cracking live film 13/09/2024 by exilepj 8 Comments Link at the Air concert at the royal Albert Hall … a very chill way to spend an hour and a half 0
LesterTheNightfly says 15/09/2024 at 07:34 Thanks for the heads up. I’ll see if I can spot myself! Log in to Reply
dkhbrit says 15/09/2024 at 19:47 Thanks for posting. We went to the Dublin gig which was outdoors and not terribly dark so never got the full effect of the light show. I think at one point JB was playing 3 synths simultaneously which was rather impressive. Log in to Reply
exilepj says
Kaisfatdad says
Thanks! That does look splendid.
TrypF says
fentonsteve says
Ooh, lovely. Ta.
Nick L says
Absolutely superb. Many thanks for posting.
LesterTheNightfly says
Thanks for the heads up.
I’ll see if I can spot myself!
Leedsboy says
Fabulous. Thank you.
dkhbrit says
Thanks for posting. We went to the Dublin gig which was outdoors and not terribly dark so never got the full effect of the light show. I think at one point JB was playing 3 synths simultaneously which was rather impressive.