Working our way through the rich, dark sauces and spreads, Bovril stands for dark, rich, meaty songs – pungent and penetrating barry-tones salivating deep into your sensory organs, bass notes that thud and reverberate through your skull and pulse into your core.
In this long hot, sweltering season*, what better to kick off this mucky, beefy, aromatic thread than Barry’s first song?
*I’m so hemispherist, sorry)
Leonard has more of a homeopathic trace of Bovril, but it’s enough
Just a few more Bovril kisses:
A Bovril song here thanks to the video which is set somewhere extremely chilly.
Thank you for the global climatic rebalancing, BC – also for a small bite of rattlesnakes.
A showcase for the production chops of Dennis Bov-rell..
That is a beefy bone of a bassline – tasty!
Brazil is famed for its beef. Let’s have some Brazza Bovril, courtesy of the late great Tim Maia.
Keeping it in the family, here is his nephew, Ed Motta.
Tim’s singing with a mouthful of gravy, for sure. But Ed? More tomato salsa than Bovril, I fear.
Some rich squelchy sax notes there, Mike! Freshened out with sharp trumpet toots and kept in shape with lively rhythms.
Plenty of prime tasty beef in this one.
Rhythmstick – Friday Night At The Cadillac Club
Lean and finely cut.
None more meaty than Sleepy LaBeef
ripe cuts of meat, slapped down and slathered in honking Bovril
War -Low Rider!
Norman cooks up something tasty….
So complementary in sonorous flavour, I thought I would try a goulash
Wow! I enjoyed that. And am fascinated as to how you did it.
Lashings more goulash, please!
If you mixed together Monster mash and Werewolves of London, would it be a Ghoulash??
I’ll get my cloak
Bovril? Or some kind of Ukrainian meat substitute?
I’m hungry now.
A slowcooker now. A spicy Jamaican beef curry via Naples.
Are your taste-buds tingling?
Pure beefy goodness from the vegetablist:
More enjoyable than I thought it would be. The gravy was much less lumpy than I was expecting.
Does anyone know about the etymology of the name Bovril`?
Bo is obviously from bovine, but its inventor, Johnston “took the -vril suffix from Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s then-popular novel, The Coming Race (1870), whose plot revolves around a superior race of people, the Vril-ya, who derive their powers from an electromagnetic substance named “Vril”. Therefore, Bovril indicates great strength obtained from an ox.[4]”
Thankyou Wiki!
And if you thought that was wacky, how about this advertising campaign?
“Bovril holds the unusual distinction of having been advertised with a Pope. An advertising campaign of the early 20th century in Britain depicted Pope Leo XIII seated on his throne, bearing a mug of Bovril. The campaign slogan read: The Two Infallible Powers – The Pope & Bovril.”
I’m speechless!
Catholic tourist spots are responsible for some of the most wonderful tat. I have a recollection of a “Pope-on-a-Rope” thing to be used in a shower.
Probably belongs on the other threads but Vegemite was called “ Parwill” originally in response to Ma-might.
Sounds like a rubbish dad joke but absolutely true.
The hospital I worked at in Burton back in the day, now knocked down, bought in a cheap Bovril copy called Jardox. Geddit? Jarred ox. It was ok.
Bizarrely this in the town that has the main Marmite and Bovril works in the country(tho I am sure it was just Marmite then, it being, basically the slurry from all the breweries then centred there).
Rammstein: none more Bovril. Do you know, I think they coated themselves in the stuff for this video. Thank goodness there was enough water to wash it all off.