Deaf Institute, Manchester
Date: 10/02/2023
Can there be a less unalloyed pleasure then finally seeing live a band who you’re listened to for many years but, partly because they’re from another country, partly because they’re not that big, you never thought they’d tour over here again. So it is with Stars, the Canadian indie poppers now well into their third decade as a band. No Birmingham date on their short current tour, so a quick train and an Ibis Styles later I’m at the Deaf Institute. It’s tiny! There are probably sixty souls when I arrive, and by the time Stars are on that number has doubled. But even so, 120 tickets at €20 a pop does not leave much to go between six band members, two roadies, sound engineer and so on. Other dates I hope are in bigger venues, otherwise I am guessing someone is losing their shirt on this. Support is an eccentric but endearing solo act from Murray Lightburn, frontman for fellow Montealers The Dears, Stars are on just after eight – just about fitting bass, guitar, drums, keyboards and two singers onto the tiny stage. But before Stars start, a brief digression. As » Continue Reading.