Rickie Lee Jones posted this:
When I was a young girl I had a crush on John Lennon, and thought that if I smiled like his wife, when he met me, he would .. be attracted to me. Or maybe I thought she had a strange way of smiling, for the pictures I saw her mouth seemed to turn down as she smiled big. I practiced it in the mirror. ( talking heads, remain in light..something on there about this) I wore my hair like her, a rubber band, a pony tail partially up on top of my head. very popular mod look back then.
someone writes me to say Julian Lennon lost his mother today. I would send my condolences, and hope Julian knows his artist mom was beloved, although of course much less famous than Lennons’ second artist wife, Yoko. all the souls wondering the clouds today, happy to be home, or off in dreams we cannot imagine, i send my thoughts to Julian today.
Many women have been married to famous men, but has a woman, or for that matter will a woman in the future, ever be married to a more famous, more successful (and seemingly more ‘available’) man than Cynthia Lennon was?
She was married to the best known member of the biggest music phenomenon the world has, and will, ever know, at the absolute height of their success.
The Beatles’ entire career was on her watch (Quarry Men into Beatles, Stuart Sutcliffe, Casbah, Cavern, Decca audition, Beatlemania).
Yoko got the dull bit at the end and the uninspiring solo trawl in America in the…..erm…..1970s.
The only analogy that really works is being the wife of a President and, frankly, can you remember the name of Jimmy Carter’s wife?
We’re often told that people have led remarkable lives when they die (I can think of someone who died about two months ago who seemed to live an incredibly dull life to me) but Cynthia genuinely did, and when she said she had the best of John Lennon, who could disagree?
This letter showed up on the Guardian comments section following the story yesterday. I assume it’s genuine, but no source cited.
Star Club
39 Grossse Frieher
Actona Hamburg
Dear Cyn,
I love love love you and I’m missing you like mad. I wonder why all the newspapers wrote about Stu’ – especially the ‘People’ – and how the hell did they find out, who could have told them, as I wrote that I suddenly remembered there’s a fellow at the ‘Jacaranda’ who’s a freelance journalist. It could have been him because Allan Williams has been helping Mrs. Stutcliffe or something. I haven’t seen Astrid since the day we arrived. I’ve thought of going to see her but I would be so awkward – and probably the others would come as well and it would be even worse. I won’t write any more about it ’cause it’s not much fun. I love you – I don’t like the idea of Dot moving in permanently with you ’cause we could never be alone really – I mean when I come home – can’t she have the other room or find another flat – imagine having her there all the time when we were in bed – and imagine Paul coming all the time – and especially when I wasn’t there. I’d hate the idea. I love you Cyn.
The club is massive and we only play 3 hrs one night and 4 the next – and we play an hour – then an hour break so it doesn’t seem long at all really. The boss of this place is a good skin – we’re off tomorrow ’cause it’s Good Friday and they can’t have music so the boss – (Manfred) is taking us and the other group out for the day in his car and all the rest of them like Horst are coming, so it will be a big mob in our 5 cars. We’re going somewhere healthy like the Osr Sea (Stuart again)
God, I’m knackered its 6 o’clock in the morning and I want you. (I’ve just found out that there’s no post tomorrow so I will pack in good night. I love you boo! hoo! I hate this place).
That was Thursday night now its Sunday afternoon, I’ve just wakened up and there no post tomorrow (Easter Monday I think) anyway happy Easter Cyn. I love you. We went out, but all we did was eat and eat and eat (Good Friday) it was all free so it was okay. We drove somewhere about 80 miles away and ate.
My voice has been gone since I got here (it was gone before I came if I remember rightly). I can’t seem to find it – ah well! I love you Cyn Powell and I wish I was on the way to your flat with the Sunday papers and cherries and a throbber! Oh Yes! I forgot to tell you I’ve got a GEAR suede overcoat with a belt so I’ll look just like you now! Paul’s leaping about on my head (he’s in a bunk on top of me and he’s snoring!) I can hardly get in a position to write its so cramped below stairs captain, Shuttup McCartney! grunt grunt.
