Due to popular request we’ve built a comment edit function which will soon get added to the blog. As it is brand new stuff we’d like some beta test volunteers to kick the tyres and take it for a spin into the nearest ditch etc…
The basics of the new function are this:-
– If you post a comment you will get 10 minutes to edit or delete it
– A separate timer is maintained for each of your comments
-You will see a countdown displayed during the 10 minutes for each editable comment
– NB: If someone replies to your comment within 10 minutes then you can no longer delete it but you can still edit it
– After the 10 mins has expired you’ve had it and your comment is set in stone unless you can persuade an mod/admin to change it
– That’s it..
The 10 minute time period is an arbitrary limit and can be changed by consensus
So if you can help by volunteering then just add a comment here .. er.. it is not active yet so no editing on here is possible yet 🙂
Gary says
I for one can’t wart to use it.
Gatz says
Edith Fnuction walks among as at last. Thank you – that sounds very promising.
mikethep says
Paging @junior-wells.
Mousey says
Yes Junior walls wall live thus
Johnny Concheroo says
As both Status Quo and Steamhammer told us in 1970:
Junior’s Wailing. None more British Blues Boom.
Steamhammer featured Martin Quittenton who went on to write songs (including Maggie May) with Rod Stewart
Twang says
I’ve got one of their albums somewhere – untouched for decades.
Johnny Concheroo says
They never really made it in Britain, but Steamhammer were a solid blues outfit who were popular in Europe
Twang says
I’ve got a Dutch mob too who were a good blues rock act with an emphasis on blues but the name escapes me momentarily. Fairly sure Blues was in it. Come on JC!
Twang says
Ha….I love Google….Livin’ Blues.
Fin59 says
The Steams – bit of a lumpen racket, no?
Lurve me some Blues but i’m with Bob Disappointment when it comes to English white boy blues.
Ten Years Shack. Chicken Savoy. Even, sad to say John Measles’ Brownbreakers. Come to think of Edith Fnuction would make an excellent name for such a band.
Of course, to play the blues it helps if you’re a po son of a sharecropper born on the south side of bad luck with a no good mean mistreatin’ big leg woman for a wife.
However, you can be white and middle class but you definitely have to be American.
Exhibit A
Paul Butterfield Blues Band
Morning Sunrise
H.P. Saucecraft says
Steamhammer were more than a lumpen whiteboy blues band, and definitely proto-prog. They had a fantastic drummer – no, really – who could play polyrhythms. That’s pretty rare, I’m told.
Twang says
Junior Wells says
Holy fuck that was quick!
I guess I will now have to correct all my tyops.
Mini B will be disappointed – no more snarky commnets from her !!
Yes happy to be the monkey in the rocket.
minibreakfast says
Snarky? But Janet, I live year types!
bigstevie says
I have a Tesco credit card which is free. Tesco want me to sign up for their ‘platinum’ card which costs £150 per year.
This post doesn’t need edited……they want £150 to ‘use’ their premium card……hahahaha!
Junior Wells says
bigstevie says
It’s all to do with loyalty points. The new card gives twice as much plus a bonus. Points that is…not Pounds. Tesco’s points scheme is excellent, but I’ll stick with the free card….for as long as I can.
Teh Teh. Great band!
craig42blue says
Ah yes, those Sole Minding and Inflected types…
hubert rawlinson says
Splundid nows
minibreakfast says
Ah, a Norfolk boy.
hubert rawlinson says
My secret is out,
(actually Yorkshire)
bobness says
Sounds like a kiwi to me…
Happy to test the new feature.
I have trouble typing mnagement, addressing people called Amrk, and the difference between form and form.
hubert rawlinson says
I kept typing the aftreword for some birazze reason.
minibreakfast says
It’s all northern to me.
nigelthebald says
*waves at @minibreakfast from the North*
hubert rawlinson says
*Waves at Nigel from further north.*
nigelthebald says
*wonders whether to concoct story about Arctic summer holiday*
Uncle Wheaty says
Nothing wrong with that.
I am NFN by the way.
dai says
Could you make it 15 minutes? Thnak you very much.
Twang says
“New edit function not as good as old one”, say old Word Blog fans whilst shaking their heads.
Mike_H says
If you oidots read what you typed before sneding we wouldn’t need an idet function.
Uncle Wheaty says
Does this spell the end for vinly?
attackdog says
Afr, very guid.
bungliemutt says
Nwo, any cahnce of a spel chekc fnucshun as wel?
Rigid Digit says
If you need more testers, I have the uncanny habit of being able to break anything (a sort of negative Midas Touch)
Sewer Robot says
Including the bank, apparently. Fifty quid on Discogs:
rich says
All the commenters above have been ‘volunteered’ – many thanks!
The timeout limit has been changed to 15 mins by request.
The edit comment function has now been activated for all these brave souls – please PM me with all problems encountered or if I volunteered you by mistake..
This last sentence was added with the edit function.. 🙂
mikethep says
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
It works!
Took me a while to work out that to repost your corrected comment you click Edit this comment again.
rich says
yea I see your point – I’ve changed the text on the button 🙂
Mike_H says
It works.
The Good Doctor says
Testing testing – This is comment number one isn’t this a lot of fun – altered
The Good Doctor says
Working on Firefox…and let’s move over to Firefox for Android and see if I can edit – -YES WE CAN!
ernietothecentreoftheearth says
I want to edit other people’s comments.
