Here we go. I’ll post the group as separate replies here and then you can all chat amongst yourselves underneath. As I said before, my old spreadsheet is long gone so there may well be repeated matches here, so apologies if so. On the upside, at least all but two of you can console yourself with the thought that you won’t be receiving any of my tuneless rubbish.
instructions in the original thread:
@kid-dynamite / @salwarpe /@el-hombre-malo
wOOHOO! I have just finalised my 12 song tracklisting. I reckon you two will tickle my audio taste buds in the best wayz. I hope you have a tolerance for obvious and tacky pop trash.
marvellous! I have a tracklist and have messaged you both to see what transmission mechanism suits – as a later thought, would a single file with the tracks mixed together work over wetransfer (Tracklisting to follow once you have asked for it) ? Or would you prefer anonymised tracks or a physical CD ?
Got yours, ehm, and sent you and kd mine. I’m looking forward with an…..
ticipation to hearing your glorious dozen.
Thanks Lads. I’ve received the messages with links from all three of you today. I’ll get my skates on and put in a shift to finalise my dozen as soon as my kids nod off. Two out of three have chickenpox so that might be a while although the antihistamines seem to be working. I “desire’, a night’s sleep!
there’s no rush – sounds like you have more pressing matters at hand! good luck with the antihistamines
Hi Lads, by way of an update. I’ve started the recording process. 10 of my choices are finalised. I’d hope to have the whole thing finalised over the weekend. I’ll keep you all posted. Once I’ve finished mine, I’ll start reviewing yours. I’ve had a few listens already.
Link sent to the three of you. I’ll start reviewing your collections now.
@moseleymoles / @Ron-cucumber / @lemonhope
Hello @moseleymoles @lemonhope Is there a theme to the CD? There usually is but I can’t see one mentioned on the threads this time around.
@ron-cucumber The theme is Desire. So you could take 9 of your tracks from Dylan’s album of that name. But “desire” could be love, sexual attraction, greed, ambition, pervy stuff, etc etc. The field is wide open!
“Ron” is quite an unusual name these days.
Cheers @gary
(Yes, Mr and Mrs Cucumber were big fans of ‘Da Do Ron Ron’ by the Crystals).
@moseleymoles / @Ron-cucumber
My ‘disc’ is done, I have uploaded it to Dropbox and sent you both a message with a link
@myoldman / @mike_H / @tinydemon
Is that it? 9? Or are there more to follow?
Or am I Billy no mates?
patience, I’m having to edit every post to get the underscores right!
Got mine done and ready to go. One long 12-part 42m51s mix from [the Redactions].
Got the cover art now, too.
All No-CD mixes received by everyone in this group now.
Sounding good, @myoldman and @tinydemon. Some stuff on your “discs” I’ll be very interested to have identified. Not many clunkers.
One track on myoldman’s mix was very, very nearly the opening track on mine.
I have a hankering to post (after the great reveal) a mix of the 14 shortlist tracks that didn’t quite make it onto my “disc”.
@vulpes-vulpes / @deviant808 / @gary
Ooh, it’s suddenly become real 🙂
So far I’ve made a note of four probable songs for inclusion, time to start having a proper think now then.
/shift into track mulling mode
I am greatly afeared that you will already know all 12 of the songs I choose (as well as all those in my iTunes that I don’t choose). I’m not much of an obscurist.
I was toying, initially, with the idea of compiling a CD of totally obvious well-known Bangers for my entry in my group. Unfair on the other two group members really, to remove the chance of hearing and liking something completely new to them.
Doesn’t the skill of a qualified compiler lay in the order in which said totally obvious well known bangers are placed? As one tune fades out, will the next selection continue the theme, veer abruptly to something very differently, or maybe tease and amuse with the multiple references that appear to the cognoscenti from the close proximity of said toons?
But no “WTF is that?” moments.
True. Maybe more WTF is THAT doing on here?
Mwah, hah, hah haah!
I’ll be exploiting the currently random sort sequence of my CD collection by picking a case of discs at random, going through the contents one by one until I have found 12 that somehow meet the ‘Desire’ pattern. Then I’ll see if the tracks can be satisfactorily sequenced. Any that don’t fit will be binned, and another case of randomly ordered CDs will be trawled until I have the dirty dozen.
