I don’t quite have the energy to make my way through all of this right now, but others may be made of sterner stuff.
It’s a forensic examination (making full use of Google Earth) of what Dylan says he’s up to with his art (not everybody round here is a fan, IIRC) – the jokes, the references, the misleadings, etc. Give it a read.
I won’t post a picture, although the guy seems to have helped himself pretty comprehensively.
mikethep says
Junior Wells says
Thanks Mike. So it confirms that in all of his artistic pursuits – music, writing and painting Dylan is a bower bird with resources and references incredibly wide. You wonder how he gets it together to create these artistic collages.
bogl says
Thing that gets me about all this: it almost seems more trouble to make these patchworks from other people’s work than it it to do it yourself in the first place.
Baron Harkonnen says
`kin hell! Just enjoy the bloody music!
Moose the Mooche says
Dude, it’s Dylan! It not there to be enjoyed, it’s there to be studied!