One of the most unpleasant and elusive of the many figures who defined the 60s.
Given that not even Craig Brown seems to have been able to track him down, I’m
amazed he’s still alive
Musings on the byways of popular culture
One of the most unpleasant and elusive of the many figures who defined the 60s.
Given that not even Craig Brown seems to have been able to track him down, I’m
amazed he’s still alive
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Colin H says
He still appears to speak like a geezer in ‘The Sweeney’: “If they were at it, we felt their collars.”
Most alarmingly, in his interview, he refers to “a person called Donovan” – seemingly unaware, as we all now know, that Don INVENTED the sixties!
Vince Black says
and it’s spelt DONOVAN
Mrbellows says
Or is it spelled, Mmm, Donovan?
Moose the Mooche says
He’s run a care home, too – always an industry that attracts the most morally upstanding people.
Black Type says
The walrus was Paul, as any fule kno.
dai says
Well, it definitely wasn’t Pilcher.
Jaygee says
He was, however, the inspiration for Spiny Norman, the hedgehog in Python’s Doug and Dinsdale Piranha sketch
Moose the Mooche says
nickduvet says
“I ‘ear you’ve been a naughty boy Clement”
deramdaze says
“Foul language and insults” … if there were any more reasons to love Dusty Springfield …
Mike_H says
I think Caroline Coon’s remarks at the end of the article are a fair summation of him. I certainly remember the allegations at the time about his crookedness.
He’s trying to paint himself there as a good guy surrounded by rotters. I’m sure the actual facts are somewhat different.
BrilliantMistake says
Expecting cash in LP anytime now called ‘A Man Who Once Arrested The Beatles – Live!’
fatima Xberg says
So it took four weeks for The Guardian to re-phrase the Mojo article from last month. Is this a record?
Mike_H says
Not yet, but see @BrilliantMistake‘s post above
Colin H says
I suspect Norm waited an entire career (in vain) to encountered a criminal named Hugh Slag… 🙂
Moose the Mooche says
…and his known associate Hugh Toilet.
Jaygee says
And let’s not forget fellow gang member, Hugh Muppet
NigelT says
Thanks to @noisecandy on another thread – this on kindle for 99p currently. I hesitated as I didn’t really want to give this scrote any money, but he can’t be making much at 99p a pop.
Mike_H says
He probably wouldn’t be making anything at all if it wasn’t.
dai says
Maybe he is a brilliant writer? The new D H Lawrence.
Sniffity says
“Lady Chatterly? Put ’em on, love, you’re nicked.”