I just recently came across this Dutch website that I’m really enjoying. The story behind some great songs from the artist themselves is particularly interesting. RLJ on Chuckie E’s In Love, Plastic Bertrand on Ca Plane Pour Moi, Roger Hodgson on The Logical Song, Hugh Cornwall on Golden Brown, Paul Roberts on Driver’s Seat, etc etc.
Gary says
Gary says
Leadbelly wrote Black Betty? How come nobody told me?
Kaisfatdad says
What a headline, Gary! It must have had the Admins dropping everything and rushing off to Afterword Towers to delete it before the whole site got flooded in a tidal wave of Netherlands naughtiness and Dutch depravity.
It does actually look very promising. It is done by Dutch public service radio station NPO Radio 2.
They also do an annual survey to find the best songs of all time. Bohemian Rhapsody wins almost every year.
One Dutch song won once….
Mousey says
How can you resist something called “Top 2000 a gogo”?