I like the idea of an Afterword Room 101 where we chuck out celebrities or everyday items that can be discarded never more to be seen. I think we can be more creative than those ‘stars’ who are paid to give their examples.
Firstly – Michael McIntyre. Sorry just not funny – he is to comedy what King Herod was to babies. And that hair that never moves and the parting in the middle of his head that looks like someone has put an axe through his head.Tempting.
Secondly – ‘Accept all cookies’ every time you go on a bloody website – yes we bloody know. Just fuck off.
Thirdly – Supermarket packaging for Ham or Bacon as an example – you carefully peel it back, take out the bacon you need and put the peeled back plastic back in a close approximation of the position it was in before you opened the packaging. The next day when you fancy the remaining ham/bacon you can guarantee it is curled up at the edges and looks unedifying.
Just three that get my goat, I am sure many of you will have worthy additions.