I can’t wait to see your new room it will be great seeing it for the first time and having chips and all and a ciggie (don’t let me come home to a regular smoker please Miss Powell) Hmm I can just see YOU and Dot puffing away I suppose that’s the least of my worries. I love you cyn I miss miss miss you miss Powell – I keep remembering all the parts of Hamburg that we went to together. In fact I can’t get away from you – especially on the Way, and inside the Seaman, boo! hoo! I love love love you. X
Did I tell you that we have a good bathroom with a shower, did I? Did I tell you? Well, I’ve had ONE whole shower aren’t I a clean little raker? hee! hee! I love you I haven’t written to Mimi yet but I know how to send her money so it gets there in 2 hrs. XXX
I can’t think what to write now so I will pack in and write some tomorrow seeing as how like I can’t POST it anyway so good afternoon Cyn I love you. Will you send me the words to “A SHOT OF RHYTHM AND BLUES” Please? There’s not many.
It’s Monday night and we finished playing about 3/4 hrs ago (its 2 o’clock). I’m dead beat my sweet, so I hope you won’t mind if I finish now and have lovely sleep (without you but it’ll still be lovely – don’t be hurt – but I’m so, so tired). I love you Cyn – I hope you realise why this letter took so long lovey but there has been no post Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon – and this one will go by the early morning Tuesday post ’cause I will nip downstairs and post it any minute (handy isn’t it?) I love you, I love you please wait for me and don’t be sad and work hard and be a clever little Cyn Powell. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, write soon ooh its a naughty old Hamburg we’re living in!!
All my Love for Ever and ever
P.S. They’re leather PANTIES not pants (just in case y’know!)
Rickie Lee Jones posted this:
When I was a young girl I had a crush on John Lennon, and thought that if I smiled like his wife, when he met me, he would .. be attracted to me. Or maybe I thought she had a strange way of smiling, for the pictures I saw her mouth seemed to turn down as she smiled big. I practiced it in the mirror. ( talking heads, remain in light..something on there about this) I wore my hair like her, a rubber band, a pony tail partially up on top of my head. very popular mod look back then.
someone writes me to say Julian Lennon lost his mother today. I would send my condolences, and hope Julian knows his artist mom was beloved, although of course much less famous than Lennons’ second artist wife, Yoko. all the souls wondering the clouds today, happy to be home, or off in dreams we cannot imagine, i send my thoughts to Julian today.
Many women have been married to famous men, but has a woman, or for that matter will a woman in the future, ever be married to a more famous, more successful (and seemingly more ‘available’) man than Cynthia Lennon was?
She was married to the best known member of the biggest music phenomenon the world has, and will, ever know, at the absolute height of their success.
The Beatles’ entire career was on her watch (Quarry Men into Beatles, Stuart Sutcliffe, Casbah, Cavern, Decca audition, Beatlemania).
Yoko got the dull bit at the end and the uninspiring solo trawl in America in the…..erm…..1970s.
The only analogy that really works is being the wife of a President and, frankly, can you remember the name of Jimmy Carter’s wife?
We’re often told that people have led remarkable lives when they die (I can think of someone who died about two months ago who seemed to live an incredibly dull life to me) but Cynthia genuinely did, and when she said she had the best of John Lennon, who could disagree?
I always really liked her.
Rosalyn ? If right, I didn’t check…
Was there ever any contact with Yoko Ono ? I see that she offered her condolences.
Cynthia and Yoko reached some kind of rapprochement over the passing years; there are photos of them together at various awards ceremonies etc.
BBC website illustrates their piece with a picture of Cynthia, Yoko, Julian and Sean together at some do or other.
This letter showed up on the Guardian comments section following the story yesterday. I assume it’s genuine, but no source cited.
