If not you might be pleased to learn they are releasing an 80 (that’s not a typo, that’s eighty) disc set of live gigs.
I’m flabbergasted. Will anyone actually listen to 80 discs? It beggars belief, but Deadheads are known to be obsessive.
I know we have some Deadheads hereabouts. Are any of you thinking “Why yes!. There is a gap in my Dead collection and it’s about 80 discs long” and shell out for this?
James Blast says
No shit? – https://theafterword.co.uk/dead-nice/
Carl says
Too much stuff gets posted here to read everything and I’m here too infrequently.
I’m very sorry if I’ve wasted anyone’s time. It was completely unintentional.
Bargepole says
no harm done – as you say, it’s hard to keep track of all the new posts – and you can never have too many posts about the Dead anyway!
James Blast says
Oh, and I blame illegal drugs.
SteveT says
I might go for the condensed 4 cd set as I don’t have any of their live stuff.
duco01 says
It is imposible to have too much live Dead.
James Blast says
It is imposible to have too little Dead.
Fiction Romantic says
I have one live dead tune, an album of Dylan covers, and Dylan and The Dead. Put me off for life!
DogFacedBoy says
Do you have enough Dead threads?
hubert rawlinson says
only tied-dyed ones
DogFacedBoy says
far out, baby
Vulpes Vulpes says
I was lucky enough to discover archiveDOTorg a long while before Grateful Dead Industry Breadheads Incorporated got their restraining orders out and made the lossless content there streamable only. As a result I have around 30Gb of carefully chosen prime live Dead flacs. This new set looks tempting though….
DrJ says
Mark Ellen pointed out on Twitter this morning that the box set is 4 days long. 4 days. 4.
duco01 says
As the set is in chronological order, with the first show being from 1966 and the last from 1995, I cn confidently state that if you spent 4 days listening to it all in one stretch, it would pan out thus:
Day 1. starting off with rather primitive but intense rockin’ pyschedelic blues, with elements of more country/folk/americana being introduced half way through the day. A band growing up very fast and expanding their range of styles
Day 2. the best day! A great canon of songs and consistently imaginative jamming
Day 3. The early to mid-eighties. Setlists start to go a bit stale. Health problems for Garcia. Keyboard player Brent Mydland’s wretched stadium rock songs are not a patch on the timeless Garcia/Hunter classics.
Day 4. A brief reignition of the flame around late 89/90, with their absolute best late-period tours. The band much more focused again. And then a very sharp drop-off at the very end, with Garcia’s voice and guitar-playing deteriorating rapidly. It’s sad to listen to some of that stuff.
Bargepole says
JG certainly sounds very frail on the later stuff unfortunately.
Tiggerlion says
Having read both this thread & its Bargepole sister, I can confidently state that the most insightful comment on the Dead is minibreakfast’s.