T-Mobile Park – Seattle, Washington, USA
Date: 19/10/2019
An occasional post from your (far) North West corespondent here. It’s a long drive from Portland to Seattle – a bit shy of 200 miles, but these guys aren’t getting any younger and my step-daughter, at 16, is a big fan of late 60s-early 70s rock, and that is to be encouraged, so the pair of us made the trek north.
This tour was put together by Daltrey, using the theory that you could pick up a local orchestra, have them rehearse up the set during the day, and slap a rock band in front of them on the night. Townshend was skeptical and there seems to have been a certain amount of arm twisting to get him to come on board.
I’m getting ahead of myself. The venue was T-Mobile Park, which is where the Seattle Mariners play “baseball”, which I’m informed is some sort of cricket/rounders like game. It must be quite popular as the stadium is huge. Being “up North” the climate is challenging, so the building has a retractable roof, and mercifully, it’s fully extended tonight, covering about half the stadium. The stage is set » Continue Reading.