Bit of a long shot but does anyone know of a musical instrument repairer who is operating during the lockdown? Specifically I’m looking for someone who repairs keyboards.
Mine is damaged – I think beyond repair – and I can’t make an insurance claim without a repair estimate or something to say it cant be done.
I’m hoping someone can do that from photographs of the damage.
I know you’ll want to know the sad story.
I arranged a ‘street band’s to play and sing a couple of uplifting songs after the clapping for carers last night. It was a great success with almost everyone in the street joining in. While I was packing everything away the keyboard fell of its stand on to the kerb. Quite a lot of keys are smashed and there are other dents and deformities. For those of you who know about these things it’s a Nord Stage. I am bereft!
Any help in finding a repairer would be much appreciated.
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fentonsteve says
Oh crikey, a Nord. Don’t you have a Yamaha you could have dropped instead?
I’ll ask my man at Sound On Sound
Geoffbs7 says
Thank you
fentonsteve says
Where in the world/country are you? Region/county would do.
Geoffbs7 says
I’m in Bristol
fentonsteve says
@Geoffbs7 – this just in from my mole in SOS:
Tell him to contact Sound Technology, they’re the UK distributors and will know what to do.
Geoffbs7 says
Thank you very much for this.
I’ve had an email exchange with a repairer in Bristol who will give me an estimate when circumstances change – and the insurance company will wait till then.
Given that I’ve had it for about 12 years, I’m taking the view that it’s time to buy a new one!!