again just for her (you could do that in those days). I was 13. Great film, by the way.
Probably the heaving bosoms of Raquel Welch and Faye Dunaway in the first of Richard Lester’s Musketeer films did it for me. Scripted by George MacDonald Fraser, they prepared me for a lifetime’s appreciation of the Flashman novels mixture of swashbuckling and bawdiness. 1973 so I was 8.
Where’s Moose when you need him ☹️
Well, quite…
Perhaps he’s been laid low by a cinematic tumescence.
Cinema? TV? Pfffft! It’s comics baby.
The fleeting glimpse of something thought provoking on screen or the power of an anatomically interesting drawing that causes you to stare. And stare. And, a little later, to revisit. And stare.
Particular props to one of the Tarzan annuals near the end of the 70s…
(Although, for the sake of completeness, the first onscreen highlight I can recall was the satyr scene in the Seven Faces Of Dr Lao..)
Captain Scarlett’s angels did it for me. Destiny, Rhapsody, Melody and Symphony. I think Destiny was my favourite. I remember having dreams about them. (Too young for any swellings though, but definitely got butterflies in my tum).
Their Interceptor plane was super cool to a 5 year old too. As was the captain’s SPV Spectrum vehicle.
In the Tom & Jerry cartoons, an occasional sexy female cat would appear – with accompanying sax – I bet you know the music.
Tom’s reaction would involve leaping in the air, eyes on stalks, a klaxon AROOGA sound, panting, and pulling his “collar” out release an urgent jet of steam. I remember thinking “I don’t blame him”.
Ursula Andress as Honey Ryder, rising from the sea in a white bikini with a big knife on her hip in Dr. No, 1962.
Daisy Duke on TV for me. Or was it Boss Hogg?
Definitely the Boss or the beagle…woof woof.
Not a cinematic experience but I do remember being disturbed by the video for “ Something cooking in the kitchen” by Dana. Dana! Innocent times.
Ah yes, Dana’s extremely brief “sexy” period (within a year she was recording a love song for the Pope). But what are we to make of the fact that her most seductive “come hither” song features the word Frigidaire..?
Takes all kinds of everything
Well played!
Does she know Daniel O’Donnell?