Barnoldswick Music & Arts Centre
Date: 30/03/2024
With a name like Desensitised, you might expect hairy muthas… with tattoos… and guitars and you would be partially correct. Desensitised are a three piece all girl band straight outta Nottingham, Charlotte. Clare and Libby bringing rock and poppunk to the northern masses, Actually The Barnoldswick is a titchy venue located in a pub cellar with cinema and pew seating, so it was quite an up close and personal experience for audience and band.
Most of the songs were from their 2019 debut album Sister Psychosis, opener Emily and my personal fav All Eyes On Her are incredibly catchy earworms, where Wasted rattles along like prime Girlschool. My companion on the pew to my left greatly enjoyed the pagan stylings of Burn The Witch.
We were also given a sneak preview of a few newer songs which are being fashioned under the watchful eye of Richard Tuckey and Suzi Quatro ( Yes, her ) so hopefully a bright future awaits.
The audience:
The audience gives great support to this fabulous little venue and probably attend gigs they wouldnt usually go to. There was much nodding of the greying heads throughout the set! Luckily guitarist Libby managed to avoid ramming her guitar through the ceiling or crowdsurfing the front row pews.
It made me think..
I always enjoy coming across bands that I know nothing about and coming away buzzing. There is a great warmth from the girls, which came across in their between song banter and the fact that they have been a band since their sixth form, so it was like overhearing the common room! If you go and see them ask them about the photoshoot with Clare and the river.
Remembering Ms Quatro was married to her guitarist, Len Tuckey, for a while, a swift Google confirmed Richard Tuckey was the fruit of their loins.
Uncertain why she has suddenly returned to credibility.
Two unrelated points:
Ms Quatro never lost her credibility in the first place;
and there’s something about the phrase “fruit of their loins” which makes me queasy.
True, it had to be there in the first place for that to happen…..
Sorry, I guess our ages are either side the cusp of engaging with or being embarrassed by glam. Me the latter, never comfortable with Bolan or Slade either. Soft spot for Wizzard, mind.
I guess I must be on the other side of that cusp. I don’t see anything with which you would be “embarrassed” or uncomfortable. Mind you, the first singles that I bought with my pocket money were Slade, Bowie, T.Rex, Quatro, Sweet, Quo, Roxy, etc – I have no cred to lose, that’s what I liked. Some of these guys probably look better to you in hindsight, but they were all fair game to me at the time.
Don’t call me Charlotte.
(Sorry… great review btw)
…and heres a little taster…
I rather like that!
It is rather good, I have to say.
Quatro-esque shapes being thrown by the bassist/singer too.
Is that Charlotte?