If this site stands for anything it’s surely absurd over-analysis of our musical choices. So, in that spirit here’s a thread about Oxfaming, ebaying, or to give it a fancy dan title: deaccessiioning:
The process by which a work of art or other object is permanently removed from a museum’s collection to sell it or otherwise dispose of it.
For work of art in this case read ‘Yes’, a mid-period Pet Shop Boys CD, for museum in this case read my shelves. Now there may be some of you who with a devil may care attitude can just toss a CD in the bin with no more thought than a trucker tossing a hopelessly tangled Carpenters greatest hits cassette from his rig into the hedgerow. This thread is not for you. It’s for those who have a more extended dialogue with themselves about exactly what and when has to leave.
Firstly, let us say it is only with the greatest of reluctance that this subject is approached at all. Thoughts such as ‘Don’t I have enough music’ ‘Why did I buy this’ and even darker thoughts such as ‘Do I really think my kids will be grateful for the chance » Continue Reading.