Absolutely nobody needs a new podcast to listen to BUT if you have a few idle moments to spare, may I recommend mine, Can I Pod With Madness, a nostalgic trawl through old issues of (mostly) Kerrang, (occasionally) Metal Hammer and (in one instance) Q. Lots of tangents, barely any musical knowledge, and way too many mentions of Chris DeBurgh on a podcast that’s supposedly about metal, but we’re certainly having fun doing it.
(If you want to check out actual pages from the magazines you can see all that stuff on our instagram, without having to listen to us argue about where my copy of Rock Aid Armenia version of Smoke on the Water ended up).
Sounds good Usby, what Kerrang era are we talking about? I used to read it from about 1981-84, so the days or Dante Bonutto, Marholm Dome and 3D Venom photoshoots.
Posted this before, but for those interested, the first 50 issues of Kerrang are available at pdfs on the Internet Archive.
Oooh! That was my era at just the time when metal was my gateway drug to music. I look forward to investigating.
Cheers – here’s the link which I somehow neglected to add in the original post!
Mainly 87-89 as those are the issues we own, but we’ve done a few from ’84 and one from ’91 I think (for those issues we resorted to PDFs from here (see if this link works for you, and you can read along at home)
It will probably include the features on Living Colour that I read in my mate’s brother’s copies. I was certainly no metalhead but on that brief acquaintance was pleasantly surprised how good the writing was.