I’ve had a shit of a week. Work has been quite unpleasant. Just emerging out of the tunnel after a virus and I’ve got the heater on, it is 16 degrees outside , yesterday was 32 and it is supposedly the start of summer.
So what to put on ? Why not that Bob Dylan bloke? Why not the record you bought and have kept in the current play rack rather than filing in the big box? Yep good idea, and a glass of red too.
So on it goes and it is just the ticket.
Superb song selection, great band ,great recording. AAAHHHH but the voice, I hear you say. Well here is the thing, tonight, I’m not up for some master like Frankie gliding over the notes,making the caper sound oooh so easy. No here is Bob, great phrasing, great diction but just struggling in his life worn, cigarette ravaged voice just struggling to make the notes just get close to them.
Yep croaky melancholy, at certain times, is just the ticket.
minibreakfast says
Lovely, although I know @henpetsgi would strongly disagree. Just tracked my card sleeved AARP copy, and it’s left Nashville, passed through Florida and will no doubt be here long before I’m ready for it.
Lodestone of Wrongness says
Once I have finished playing the “Best 100 Christmas Carols Ever Ever” (it’s the 1st of December, it’s a tradition!) I will take Shadows of the Night out of trash and give it another go: that’s cos I like you two, nothing else.
I shall report back
Junior Wells says
Good on you, but just pick your mood.
Lodestone of Wrongness says
I know it’s Bob and we can’t listen to this record in splendid isolation but….
First two tracks are pleasant enough – if your old Dad stood up at the end of the wedding feast and started singing I’m a Fool To Want You there wouldn’t be a dry eye in the house. If the old geezer from down the road at Open Mic night at the Tap & Spile finally made his way through The Night We Called It A Day there would be a polite smattering of applause from the seventeen disinterested punters
But, sweet jesus in heaven, how can anyone make it all the way through Track 3 Stay With Me??
It’s like watching in horror as a doddery elephant staggers to the cliff edge, stands there swaying before in awful super-slow motion topples to its inevitable death down in the canyon below, it’s last flailing bellow of despair drifting upwards to heaven.
Shiver, shiver.
Baron Harkonnen says
Because we live in a democracy henpetsgi your comment will be tolerated filed away and forgotten. The enlightened amongst us will bask in the warmth of Bob`s twilight modulation.
Lodestone of Wrongness says
Watch your parking meters – that’s me that is…
timtunes says
I like it. The arrangements win the day.
Kaisfatdad says
Nice post Junior. Glad to hear that Dr Bob could banish your blues.
16 degrees? Minus 4 here a few days ago. Much too bloody warm for this time of year!
DrJ says
I think this is rather great:
Junior Wells says
Well @henpetsgi , Coz none of them would have the band ,the arrangement, the diction, the timing , the empathy.
Apart from that you are dead right.
mojitojoe says
it’s shit !
Junior Wells says
Sophisticated analysis
Johnny Concheroo says
If only Greil Marcus was so succinct
mikethep says
If you’d told me back in 1963 when I was grooving to Masters of War that 50-odd years later I’d be listening to the Zim crooning his way through Autumn Leaves, I’d have given you a slap.
But I love this album. I listen to it often. Every time you think he’s finally gone completely off the rails he pulls off some genius little bit of phrasing or nails a note dead centre when you’ve been thinking he was drifting way off beam. And the band is sensational.
So another fan here.
Johnny Concheroo says
I can see I’m going to have to give this album another chance.
I played it just the once and filed it (in its correct chronological place) alongside the other 40-odd Dylan albums with a dismissive “harrumph”
minibreakfast says
As someone who has listened to neither (yet), I ask the honourable members gathered: which is worse – Shadows In The Night or Christmas In The Heart?
Johnny Concheroo says
Good point. I can listen to the country songs on the Xmas album much more easily than the “proper” yuletide standards, most of which sound like a joke.
But as someone said above, SITN starts off OK, but by three tracks in the novelty has worn off and you’re left scratching your head.
So, I’d say SITN is worse overall.
Lodestone of Wrongness says
Agree with every word, JC
dai says
It is now December, time to get out the Christmas album ….
minibreakfast says
I’ve just got to Together Through Life, so it won’t be long now.
dai says
And Shadows in the Night is much better. Haven’t played it for a while though
Junior Wells says
Apples and oranges
Christmas is fun , shadows is melancholy.
Junior Wells says
I posted this on my thread about the new Bob but it seems appropriate to post it here too.
Could also go on that “can Tom Waits sing ?”thread too viz singing at you versus to you.