H.P. Saucecraft says
Here – edit mine:
ernietothecentreoftheearth hav a face like a squished tomato
ernietothecentreoftheearth says
Hang on my etch a sketch doesn’t appear to have the edit toggle!
hubert rawlinson says
Worked for me huzzah. Thankee kindly Edith.
Spotcheck Billy says
All Together Now:
Der Der, Der-Der-Der-Der – Der Der Der-Der
minibreakfast says
Please Edith that 1 to an exclamation mark 🙂
Spotcheck Billy says
dammit Janet, can’t edit the 1 that should be a !
rich says
Soz Billy but Edith is currently only available for people who’ve already volunteered to test .. I will activate her for everybody from tonight (UK time) if all goes well today… 🙂
Spotcheck Billy says
Cool beans Rich, and thnak yuo
GCU Grey Area says
GCU Grey Area says
Oops. © 2016 GCU Grey Area. Uses vintage artwork from the ‘artist’s’ own collection.
minibreakfast says
Wonderful. Can you do a ladies fit, medium, please? 😀
GCU Grey Area says
No prbolem.
bungliemutt says
Dear Edith, just checking that you are fully fnuctional.
And you are!
count jim moriarty says
Eye wint it, end eye wint it noo.
minibreakfast says
Yesterday I genuinely saw someone describe a lack of success using the phrase “to know a veil”. Autocorrect, I wonder? I do hope so.
Rigid Digit says
Let’s see if I can break it?
Edit: No I can’t (yet)
Edit2: And it’s still there when I close and re-open the page
Rigid Digit says
I tried to break it, and failed.
My plan was to leave doing an Edit until the last 5 seconds and see if the Afterword imploded.
It didn’t, just ended the edit session.
Bloody big thumbs up – a definite enhancement to help silly sods like me making inaccurate, badly spelt or just plain gobbledygook comments
Edit: can delete images too (but you probably already knew that)
bungliemutt says
Ooh! Ooh! Can we have an image copyright detector? Can we?
craig42blue says
No cpoywright problums wtih thsi oen…
I cnduo’t bvleiee taht I culod aulaclty uesdtannrd waht I was rdnaieg. Unisg the icndeblire pweor of the hmuan mnid, aocdcrnig to rseecrah at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mttaer in waht oderr the lterets in a wrod are, the olny irpoamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rhgit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whoutit a pboerlm. Tihs is bucseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey ltteer by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Aaznmig, huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghhuot slelinpg was ipmorantt! See if yuor fdreins can raed tihs too.
bungliemutt says
Taht is the msot sneisble tinhg ayonne has eevr pstoed on hree.
badartdog says
Actually I raced through that apart from the word ‘spelling’ – ironically- which my brain mis-translated as sleeping!
Thanks to our new admins for the edit function – makes you wonder what the hell those other slackers were doing all this time. ?
minibreakfast says
Accordion to research, 9 out of 10 people don’t notice when you replace words with random musical instruments.
Sewer Robot says
Yeah. You can walk around all day with your junk hanging out without any significant difference to yourself or others, but it’s considered good form to put some strides on.
Plus, you need pockets to “do the elephant” at children’s parties..
rich says
Thanks to all testers … as there was no discernible wailing nor gnashing of teeth from anybody today I’m pleased to say that Edith is now active for everyone 🙂
As before .. please PM me if anybody has a problem
GCU Grey Area says
‘Edith For Everyone’ – they had the misfortune to release their debut EP the week that Belle and Sebastian’s ‘Tigermilk’ came out, and that must be my coat. . .
hubert rawlinson says
My problem is I am no longer in the edit clique and must now join the hoi polloi of the Afterword.
Johnny Concheroo says
It worked fine for me with one notable exception. When I edited a post with both a YouTube clip and a imgur picture embedded, instead of showing up in the post again they both turned into links
rich says
Thanks, and yes I have spotted that problem and will look into fixing it… the workaround (admittedly not a very good one…) is refreshing the page once you’ve edited your comment and the images should be restored in place of the links
Johnny Concheroo says
Thanks. I got round it by copying the entire post, deleting it, then pasting it into a new post, at which time all was restored. But I’ll try your solution too.
rich says
FYI I just released v2.0 which should (hopefully!) have fixed the video/image link problems … 🙂
H.P. Saucecraft says
Well, I don’t know. Call me a sentimental old fool – beat – but I have fond memories of the old days, when a simple typo could result in a stream of good-natured drollery at the commenter’s expense. Oh, I suppose we have to move with the times, but there’s part of me that thinks this is a tiny step towards jackboot authoritanism and the denial of individual liberty; commenters chained to their desks, fingertips bleeding, while the mods sit back in their executive VIP lounge and watch the money being pushed through the windows.
minibreakfast says
Now Edith is restored, could we next have the return of the whooshy arrow button that takes us to the top of the page, please? I’m getting too old for lengthy scrolling.
nigelthebald says
Young people these days – cuh!
davebigpicture says
On iPad you tap the top of the status bar to go to the top. Probably similar shortcuts on Android?
Ainsley The Admin says
Ctrl + Home on a PC
minibreakfast says
Many thanks, chaps. But I do miss the whooshy button…..
Sewer Robot says
I hear you Ms B, but you must understand the washing machine was not principally designed for you to sit on in your marigolds..
minibreakfast says
Yes, if it was specifically designed for this I wouldn’t keep sliding off 😀