Star Club
39 Grossse Frieher
Actona Hamburg
Dear Cyn,
I love love love you and I’m missing you like mad. I wonder why all the newspapers wrote about Stu’ – especially the ‘People’ – and how the hell did they find out, who could have told them, as I wrote that I suddenly remembered there’s a fellow at the ‘Jacaranda’ who’s a freelance journalist. It could have been him because Allan Williams has been helping Mrs. Stutcliffe or something. I haven’t seen Astrid since the day we arrived. I’ve thought of going to see her but I would be so awkward – and probably the others would come as well and it would be even worse. I won’t write any more about it ’cause it’s not much fun. I love you – I don’t like the idea of Dot moving in permanently with you ’cause we could never be alone really – I mean when I come home – can’t she have the other room or find another flat – imagine having her there all the time when we were in bed – and imagine Paul coming all the time – and especially when I wasn’t there. I’d hate the idea. I love you Cyn.
The club is massive and we only play 3 hrs one night and 4 the next – and we play an hour – then an hour break so it doesn’t seem long at all really. The boss of this place is a good skin – we’re off tomorrow ’cause it’s Good Friday and they can’t have music so the boss – (Manfred) is taking us and the other group out for the day in his car and all the rest of them like Horst are coming, so it will be a big mob in our 5 cars. We’re going somewhere healthy like the Osr Sea (Stuart again)
God, I’m knackered its 6 o’clock in the morning and I want you. (I’ve just found out that there’s no post tomorrow so I will pack in good night. I love you boo! hoo! I hate this place).
That was Thursday night now its Sunday afternoon, I’ve just wakened up and there no post tomorrow (Easter Monday I think) anyway happy Easter Cyn. I love you. We went out, but all we did was eat and eat and eat (Good Friday) it was all free so it was okay. We drove somewhere about 80 miles away and ate.
My voice has been gone since I got here (it was gone before I came if I remember rightly). I can’t seem to find it – ah well! I love you Cyn Powell and I wish I was on the way to your flat with the Sunday papers and cherries and a throbber! Oh Yes! I forgot to tell you I’ve got a GEAR suede overcoat with a belt so I’ll look just like you now! Paul’s leaping about on my head (he’s in a bunk on top of me and he’s snoring!) I can hardly get in a position to write its so cramped below stairs captain, Shuttup McCartney! grunt grunt.
I can’t wait to see your new room it will be great seeing it for the first time and having chips and all and a ciggie (don’t let me come home to a regular smoker please Miss Powell) Hmm I can just see YOU and Dot puffing away I suppose that’s the least of my worries. I love you cyn I miss miss miss you miss Powell – I keep remembering all the parts of Hamburg that we went to together. In fact I can’t get away from you – especially on the Way, and inside the Seaman, boo! hoo! I love love love you. X
Did I tell you that we have a good bathroom with a shower, did I? Did I tell you? Well, I’ve had ONE whole shower aren’t I a clean little raker? hee! hee! I love you I haven’t written to Mimi yet but I know how to send her money so it gets there in 2 hrs. XXX
I can’t think what to write now so I will pack in and write some tomorrow seeing as how like I can’t POST it anyway so good afternoon Cyn I love you. Will you send me the words to “A SHOT OF RHYTHM AND BLUES” Please? There’s not many.
It’s Monday night and we finished playing about 3/4 hrs ago (its 2 o’clock). I’m dead beat my sweet, so I hope you won’t mind if I finish now and have lovely sleep (without you but it’ll still be lovely – don’t be hurt – but I’m so, so tired). I love you Cyn – I hope you realise why this letter took so long lovey but there has been no post Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon – and this one will go by the early morning Tuesday post ’cause I will nip downstairs and post it any minute (handy isn’t it?) I love you, I love you please wait for me and don’t be sad and work hard and be a clever little Cyn Powell. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, write soon ooh its a naughty old Hamburg we’re living in!!
All my Love for Ever and ever
P.S. They’re leather PANTIES not pants (just in case y’know!)
Its in the Lennon Letters book that someone kindly gave me for my birthday a couple of years back. The original letter is reproduced in Johns scrawl
Thanks DFB. I was stunned when I read it yesterday. Says so much more about their relationship than many books have managed.