This message on Facebook hit me hard this week. I regard Darryl as a friend for many years after listening and contributing to his World’s Worst Records radio show.
He was an award-winning author of books like David Bowie Made Me Gay and The Velvet Mafia. His new book, Love and Fury: The Life, Death and Legacy of Joe Meek, is due for release in March. He was heavily involved in XTC conventions and close to Andy Partridge. I will miss him.
“It is with the greatest sadness that I have to announce the very sudden death of my beloved husband, Darryl Bullock. He died at home early on the 23rd of December 2024, aged just 60.”
Yes I was very sad to read that. Really enjoyed his books and seemed like a good guy. 60 is no age. As a writer he had a really engaging style and with a lightness of touch that nonetheless made his views never less than well considered and constructed. RIP.
This is the message from XTC’s Andy Partridge read out at Darryl’s funeral last Wednesday.
“I’ve met an awful lot of people in my seventy one years of life, some pleasant, some not so. Of all the pleasant ones, a few names stand out, in fact, head and shoulders, even above the others. Darryl was one of the few of the few, on that shortlist. The cream of the crop.
Make no mistake, this very talented writer and all round ‘good egg’, shone out. I always felt brightened after I’d spoken with him. I felt lightened and levitated. This is a priceless ability that few have, and Darryl had it in buckets full. Whatever the subject, his take would usually be the right one. The calming one. The opinion with levity. The ray of bright that was needed.
Oh, I’m going to miss you sunshine.”