In a private email, Beany expresses his chagrin at mis-identifying the character on the Stackridge album cover as “a man” (in spite of all the evidence to the contrary), claiming the “hat fooled him” (forgetting that the hat in the picture is no more a bowler than the wearer is a man), and asks if I’d kindly curate a thread on his behalf to make the whole issue of “men” and “bowler hats” clear to him. Pleased to oblige, Beansie!
H.P. Saucecraft says
Here’s a photographic plate that artfully combines our disparate themes into one coherent image:
Johnny Concheroo says
That Zappa photo was taken in London 1968 . Frank was trying to blend in with the locals, because everyone wears a bowler in London.
James Blast says
James Blast says
Let’s try that again, just for the Beanster
H.P. Saucecraft says
Nice one, Jemes! We may have some birdsplaining to do for th’ Beanster, though …
James Blast says
At least I wasn’t obvious in my choice. Bert.
H.P. Saucecraft says
H.P. Saucecraft says
Here’s a poser!
Black Celebration says
I once ran a positive and uplifting thread about “Bell end also-ran pop stars” and incredibly the bloke in bowler hat from The Blow Monkeys did not make the cut. Instead I focussed on the bass player from New Musik. Let’s put that straight now :
Sorry if he’s a much-respected bassoonist or something.
Sewer Robot says
How do like my umbrellas, fellas?
H.P. Saucecraft says
Who said the bowler hat couldn’t be sexy?
Black Celebration says
Almost certainly in Beany’s collection
Beany says
As if.
hubert rawlinson says
To muddy the waters further, the artificial insemination man who visited farms to impregnate the cows was known as ‘the bull in the bowler hat’.
As I can’t post pictures from my tablet, could someone kindly post a picture of Martin Jacques from the Tiger Lillies please.
Beany says
Shirley, the bowler hat craze started with that great comedy duo Beany and Hardy?
Rob C says
Nice Cop & Psycho, Shirley ?
H.P. Saucecraft says
The hat is very Beany. The shirt print isn’t bad. But the “fly” front, non-matching pocket and just plain wrong collar, coupled with a too-tight fit – and are those – *ulp* – cuffs on the sleeves? – oh dear.
Black Celebration says
I’m not a pedantic fellow but Stan and Ollie wore Derby hats – although they are exactly the same as Bowler hats. Stateside folks call them “durrbies”.
H.P. Saucecraft says
“Doibies” in Yonkers.
Moose the Mooche says
You’ve godda noive!
H.P. Saucecraft says
Why, for two cents I’d …
badartdog says
I this a bowler?
decent tune.
Archie Valparaiso says
If we comparing that millinerial monstrosity with the undisputedly genuine article, as famously sported by Messrs. Freddie “Parrot Face” Davies, John Steed, Oddjob and the common or garden Orangeman, I think you’ll find that what we’re dealing with here is a mere “faux-ler” hat, i.e. a trilby or homburg that’s had its dimples punched out from the inside. The genuine bowler or derby has a stiffer brim with a curled-back edge that would appear to be absent from this tatty titfer.
H.P. Saucecraft says
A timely reminder of the great Freddie “Parrot Face” Davies. Here’s his website (@beany):
– from which we learn “Freddie was evacuated during the war”, which accounts for a lot.
And look! Here’s his Spotlight page!
– marvel at the Many Moods Of Parrot Face! He has a driving licence, too.
Black Celebration says
I see he has a CD with a song on it called “Labrador Language”. I bet that’s good.
Johnny Concheroo says
Here come old flattop, he come grooving up slowly
He got joo-joo eyeball, he one holy bowler
H.P. Saucecraft says
Threadkiller ⬆
Sewer Robot says
Those f*ckin Beatles – they get in everywhere:
(The Unbearable Lightness Of Being trailer)
Sewer Robot says
That ain’t a farkin’ trailer. This is a farkin’ trailer:
(The Monitors)
Tiggerlion says
Plenty of sexual ambiguity in Cabaret but I think it is clear Sally is a girl despite the hat.
Mein Herr
Rob C says
Hats can be Mystical Headneys or Psychic Mind Dungeons. Your choice.
Beany says
Just to add to the confusion the LP was called Pinafore Days when released in the USA.
H.P. Saucecraft says
That’s because she’s wearing a pinafore on the cover, Beany. Not a bowler hat.
Beany says
Or possibly because of this song on the LP.
H.P. Saucecraft says
Hmm … perhaps the two are connected? Is the album any good, Beany? Would it serve as entry point into the Stackridge Experience?
Beany says
Dip yer toe in. You know you want to experience the “West Country Beatles”. My money is on the previous LP Friendliness. If it is any help James Warren is a big fan of the Beach Boys.
H.P. Saucecraft says
Okeydokey. Off to see if they have Friendliness at the eel market.