I therefore have no idea at the moment what you will get to hear.
If you send me well-known bangers that’ll be fine, and if I have never heard of any of them and possibly have no wish to hear any of them ever again, that will also be fine. It’s a privilege to be able to share music in this way.
Such larks!
Replying to @deviant808 & @gary, I assume? Sadly I won’t be hearing anything from foxy towers, nor will you get to hear my ‘well-known [old] bangers’, scraped from my barely-audible festering electronic pile of low-rent mp3s (for which I am sure you are eternally grateful).
@vulpes-vulpes / @deviant808
I’m ready to send. It’ll have to be wetransfer and digital rather than CD, hope that’s ok (I don’t own a CD burner or player). I hope the sound quality is decent. I’ve made one wav file (using Garageband). The volumes might not be consistent, but I’m sure they’ll be good enough for the purposes of this swap.
DM me your email addresses when you’re ready and I’ll send mine.
Email sent, thanks.
I reckon I’ve got ten selections sorted, will get it done over/by the week.
Will probably go the WeTransfer route myself too.
I’ll DM my address shortly, and look forward to having a listen. I’ll aim to have mine ready to go by next weekend, so send me your email address sometime soon!
Both mine sent! My efficiency should not go unrewarded. I’ve impressed myself. More than usual, even.
OK, I have my exciting expertly (ahem) mixed WAV file ready to send.
I’ve got your email @gary so will get that over via WeTransfer.
If you can send me your email @vulpes-vulpes I will get it over to you too.
My 12 are assembled in the playground that is Audacity.
I’ve a few bits of jiggery-pokery to attend to and then I’ll send you a link to a big fat wav file uploaded to WeTransfer @Gary.
I’m assuming you’d be happy to receive a physical CD @Deviant808? Is that correct?
Both of yours are here, and will be burned into polycarbonate for me to listen to proper-like.
Do you want a physical CD oh @deviant808 one?
Not too fussed either way my little Foxy friend @vulpes-vulpes. Quite happy to receive a file via WeTransfer as the easier option if that suits.
You should’ve been able to see my email from the link I sent you?
Just gave your mixes a first listen @gary and @vulpes-vulpes and – in the context of what I sent you – I’d just like to say that I’m really really sorry 🙂
Nonsense, old chap, I’ve listened to yours and it’s interesting. I only know one of the tracks. (I bet you can guess which one!)
That’ll be the one that Paddy sings I’m guessing?
Only one I
likedrecognised straight away. Spotted a couple of others, low on my musical horizon, I think. One that I’d forgotten I had, if I’m right about it, which has prompted me to search for the likely source CD, though I think it’s maybe one of the countless club chillout compos I have.That’s the one!
Thought that one was the most AW-friendly selection, one of the first things I selected actually.
Am now intrigued as to which one fits into a chillout compilation.
I recognised the grand total of one song across your 24 tracks, that’s probably guessable too.
Don’t apologise – it’s an interesting listen. I’m having a lie-down now.
I was being slightly tongue-in-cheek, but still, good to hear you got something out of it.
There were things I liked on both of the ones I received too, just to clarify!
@rigid-digit / @fatima-Xberg/ @bogart
I’ve got 1 song in the playlist so far, and it ain’t the Irish iPod botherers
My playlist is ready to go (well, almost… perhaps not wise to include an old answerphone message of mine in the mix?).
Maybe I’ll invite Ivan for tea and some comments…
I’m on 11 and ahalf now
(half cos I’m not sure about it).
A good weekends work – ready to go once assembled and anonymised
@fatima-Xberg @bogart
12 tracks of varying quality (you decide) selected, and playlist about to be assembled.
Will drop the link in direct message on here … at some point
(probably at the weekend)
Compilation is finished and download links provided – patrons can choose between mp3 and wav file. Or just look at the cover picture which won’t hurt your ears.
@SteveT/ @nigelT / @craig42blue
CDs burned and ready to go @craig42blue and @SteveT – just need to get some suitable packaging envelopes as I don’t seem to have anything suitable in the house. @SteveT – I think I still need an address..?
I’m ready to post my cd to you both; just need SteveT’s address.
@SteveT @NigelT
@twang / @retropath2 / @wilson-wilson
Do “TMT” (sic) do anything that evokes desire?
Not based on an initial mental run through!
I don’t appear to be in any of the groups and I certainly put myself forward in the original post.
Another Brexit dividend?
Oops! I’ll give it a day to see if any stragglers come out of the woodwork, otherwise I’ll add you to one of the existing groups. Sorry
I put my name down for the very first CD Swap but wasn`t included so I didn`t bother anymore. However if you are short you can add my name.
No? OK don’t bother.
Why so prickly, Baron? Give the poor sod a chance, it’s possible he has to work for a living, unlike some of us.
thanks Mike. Yes, I am still under the yoke of capitalism and this is the first time I’ve logged back in since that post.
ideally we need three for a group so Baron and Bamber alone won’t cut it. I was going to fold @Bamber into my group (assuming @salwarpe and @el-hombre-malo are fine with that?). I can add you to another group if you like, @Baron-Harkonnen?
Well I’d happily volunteer, if I had any CDs.
Well I’d happily volunteer, if I had any well known bangers – Lawson’s, perhaps?
I’m easy, though it will probably save postage for all concerned if the exchanges to and from Bonn go electronically rather than physically.
Happy to roll with whatever suits everyone.
Okay lads. I’m in. My usual process is compromised by the recent failure of my two minidisc recorders (documented elsewhere on this site) so I’ll try to finalise my long list, whittle it down, sequence it and see if our dilapidated PC will co-operate enough to allow me to share through electronic channels. Wish me luck!
lovely, I’ve just tried messaging you, let us know if there’s any problem
I’ve downloaded the three playlists through weshare today. There are various messages stating “expires in 1 day”. Does this mean that I won’t be able to listen after this time tomorrow? I’m not familiar with how this app works. I wasn’t planning to listen to them before I finalise my tracklist in case it contaminates my thinking.
if you have downloaded them, you are fine. wetransfer only keeps files online for 7 days.
Ok we were remiss on giving you a few deadlines to work towards to ensure we don’t drag on to the end of time…
Can you get your anonymous twelve-track masterpiece compilations to your group no later than SUN 28 MAY and also get your track listings via message to @kid-dynamite to enter onto his spreadsheet (new version) of truth.
From then on we will open a new comments thread for everyone to post their blind reviews of their fellow group members efforts. Post your reviews by SUNDAY JUNE 11 as from then on we will post the real track listings.
@kid-dynamite / @salwarpe /@el-hombre-malo @bamber
@moseleymoles / @Ron-cucumber / @lemonhope
@myoldman / @mike_H / @tinydemon
@vulpes-vulpes / @deviant808 / @gary
@rigid-digit / @fatima-Xberg/ @bogart
@SteveT/ @nigelT / @craig42blue
@twang / @retropath2 / @wilson-wilson
and possibly @baron-harkonnen though not been privy to the DM’s
point of order – I can be the focal point for receiving tracklistings, but last time I believe everyone just waited until they’d received all the due reviews and then posted them themselves. Seemed to work fine and strips out a layer of bureaucracy but I’m happy to go with whatever the majority opinion is.
Indeed. Power to the people!
Says the Afterword Popular Front.
Or is that the People’s Front of The Afterword?
@SteveT @nigelT
Are you chaps ok with ‘WeTransfer’ or do you prefer a shiny disc?
@craig42blue @SteveT We Transfer is fine by me.
@craig42blue @NigelT I am most likely gonna go with a shiny disc as I am not tech savvy and fear I will balls it up.
I am just mulling over a tracklist over next couple of days – I am away much of this week so expect to have it complete early next week. Excuse my tardiness but things keep getting in my way.
I will try Wetransfer but don’t hold your breath.
Send me a shiny disc please @SteveT
@SteveT @craig42blue either method is fine for me, and can send a disc to @SteveT
Nearly there with mine…found this one quite tough!
I finally went with shiny discs.. and only one disc is now a coaster.
DM me with your addresses.